Mo Zhi saw that her expression was a little looser, and he took her body down with a little force, and the two of them lay on the bed together.

"Sui Sui, your body is just right, take a break."

Su Suizhu pushed his chest away, eager to get up.

"You rest yourself."

Mo Zhi hugged her tightly and didn't let go, he lowered his head to meet her dodging eyes, and the blush on his face was not his illusion.

"Mo Zhi, let go"

"Last night you called me brother Mo Zhi, and your husband..."

"I said it wasn't me!"

"Then why don't you dare to look at me?"

Su Suizhu felt guilty for a while, the two were close at hand, those obsessive actions kept surging in her mind, what do you want her to think?
Mo Zhi waited quietly for her answer, his warm breath sprayed on her cheeks, carrying a trace of familiar sandalwood aroma, which made her heart flutter, and her heart was about to jump out.

The lingering love from last night seemed to be within reach, as long as she wanted, he could still belong to her.

But can those grievances and malice in the past really be regarded as never happening?
Su Suizhu's heart is full of contradictions, on one side is Mo Zhi's disdain and disgust, and on the other hand is his seemingly sincere tenderness.
Su Suizhu's heart sank, and he slowly raised his eyes, avoiding is always not the best way to deal with things.

Once meeting those deep eyes, Su Suizhu couldn't help but indulge in the vortex, and was burned to the heart by a burst of hot breath.

The gentle and lingering kiss moved her heart, and easily aroused the longing in her heart, and the madness wandered clamorously on the edge of reason.

Su Suizhu took a bite of the sweetness lightly, bowed his head weakly and stopped.

"Mo Zhi, why do you keep doing this to me?"

Her breathing was so rapid that Mo Zhi could even hear her heart beating like a drum.

This is probably the feeling that Fan Jian said about each other's heartbeat, he just wants to get and savor it again and again.

"Because I want to be with you and be your husband, every year, I don't want to wait any longer..."

"But interracial love is not allowed by heaven, do you remember Mu Che?"

Su Suizhu also had certain guesses about her life experience. Two demons adopted her and insisted on her liver. How could she be just a mere mortal...

But no matter what it is, she can be sure that she is definitely not the same dragon as Mo Zhi!
"Sui Sui, don't worry, I can assure you that our children will never be affected by heaven!"

"I don't want you to promise anything, I just tell you that I will never have a child for you."

Su Suizhu's fingertips gently caressed Mo Zhi's eyebrows, then to the tip of his nose, and finally landed on his lips. It was charming and charming, but also a little unnoticeably cool.

Mo Zhi suddenly remembered that at that time he was speaking harshly to Su Suizhu, telling Su Suizhu that she was not worthy to give birth to cubs for him
"Years old."

"I will not give birth to any man. This is why I have been unwilling to get married. You have to think about it, can you accept it?"

Seeing him frowning, Su Suizhu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. When it comes to children, men all over the world are indeed the same!

"it is good."

Did he agree?

"It's easy to promise now, if you go back on your word later..."

Su Suizhu has always been open-minded and free-spirited when it comes to relationships, and he does not want to tie a person's heart with marriage and children.

She admitted that there was indeed an inexplicable fascination with Mo Zhi, and it was difficult to resist the temptation of his body.

The world can't restrain her at all, it just depends on whether she wants it or not.

This was delivered to her door, and she had tasted the beauty again, so she couldn't help but want to covet the gift.
"Sui Sui, you won't be able to wait until this day. Once I identify the person, it will never change."

Thousands of years ago, even though he has sealed up the memories about her and the heart that adores her, he still found her, and he can still hold her in his arms like this moment.

Mo Zhi took the initiative to approach, and deepened the lingering kiss just now, and it continued.

"You're still hurt, enough is enough."

Su Suizhu grabbed his troublesome hand to stop him, and his coquettish appearance made Mo Zhi unable to calm down.

"It's okay, you know about my body."

Mo Zhi's charming and lazy voice slowly flowed into Su Suizhu's ear, and he lowered his head at the right time and lightly bit her ear, the flushed color was even more charming.

Worse than the wedding night.

It is said that the physique of a snake is very special, and it is even more so when he transforms into a dragon...

After revisiting it, Su Suizhu only felt that the legend was somewhat believable
In the early morning, Su Suizhu moved his body a little, feeling that he was about to fall apart, so he just wrapped up the quilt and continued to lie on the bed.

Mo Zhi brought a bowl of porridge to the bedside, but Su Suizhu still turned his back and refused to talk to him.

"Father, mother is still awake? Why can't Ah Ci go in?"

Hearing Ah Ci's voice, Su Suizhu immediately sat up and looked cautiously at the door.

"It's okay, I set up an enchantment at the door for my husband, no one can just break in."

Mo Zhi put down the porridge with a smile, his eyes fell on Su Suizhu's smooth and fair shoulders.

Su Suizhu hastily pulled up the quilt to block it.

"Don't look!"

"Okay, I don't want to watch it for my husband."

After reciting Mo Zhi, Su Suizhu immediately put on his clothes in a hurry, feeling his body was weak, and he felt a little erratic.

"You are not allowed to call yourself my husband in the future."

"Why? Obviously we have already"

Su Suizhu put on his underwear just now, he was so tired that he couldn't lift his energy, so he seemed to lie down again.

"At least we are now unknown and inappropriate."

"Then I will take you back and make a special trip to hold a wedding."

Mo Zhi's eyes brightened, it turned out that she still cared, as long as she wanted, he would satisfy her!
Su Suizhu raised her eyes casually, "Actually, I don't want to get married that much, is it not good now?"

Mo Zhiyin removed the gloomy eyes, held her hand, and smiled softly.

"Sui Sui, as long as you are happy."

Su Suizhu pursed her lips and chuckled, wrapped his arms around his neck and pecked his lips lightly.

It was originally a reward for being superficial, but Mo Zhi refused to let it go until Su Suizhu's body became limp and weak again.
Mo Zhi looked at the person lying in his arms obediently like a kitten, with pampering eyes, and gently kneaded her waist.

"Sui Sui! Sui Sui!"

A loud voice broke the sweetness at this time.

Su Suizhu almost jumped out of bed, and was so anxious that he pushed Mo Zhi to hide.

"Hurry up, Meng Yurou is here, you hide quickly, if she sees you, I really can't tell!"

Su Suizhu didn't forget that before she went up the mountain, Wang Siqing was her fiancé who was confused in a daze. It would be terrible if she saw a big living person hiding in her room.

"A Ci?"

Did this voice come from Lin Qinghan?

Su Suizhu panicked even more, "Ah, Ah Ci is outside, too bad!"

Mo Zhi's face darkened instantly.

"Are you so afraid that others will see me with you?"

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