Group pet big boss milk Huhu: relying on fortune telling is popular in Beijing

Chapter 136 Dare to snatch my aunt's pacifier, my aunt will cry for you, hum!

Chapter 136 Dare to snatch my aunt's pacifier, my aunt will cry for you, hum!
When she said this, she was so fierce that even her eyebrows were twisted into caterpillars.

Just the words that come out, slurred.

But it doesn't lose momentum at all!
Zheng Er saw her fierce and fierce appearance, and felt that she was even more cute, so cute!
"Hmph! My young master, Yushu, is suave and suave, yet you dare to call me a mosquito. Let's see how I punish you!"

The soft voice was mixed with anger, and the salty pig's hand began to pull the pacifier in her mouth again.

This pacifier was a birthday present from Pan Xiaosheng after she came to Kyoto. She sleeps surprisingly well with this pacifier every night.

"Whoever grabs my aunt's pacifier, my aunt will cry, and cry very hard!"

"What if I just snatched this young master, so you dare to call this young master a mosquito!"

If Chu Chu didn't talk in his sleep, Zheng Er would lose interest in playing, but the milk doll responded to him, and Zheng Er became playful, so naturally he wouldn't let the cute baby in front of him easily!

She snatched the pacifier from her pacifier with her fingers. Chuchu was sucking on the pacifier when she suddenly felt that the pacifier was gone, and she couldn’t suck the sweet goat grandma. Yi Bian frowned aggrievedly.

"Pacifier, where did the nest's pacifier go?"

The little milk baby turned into a monster in an instant, and her chubby little hands began to fumble around for her little pacifier.

Zheng Eryi saw the little milk baby's current state, and instantly felt that the anger he received just now had dissipated a lot.

Thinking of Shang Xiang's words just now, he almost lost his reputation because of the little milk baby.

Anyway, he has to get back the cost from her, or else the grievances she has suffered today will not be in vain?

Thinking of this, Zheng Er ordered the night watchman to add a lot of salt.

He just wanted to see if the little girl would cry after drinking such a salty goat grandma.

Just thinking about it puts him in a good mood.

When he was nibbling the seasoned pacifier, Zheng Er smiled happily.

With a schadenfreude smile.

So when he sent the little pacifier to her pink mouth, he saw that the little milk baby sniffed it first with his small nose, then put the pacifier in his mouth, and sucked the grandma into his mouth.

The two chubby little hands did not forget to hold the feeding bottle, and the raised butt was exposed in front of Zheng Er.

"Do you know how to be ashamed!"

Zheng Er said with disgust, and when he said something, he didn't forget to pat her delicate and beautiful little butt with his hands.

"Don't touch the nest, if you touch my ass again, I will stinky you to death!"

Zheng Er: ...

Putting stinky fart, if she dares to let it go, he will smash her little fart to death!

I thought so in my heart, but he didn't actually take any action. Her sister wanted to be pampered in the palm of his hand. How could he spank her little ass?

He must be reluctant to fight. If he loses the fight, who can compensate him for such a soft and cute girl?
More importantly, what would he do in the future without this child! ? ?

I dare not think about the consequences!
Zheng Er looked at the girl in front of him, and felt happy in his heart, just because there would be a little sister by his side!

It's his favorite little sister!

But when Zheng Er, who put salt into the baby's pacifier, did something bad, he didn't think of the word "sister" at all~

But no matter whether he added salt or not, the little milk baby seemed to be unable to feel anything!
With a pacifier in his mouth, he is sucking happily!
Unknowingly, when drowsiness came quietly, Zheng Er also fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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