Chapter 103 Mermaid Legend (10)

The ice sword summoned by the system was extremely powerful, and it was summoned by a crystal card with an unknown level. When Shen Qianli held it, he felt that the spiritual power in his mind was about to be sucked dry.


Shen Qianli didn't dare to delay for a moment, for fear that he would be sucked up by the ice sword.

She rushed forward holding the sword, her current strength did not allow her to act aggressively, so she pierced through the vine ball Mozhi with a sword, and a burst of icy air spread out, Mozhi was frozen instantly and lost her mobility. Shen Qianli drew out the sword unambiguously, and the hole that was pierced instantly seemed to be burning, and the ice was "melting" the magic plant, just like magma melting steel!

Shen Qianli raised his eyebrows, what a domineering force! !
The shape of the ice sword dissipated.

This move is still very cool, except for Shen Qianli's pale face, unsteady footsteps, and fainting, everything is fine!
Shen Qianli: "Can't [Huo Dou] be used? Do you want to pretend to be so forceful and make a sword!?"

System 1233 rolled his eyes: [It's not that I don't want to, the firepower of Huo Dou is not enough, and you need to use the ultimate weapon to deal with Mozhi... Forget it, I will teach you a class in the future, I have to touch this thing later. 】

Shen Qianli frowned upon hearing this: "What do you mean?"

What do you mean you have to contact later?

"Do you still have these things in the game?" This magic plant is not very powerful, but it is very fast, and the vines are all aimed at the fatal blow.

Shen Qianli has never lost a fight, and this woman dares to fight against the star beast of a hundred thousand troops alone, so it is trivial to deal with Mo Zhi.

But not all players have the strength of Shen Qianli.

It's not something that can't be said, system 1233 simply told her about the purpose of the game: [Aren't there star beasts in your world?There are magic plants in our world, and they are all indestructible guys. Once the arena is built, in reality, there will be a bond between the game and your world, and the magic plants will go to your world. 】

[Of course, the people in your world are still too weak, so we will still put some magic plants in the form of games for you to practice your hands. When the magic plants appear in the real world, you will not be blinded, and you will directly give them heads ! 】

Shen Qianli: "???"

It's outrageous!
She suddenly felt a fishbone stuck in her throat, "You mean, for the sake of the peace of your world, you put the magic plant into our world and let us fight for more than ten years, more than 100 years?"

"Are you wanting the extinction of humans in our world?"

[The words are not so serious. 】

System 1233 obviously doesn't think there is any problem with this: [Your world is too weak, it's just a low-level plane, even if we don't put in magic plants, you won't last for many years, there are too few strong people in your world, the game will help you awaken Ability, level up, and let you use crystal cards...]

Awakening ability.

Level up.

Use crystal cards.

These powers are given by the game.

The tone of System 1233 is clearly purposeful and undisguised: 【This is a big change in your world. If you are smart enough, you can think of the appearance of the game and bring the world disaster at the same time. You can survive the disaster and evolve. Isn't it a good thing for you? 】

Human Evolution…

Survival of the fittest.

The world to come will face catastrophe.

Shen Qianli's face was ashen. She had a hunch that the power of the game was too weird, including these crystal cards. In the player forum, she had seen many players regard the game as their destiny, and they were the chosen ones. There is a sense of the birth of a cult force.

If you die in the game, you will die. With such a crazy thing, there are still people who regard the game as their destiny?
Are games helping us evolve?
Is it almost enough to say that we are going to be wiped out?

Shen Qianli sneered: "System, I'll talk to you when I'm free."

System 1233 also realized that he had done something stupid. Shen Qianli was rebellious. Knowing about these things, he would definitely not cooperate. He would cause damage in the game in the future, right?
The leader was right, Shen Qianli was indeed difficult to deal with.

Why are you still chatting with me, you want to fuck me!

System 1233 immediately ran away with a guilty conscience, saying that he didn't want to spoil the leader's good deeds at this juncture, it's only been a few days, and when Shen Qianli gets out of this game, the arena is almost finished!Let's see how tough Shen Qianli can be! !

Shen Qianli is not too stubborn now.

What does the world disaster have to do with her?She is not a savior.

At most, she would talk to the people who have the right to speak in the empire after the game, and tell them about the conspiracy of the game. As for how the country fights against the game, this is not her concern.

What she cares about is her Nineteenth Army.

He was finally rescued, and soon he will be under the magic plant put in the game?
How can she support the family when everyone is ruined?

Shen Qianli's interests are completely blocked by the game, can she bear it?

Shen Qianli looked at the three little boys behind him, but he held back his breath for the time being, and everyone walked back the same way.

Xiao Hongri circled her neck and asked her: "Mr. Shen, what monster was it just now?"

"I don't know, I won't meet Xiao Hongri if I don't leave the village in the future." Shen Qianli couldn't say that you also have the gene of Mozhi in your body.

Shen Qianli focused on identifying the way with the oil lamp, for fear that if he made a mistake, he would meet the magic plant and try to eat them.

The fish cub has been a little restless since Mo Zhi's appearance just now, Guagua helped him push the wheelchair, or he might have rolled into the ditch by himself absent-mindedly.

Back in the village, Teacher Chen was also looking for Guagua, and she was relieved when she saw the four of Shen Qianli appearing.

"Little Hongri! Where did you go?" Cheng Dadong immediately hugged Xiaohongri, and quickly checked whether he was injured.

Teacher Chen also pulled Guagua up and down to check.

Xiao Hongri told about her getting lost, and then cried on Cheng Dadong's shoulder, saying vaguely that she was almost eaten by a monster.Cheng Dadong felt distressed, and repeatedly comforted him by saying that next time the monster comes again, he will beat it away! !

Guagua told Teacher Chen that he was fine, and gave her the small basket that he had been carrying all the time: "I want to bring you home to eat, but it's cold now."

Teacher Chen saw that it was a pastry, and the crumbs fell off after being bumped for too long. Teacher Chen was still very moved, and with red eyes, he grabbed a piece and bit it into his mouth, "Thank you, quack, it's delicious!"

He laughed when he croaked, and the wish flower on the top of his head finally grew more petals... two petals!
Xiao Hongri also took out the pastry he brought back to Cheng Dadong.

Cheng Dadong was also moved.

Then the adult took his son and Shen Qianli by the hand to thank him, without saying thanks: "Mr. Shen, thanks to you, we will help you with work tomorrow!"

Shen Qianli: "..."

Not to mention carpentry, we are still good friends!

Shen Qianli was a little envious of Dadong and Mr. Chen's grinning faces, and she also set her sights on Yuzai:
"Cub, what about you?"

"Did you bring anything home for the teacher?"

(End of this chapter)

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