The cubs are also afraid.

So is croak.

Why hasn't anyone noticed they're missing yet!

Guagua had already hugged his knees and buried his head in his arms. If he hadn't taken care of the little red sun and the cubs, Guagua felt that he could dig a hole and live here for one night.

Didn't you live by yourself before you took shape?
Wilderness, wasteland, night, these places are the places where they lived before.

Is it because of the leader that they become weak?

No, because they have a home.

There is also a soft and reliable place in my heart.

Guagua held the small basket in his hand, thinking of Teacher Chen, the more he thought about it, the more sad he felt. The pastries he wanted to give her were completely cold, and he didn't know when he would be able to return home...I missed her so much.

Yuzai felt a little more sad than scared. He knew that Teacher Shen didn't like him. He was not as cute as Dawang and Roudun, nor as cute as Little Hongri. He was obedient and sensible. Ai Pu had a loud voice Healthy...

He is nothing.

"Teacher Shen..." Yuzai silently hugged Xiao Hongri tightly, thinking about Shen Qianli in his heart, he really wanted to go home and eat Teacher Shen's roasted yams, and he didn't want to dislike it anymore.



Tears flowed from Yuzai's eyes, and he seemed to hear someone calling him in a trance, is it Teacher Shen?
"Ah!" Little Hongri jumped up suddenly, and shouted loudly: "The cubs are here! We are here!"

Shen Qianli appeared with an oil lamp, they seemed to see an angel, tears filled their eyes with excitement, teacher Shen is here!You can go home now!
And Yuzai was also holding his hands, looking at Shen Qianli obediently.

Shen Qianli saw a pitiful look of two or three cubs in the wind, her expression froze for a moment, she frowned: "Why don't you go home? I wonder if the teacher is worried?"

"Mr. Shen, I'm scared! It's so dark..." Xiao Hongri slipped down from the cub's arms and ran towards Shen Qianli, her eyes were red.

Shen Qianli knelt down to catch him and hug him.

"Your wish flowers are all in bloom?" I found that Xiao Hongri's wish flowers had disappeared.


Little Hongri lay in Shen Qianli's arms, nodded obediently, looked towards Yuzai, and said, "Mr. Shen, my flowers are blooming on top of Yuzai's head."

When Yuzai heard Xiao Hongri talking about him, he couldn't help feeling tense, Mr. Shen, he...

Sure enough, Shen Qianli looked at Yuzai following Xiao Hongri's gaze, and at first glance at his legs, the wheelchair was sitting well, the blanket was not lost, and he was obedient; then his eyes paused on his face, Is the cub crying? His face is so dirty. Finally, he put his eyes on the top of his head: three petals of different colors are shining, which is very beautiful.

Shen Qianli: "..."

No wonder the flowers on the heads of Dawang and Roudun disappeared too.

Fish pups are flower collectors?This is what the game calls the collection of seven flowers of will to open the deep sea channel?

Wishing flower? ?

But the game is awesome.

"Teacher Shen..."

Yuzai noticed that Shen Qianli's gaze was fixed, but he didn't speak, and couldn't help but feel sour. He was so good to Xiao Hongri, why didn't he say a word to himself?
Shen Qianli hugged Xiao Hongri and walked over.

Seeing that the croaks are also quiet and neither cry nor fuss, and the cubs are crying... It really frightened them, they just lost their way and couldn't find it after walking for a long time.

Shen Qianli asked, and they went back around four o'clock in the afternoon.

It's almost eight o'clock at night.

Shen Qianli: "How did you get here?"

Even if she came here, she also took many wrong intersections, and it was indeed easy to get lost.

A half-old boy, taking a primary school student and adding a kindergarten... She has a headache, are all three of them road idiots?
In the beginning, it was the road pointed by the little red sun... well, they didn't dare to say it.

"Let's go, it's alright."

"The teacher will take you back."

After her words fell, a flying black shadow came over. Shen Qianli's eyes turned cold, and he quickly reached out and grabbed something in the dark night. Looking down, it was a vine with some barbs on it, as thick as a baby's arm!
"Ah!" Xiao Hongri exclaimed, and quickly covered her mouth, the end of the vine swept over Xiao Hongri's eyes, luckily it didn't hurt.

Shen Qianli: "Are you okay?"

Shen Qianli turned her hand, and the vine she grabbed made her wrap around her arm a few times, and pulled it tightly. She ignored the little red sun, and shouted at Yuzai and Gugua: "Hide behind me!"

The third day of the game is not over yet, so you can't help but do it?

Guagua saw that the situation was not good, and quickly grabbed Yuzai's wheelchair and hid behind Shen Qianli, one step away from her.

Yuzai grabbed the blanket and wanted to stand up to help Shen Qianli.

Shen Qianli: "Yuzi, your legs are not good, take care of yourself."

This means not letting the fish cubs do it.

Xiao Hongri stretched out his arms and hugged Shen Qianli's neck tightly, trembling with fear, he didn't know what was attacking them, so he was afraid.

The vine that Shen Qianli was holding around suddenly struggled violently, and soon the second vine went towards Shen Qianli's back: the target was the cub!

"Damn it!" Shen Qianli cursed in a low voice, she grabbed the vine, and the vine also restrained her!

"System!" Save the cubs! !
System 1233 compared her with a "6", and with a swipe, the ice sword had already cut off the vine of the despicable sneak attack, and picked her nose: [Shen Qianli, you are so shameful, even the little Mozhi can't handle it! 】

Shen Qianli was shocked: "How could Mo Zhi appear here?"

[How else could it be?It came for your cub, catch it and eat it!Great tonic. 】

[This sword is for you for the time being. Hurry up and get rid of this magic plant. The people in the village don’t know that there is still a magic plant here, and these three cubs ran out of the village. There is a high probability that this magic plant was killed by a fish cub. It's attracted by the smell, hurry up, let's run, there may be more behind. 】

The broken vines still have traces of ice burns... This sword is the power of extreme cold, which can directly burn objects!
Shen Qianli's gaze was on the ice sword summoned by the system. The sword was about 2 feet long. The body of the sword was made of ice crystals and was thin, revealing a faint cold light. The hilt was a golden dragon carving, which looked extremely majestic. The blade is so sharp that it can be regarded as a real blade like Qiushuang.

Shen Qianli put Xiao Hongri down, and Xiao Hongri obediently ran to Guagua and hid behind him.

"Come out!" Shen Qianli yelled, and she pulled the vine with all her strength, and a huge vine that looked like an octopus was pulled out!

It has many, many vines, each as thick as an arm, and it is a veritable magic plant!
"Ah!" Xiao Hongri was frightened, she didn't dare to look at it, and threw herself into Gugua's arms.

Guagua looked at the huge vine ball monster, his eyes were very confused. Since when is there such a monster hidden in the village?
After the fish cub saw the original appearance of the thing, his face turned pale, his lips trembled, this thing!I saw him when he was outside!It was raised by those people! !
Those people really didn't let me go! !

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