Doom Bakery

Chapter 78 Doubts emerge

Chapter 78 Doubts emerge
Now our house is no longer the yurt we lived in before. Before, we all lived in the yurts that were created by the original cattle herders. In the past few years, the original houses were demolished and converted into row bungalows.

Starting from the first floor of the bungalow, we dig down layer by layer. The ground is no longer suitable for human habitation. Human beings are digging down layer by layer in search of survival.

Pushing open the door, we are in a bungalow room for a family of four. On the left side of the door is the stove, with the kitchen utensils we brought from Tianshui Village placed on it. A small partition was made in the middle, and several wooden strips were pieced together to form a complete rice board. A small sliding door was also made. This was probably made by Jiayang. Our home in Tianshui Village also has a similar sliding door.

On the right side is a table with a few books on it. Mom put the things on the shelves inside, sorted the books on the table, and said, "This is Lele's desk. This child must have done his homework last night." I finished writing. I was so anxious to finish writing in the morning that I didn’t have time to sort it out.”

"Xiao Qi, please help me see if these are useful papers or useless papers." Mom pushed a pile of things on the table over.

I put down the crutches and leaned against the wall. I packed them up and asked, "Is it normal for Lele and the others to go to school?"

"Later, two teachers were rescued. They allocated several rooms in the bungalow in front of us to sit in the classroom. The previous children and Lele all went to school there."

"Oh." After I cleaned up the books and papers scattered on the table, I followed my mother and walked inside. There were also some things from the previous bus piled inside.

Going further inside, there is a small staircase. It is a little dark under the stairs. My mother brought a flashlight from the side and illuminated the space below.

The second underground floor is similar to the space upstairs. It is very clean, the walls are flat, and there are a lot of building materials on it. It doesn't look like a rough room where things are stored on the first floor.

"These are all made by Jiayang. He said that it would be more comfortable for you to live back. He goes to the construction site to work every day and carries these boards back. He said that Xiaoqi will wake up one day and said that you are afraid of bugs, so you must make them Just be cool and refreshing.”

After this period of digestion, I have gradually accepted the fact that Jia Yang left, but there are still traces of Jia Yang everywhere in my life, reminding me to live strong.


There are two small rooms on the second underground floor, and racks removed from the bus are placed here, where a lot of clothes are stored. Two mothers sleep here.

Mom put my things on the second basement floor, and I slept here later.

As Lele grew up, it was not good for him to sleep with us all the time, so Jia Yang also prepared a three-story basement with a small space. He and Lele lived here together before. After Jia Yang left, the three underground floors became Lele's world alone.

I thought there were no more traces of Jia Yang on the third underground floor, so I didn’t go down.

The quilt on the bed had been laid out before my mother picked me up. We put down the things on our hands and returned to the first floor.

The battery of the flashlight can only be taken to the factory for charging once a week, so everyone tries to stay on the first floor to reduce power consumption.

My mother mysteriously took out a piece of meat from the cupboard on the first floor and said, "Instead of eating a big pot of rice tonight, eat something delicious. I haven't eaten the food cooked by my mother for so long. Are you feeling greedy?" I hugged my mother's hand. arms, acting coquettishly towards mother.

It’s better to really be with your family.

The temperature outside the hospital was much lower than that in the hospital. I only had to wear a long-sleeved shirt in the hospital, and I felt hot even if I wore more than one to exercise. After I came out, I still felt cold even wearing a hat and a thick coat.

Talking to my mother, I learned that the hospital and the research laboratory were merged together a few years ago for some unknown reason. In order to facilitate research, a constant temperature must be maintained even though a large amount of energy is consumed. "If you're cold, go downstairs and get some of Jiayang's clothes to wear. His clothes are big." Mom said while cooking.

I felt really cold, so I went downstairs and rummaged around. Jia Yang's clothes were put in a separate box. I found a very thick down jacket, which was draped around me like the heroine in a Korean drama, but I You know, my current image probably has nothing to do with the sense of atmosphere.

Seeing me coming up wearing such thick clothes, my mother smiled and said, "Wait until Lele comes back and see if she laughs at you."

We were chatting like this, and the person outside suddenly opened the door, only to see Lele standing at the door, with surprise in his eyes, and said: "Mom Xiaoqi, you are finally discharged from the hospital!"

"Yes! Lele, come here quickly and let Xiaoqi's mother take a look at you!"

While in the hospital, I fell into a state of self-sadness and did not take a serious look at the changes in the people around me. Two mothers often came to take care of me, and the years left deep traces on their cheeks and hair.

I just remember that the last time I saw Lele, I only noticed that Lele had grown a lot taller.

Although the life in the safe fortress allowed him to have enough food and clothing, he still looked very thin.

Jia Yang's mother also got off work at this time, opened the door and came in, and the family of four reunited in this small house.

Jiayang’s mother told interesting things that happened in the factory. The factory is responsible for many projects. Jiayang’s mother is responsible for fabric recycling and reuse. Lin Kai’s workplace is also nearby.

At the dinner table, Jia Yang’s mother said, “I met Lin Kai today.”

We knew that Tian Li was nine months pregnant and was about to give birth, so her mother asked, "How is Li Zi lately? Is she about to give birth?"

"I was just about to tell you this," Jiayang's mother lowered her voice and continued: "We don't have a professional obstetrician here. This time we went for a B-ultrasound, and the result was not good." Jiayang's mother's face changed. Got to be heavy.

"How could this happen? Didn't you check it out before?" I couldn't help but ask.

"There are only a few doctors in the safe fortress, and the equipment is outdated. We can't go to the hospital as often as we did back then. In recent years, pregnant girls rarely go to the hospital for check-ups," said Jiayang's mother.

"Yes, but in the past three years, many children have been born in the safety fortress. Although there are no prenatal check-ups, they are all safe and sound." The mother also said worriedly.

"Lin Kai also said that it might have something to do with the vaccine that was given to you at that time. Xiaoqi, did you get the vaccine when you went out?" Jia Yang's mother turned to me and asked.

I tried to remember, "We did get the vaccine when we went to find a doctor and equipment for my father." I recalled that everyone had a big reaction after that injection, but we all adapted to it later, and no one had other reactions. " But we are all fine!”

Jia Yang's mother clapped her hands and said, "That's it! He himself suspected that there was a problem from that time!"

(End of this chapter)

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