Group pet big boss milk Huhu: relying on fortune telling is popular in Beijing

Chapter 135 I just want to climb onto the bed of the little milk baby and coax the little baby to sl

Chapter 135 I just want to climb onto the bed of the little milk baby and coax the little baby to sleep~
"You are not the best. If you really do such a thing, I can tell you that if your father does not beat you, I will send you to the prison of Dali Temple!"

"Don't scare me with your brother. I, Zheng Er, have never done anything illegal. He can't catch me." Zheng Er wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said helplessly:
"If you have nothing else to do, you can get out, I'm going to coax Xiao Chuchu to sleep."

"You're the only fool who can put a baby to sleep?"

Shang Xiang doesn't believe it, he remembers that when he brought his little sister here last time, he asked Zheng Er to coax his sister to sleep. His sister was about to fall asleep, but he coaxed her to lose any sleepiness at all, and made a fuss all afternoon. .

"Believe it or not." Zheng Er didn't care whether he believed it or not, all he was thinking about now was crawling on the little cute baby's bed, coaxing the little milk baby to sleep, and he didn't have much other thoughts.

"Didn't you ask the little milk baby if you want you to put her to sleep?"

These words obviously touched Zheng Er's sadness, and he didn't need to remind him of these words, he naturally knew that the little milk boy was not happy.

When he thought of how the little milk boy disliked him just now, he was very sad, really sad.

I have never been so sad before, but it is really the first time in history that I am so disgusted by a little milk baby.

When others dislike him, they dislike him in their hearts, and naturally it won't show on their face.

"I get it, you should get out of there quickly, you were originally disliked by the little milk boy, if it's later, you will definitely dislike me even more."

Shang Xiang didn't want to talk to the idiot in front of her, so she just rolled away.

If he stayed any longer, he was afraid that the idiot in front of him would become an idiot too.

What kind of thought is this, telling him to find a wife instead of a wife, but to find a little girl to coax other people's little milk baby to sleep?

This is pure idleness!
Zheng Er entered the room, sat in front of the little milk baby's bed, stretched out his hand and poked the little milk baby's face, not to mention the chubby face, which was as big as a steamed bun, and it was very soft to touch.

When will he also have such a soft and cute little milk baby for him to pet.

This is purely a fool's dream.

According to the fact that he doesn't want to get married, and doesn't want to have anything to do with women, he will have a spicy daughter, how about playing with him?
But Zheng Er didn't know, he was still fantasizing in his heart.

Those salty pig's hands touched the little baby's chubby cheeks and touched the other's little hands, and then touched the other's little feet with the little hands.

It's really small.

Look at his hands again, why are they so big?
He remembered that when he was four years old, his hands were bigger than this kid's!
And when he was four years old, he didn't even have two funny little thorns on his head.

But why are these two little claws so pretty on her head?
When thinking of this, the pair of salty pig hands that touched the little feet directly touched the little girl's hair.

Facing and rubbing the two little pinches on the little milkman's head, two caterpillars came out abruptly, which made it even weirder and more funny.

But a certain mentally handicapped person was still playing, and the key point was that he was having so much fun, it really made him laugh to death.

The little milk baby is so much fun, the key point is that such a cute and soft baby milk baby, it would be even better if she could always be played by her like this.

Obviously, it was overthinking, the little milk baby was just asleep, if she wasn't asleep, she wouldn't let anyone touch her.

The little milk baby in her sleep always felt something moving on her head, whimpered, and her chubby little hands greeted her head directly.

"Mosquito, if you bite me again, I will destroy your whole family tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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