"Mo Zhi, you."

Su Suizhu panicked, subconsciously looked at A Ci.

Why are you crazy, the child is still here!
"A Ci, you have to avoid it for a while, Father is going to bandage your mother's wound."

Mo Zhi understood what she meant, since she was thin-skinned, she just avoided the children.

"Okay then, Ah Ci won't disturb your sweet time together."

Although Ah Ci showed some reluctance, he walked out quickly and closed the door behind him.

God, this kid really talks about everything!

"Mo Zhi, let go of me, I'll take care of my injuries myself! Don't touch me!"

Su Suizhu saw that his subordinates were not idle, and their clothes had fallen to her shoulders, so he stopped him urgently.

Thinking of Mo Zhi's tenderness when he undressed her last night, Su Suizhu's cheeks flushed red instantly, and he felt very hot.

"This injury is on the waist. It's not convenient for you. There are no outsiders around now. It's okay between us as a husband and wife."

Mo Zhi's words made Su Suizhu a little embarrassed.

Recalling the inexplicably added fourth trial world, I don’t know how it happened, but I have no previous memory, and I still have a ghostly relationship with him.
Su Suizhu wanted to turn his head away to avoid his gaze, but at this moment he was frozen, and besides being able to speak, he couldn't move at all.

"Who is your husband and wife! Mo Zhi, I've said it before, the things in the trial world are all fake, that's not me at all!"

"Then the person who was in the cave with me before is also a fake? Sui Sui, you were the one who teased me first, why? Now you don't want to be responsible?"

Now that they all came and met people, Mo Zhi naturally refused to leave easily.

Besides, she now also knows the origin of the grievances between the two people in the mortal world, and at the moment, there is no room for change, is there?
Why does this bring up the matter of the cave again?
Su Suizhu was also confused. At that time, he really didn't know what to think, as if he was confused, but he still took the initiative
"But when we were in Wuwang Mountain, we already made it clear that you said that I am not worthy, so don't be responsible to me. If you have forgotten, I don't mind reminding you again!"

She also didn't believe that Mo Zhi would completely forget about this. He hated her even more at that time, so how could he change his attitude towards her and even like her because of the short time in the trial world?
"Sui Sui, at that time, I didn't know that it was you who were all my fault. I will definitely find a way to make up for it. After you recover from your injury, no matter whether you beat me or scold you, just let me do anything. , I am willing.”

Mo Zhi's low profile at this time changed from usual, making Su Suizhu feel a little strange, would a cold-hearted person like him bend his knees and speak soft words for others?
"But I almost killed you too..."

Su Suizhu emphasized on purpose.

Mo Zhi smiled calmly, "I'm not so easy to die, is I?"

The moment he lowered his head, Mo Zhi concealed the worry in his eyes.

He didn't take off all her clothes, but lifted them up loosely, revealing her slender and graceful waist, and carefully unwrapped the gauze, the shocking wound was still overflowing with blood.

Mo Zhi couldn't help feeling distressed for a while, and his fingertips continued to convey spiritual power again.

With spell restraint, the effect is basically greatly reduced.

Su Suizhu remained silent until Mo Zhi suddenly groaned, breaking off a phantom object from the top of his head, and it fell into his palm and immediately turned into a black object.

It clearly looks like a dragon horn!
"Mo Zhi, what are you doing?"

Su Suizhu believed that the Mo Zhi transformed into the dragon that he saw in the trial world should be his real body, and a mere snake spirit should not be that powerful.

"It's not very useful for me to keep this thing, but it is extremely hard, enough to break any spells and magic tools."

Mo Zhi's face instantly turned pale, and even the light color of his lips faded from the remaining blood.

Although there was still a slight smile on the corner of his lips, Su Suizhu could clearly see the blue veins on his forehead, and even the traces of sweat on his brows.

It sure hurts!

She had never heard the story about the severed dragon's horn. Such a thing was part of his body, so how could it be useless?

Su Suizhu faintly had an obvious guess, and shouted, "No!"

She didn't want to owe him such a big favor, and she didn't want to have any more entanglements with him!
But she was trapped by the body-holding technique at this time, and she couldn't stop Mo Zhi from going his own way at all.

Su Suizhu could only see his focused and serious expression, and there was more sweat on his brows.

The pain gradually dissipated, and Mo Zhi withdrew his hand in time.

The body-holding technique was also unlocked, Su Suizhu moved his fingertips, and immediately sat up.

Mo Zhi lowered his eyelids and fell into her arms.

"Ink stop."

This time, Su Suizhu didn't push him away.

"How can you be so cruel, you can do this kind of cruelty to yourself! Doesn't it hurt?"

Su Suizhu raised his sleeves and wiped the sweat from his eyebrows for him.

When Mo Zhi raised his eyes a little, he saw the worried look in her eyes, and the corners of her lips raised slightly.

"Sui Sui, are you worried about me?"

"Who should worry about you! I just don't want to owe you!"

Su Suizhu avoided his gaze and turned his head away.

"Sui Sui, you never owe me anything, it's me who should make it up to you."

"Dead brain! I really don't know what you think."

Su Suizhu didn't abandon him now, after all, her injury was healed, and now she was about to put him on the bed with her arms on his body.

Seeing this, Mo Zhi turned around and wrapped his arms around her waist, and pressed tightly against her bosom, with a soft and gentle voice.

"Sui Sui, I'm injured now, don't go..."

She took the initiative every time, so this time it's better to change him.

Mo Zhi wanted to cherish and keep such time, he was afraid that she would get up and leave without hesitation, just like when she disappeared in the morning...

"You let go first."

Su Suizhu pushed his arm and remained motionless.

Mo Zhi refused, if he let go, would he still be able to hug him properly?
"Head hurts."

Mo Zhi simply closed his eyes.

In the fourth trial world, Sui Sui cared so much about him and cared about him, but only one night later, Mo Zhi did not believe that she would be completely ruthless to him at this time.

Feeling the light touch between the hair, it was she who was fiddled with his hair, as if she was looking for something.

"Where's the wound? Did you hide it, don't lie to me!"

"I was discovered by you again..."

With a slight smile on the corner of Mo Zhi's mouth, he moved his fingertips, and there was an original wound on his right forehead instantly.

Since she will be distressed and worried, let her see it.

Su Suizhu just raised his hand to touch it, but the wound disappeared instantly.

"It will recover slowly, Sui Sui, can you not drive me away?"

Mo Zhi's complexion is not good, and now she leans against her arms weakly, the beauty is weak and sick, I feel pity for her.

Su Suizhu couldn't say what he wanted to say to refuse.

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