Doom Bakery

Chapter 79 Antibody Abnormality

Chapter 79 Antibody Abnormality
"Mom, what do you mean? What else did Lin Kai say?" I began to doubt.

"He suspects that the vaccine was injected into your body before it was mature at all!" Jia Yang's mother replied.

"But those of us who got the shot, Jiayang, me, Lin Kai, Tian Li, we are all fine... At that time, they told us that everyone in the rescue team had been vaccinated. Oh, right! Where is Fang Zhijiu? Isn't he the captain of the rescue team? Lin Kai can go ask Fang Zhijiu!"

"Xiaoqi, don't worry, let's think about it slowly. Captain Fang has been working in the rescue team, and we have rarely seen him for such a long time." Mom comforted.

Jia Yang's mother said: "Yes, Xiaoqi, if there is really any problem, we should go to Lin Kai to discuss it first."

It seems it's time to go find Lin Kai.

The next day.

Both mothers went to work in the factory. Lele gave me a piece of paper before going to school.

"Mom Xiaoqi, we are here. You can go to Uncle Lin Kai's house by clicking on this picture."

I turned over this piece of paper, and Lele actually marked the distribution of the living areas in the security fortress in detail. There were several houses and even the route was marked for me.

It’s really difficult to walk here without anyone to lead the way. This picture from Lele was a great help to me.

"Thank you so much, Lele!" I hugged Lele and kissed him on the face. Lele looked at me happily like he was a child and said, "Then I'll go to school first!"

I packed up my things and looked at what I could bring to Xiaoqi at home. After rummaging around, I found some supplements from a long time ago.

When I walked out of the house, the artificial sun lit up again.

Stepping out the door, the temperature outside is not that low anymore.

I followed Lele's picture and walked right to an intersection, then turned left and walked past two rows of houses.

I looked at the signs on the picture and found a tree with a crooked neck painted on the picture. Hey, Lele’s painting really looks like it.

Further inside this row of houses is Lin Kai and Xiao Qi's small home.

This house looked newer and seemed to be built at the back. I knocked on the door.

After a long time, I heard a weak voice inside, "Who is it?"

"I'm Xue Qi."

After waiting for a while, I could hear rustling sounds inside, and then I saw Xue Qi open the door, and a bloodless face appeared in front of me.

She looked happy when she saw me, "Sister Xiaoqi, you are discharged from the hospital! Come in quickly!"

She moved her body with some difficulty. I stepped forward to support her, crossed the threshold, and walked into the house with her.

"I'll come." After entering the house, I closed the door.

I looked around. Like all the houses in the security fortress, this place only relied on artificial sun as the light source. The house was clean and tidy. A bed was placed on the right side of the room. The quilt on the bed was lifted off a corner, and there was a a book. Tian Li was probably reading in bed just now when he heard my voice and got up from the bed.

There were no extra chairs in the room, so Tian Li pulled me to sit on the edge of the bed.

We haven’t seen each other for so long, but Tian Li and I have not become strangers.

She pulled me and said, "I've been getting heavier and heavier recently, so I haven't been to the hospital to see you much. Sister Xiaoqi, when were you discharged from the hospital?"

"I was just discharged from the hospital yesterday. I heard from Jiayang's mother that you are not in good condition recently. I want to come and see. Is it because you are about to give birth?" "Forget it, it's not the time yet. It's more than eight months now and there is no mother-in-law. The obstetrician is here, and I can’t even figure it out.”

I quickly handed over the supplements I brought to Tian Li and said, "I looked around and found some supplements for the body at home. You can go back and ask Lin Kai to help you."

"You have just recovered, Sister Xiaoqi, take it back and eat it!"

I stood up and turned around to let Tian Li see clearly, then sat down and said, "I'm much better. I couldn't walk well at the beginning of rehabilitation. Now I can go out on my own. It's just a little slower. After all, I'm starting over again." Learn to walk." I smiled at her.

Looking at Tian Li's bulging belly and thinking that there was a little life inside, I reached out my hand and gently touched it, "How is the child?"

Talking about the child in her belly seemed to prick Tian Li's sadness. When the light from outside came in, her eyes flashed and tears flowed out.

"I don't know what's going on. The results of this test are not very good." I quickly took out the handkerchief in my pocket and wiped Tian Li's tears.

"Sister Xiaoqi, do you remember that we were vaccinated against zombies before?"

I nodded.

"The blood test results showed that my antibodies to the zombie virus were extremely high. The baby had no fetal movement during this period. Lin Kai took me to the hospital for a B-ultrasound. The baby's heartbeat was also very weak."

I couldn't help but feel anxious for Tian Li.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scene that was even more beyond my expectations. Tian Li took off his coat and lifted up the clothes underneath.

"I thought it was stretch marks at first, and I was prepared, but the longer they get, the weirder they become."

Tian Li's belly was round, with many black lines on it, like a watermelon exploding.

"Is this melanin deposition?" I couldn't believe it.

"No, look." Tian Li kept showing.

I took a closer look, and it looked more like black blood flowing in the veins, flowing on Tian Li's belly.

"My mother said that other people gave birth to babies in Safe Fortress. Did this happen to them? By the way! Have they been vaccinated?"

Tian Li shook his head and said: "None of them have been vaccinated. I don't know why. At that time, there were only Lin Kai, you and Brother Jia Yang."

"They left my report because amniocentesis was not possible and I don't know the specific situation. Sister Xiaoqi, I'm really scared." Tian Li cried louder and louder.

I could only continue to comfort her and advise her not to have too many emotional ups and downs during pregnancy.

After Lin Kai was injected with the vaccine, he did have a great reaction, "Where's Lin Kai, did he have any abnormalities in his body afterwards?"

Tian Li responded to me while sobbing: "No, he has always been very good. He also joined the rescue team and often went on missions. The last mission was with Brother Jia Yang." She looked at me nervously and made sure I continued without much reaction, "Lin Kai has not been on missions since then and has been working in this fortress."

"This is too strange. Don't worry yet. Maybe the research laboratory has a solution. People in the hospital can even save me from a vegetative state. Tian Li, you have to think on the bright side, eat more and rest more, and stay healthy. Be happy! Your baby will be fine too!”

I patted Tian Li's shoulder gently.

The door was opened heavily by an external force, and the person who came said in a heavy voice: "Lizi, let's clean up quickly and go to the hospital!" There was a person following behind, giving instructions outside the door.

It's Lin Kai. Following behind was Fang Zhijiu.

(End of this chapter)

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