Chapter 140 City of Hope (8)

Shen Qianli looked into the little monkey's eyes and fell silent. His existence was so weak in Shen Qianli's eyes that even how to survive was a problem... She knew in her heart that what the little monkey said was wrong, and she shouldn't say why weakly , but to make a loud, deafening sound: Why!
That's right, why the little monkey can't say these three words.

Shen Qianli believes that, as human beings, all things are born equal, when the so-called strong do bully the weak and get great psychological satisfaction, then they are not worthy of being human.

Is it the mercenary building?
Shen Qianli murmured these five words in his heart, narrowed his eyelids dangerously, raised his hand and put it on the little monkey's head and exerted a little force to bring him back to his senses. She didn't say anything, and at this moment, the little monkey held back Tears rolling in his eyes fell down, he opened his mouth and cried loudly, crying, "Master Sanli, don't go to the mercenary building, I don't want you to die..."

Shen Qianli: "????"

What do you mean, you think I'm going to court death, are you polite?
What is my strength, what is their strength?
Shen Qianli wanted to say that he would not die, they couldn't beat her.

But the little monkey in front of her was crying very hard. She was short of water and wasted so many tears of real emotion. What she wanted to say was stuck in her throat. Maybe she should pretend to be touched now?After all, the little monkey was so worried about her death.

Shen Qianli simply summoned [Snow Butterfly], and a small ice cube appeared in her hand, and she handed it to the little monkey: "Be thirsty, eat." The temptation of ice cubes is too great, As a result, the little monkey forgot that he was crying for a moment, and hurriedly held the ice cubes and began to lick them. His movements were a little eager. Seeing the little monkey like this, Shen Qianli knew that his sad incident was over, so he pulled him up and patted his sides. knee, and walked to Uncle Mu Mukui's side, squatted down, touched his forehead with his hand, frowned, and slept all day and night, what happened to Mu Mukui?

Although Mu Mukui didn't wake up, several other children woke up one after another, looking at the ice cubes in the hands of the little monkey next to Shen Qianli and swallowing their saliva, Shen Qianli simply gave them a piece for them to lick.

The children with her are only a part, and there are more than a dozen wandering in the town. Maybe there are more places she can't see.

Shen Qianli was thinking that the original shape of the crystal card was a butterfly. Shen Qianli had not forgotten the devastating cold that erupted when the eggs parasitized on the human body in the game. If she could make the eggs attach to the stone to form layers of ice Layer, can the problem of water source be solved?With water, food can be grown naturally, and the town can be restored to life. In this game, the town can survive from disaster.

She wants to clear the game and save these children.

It is now the sixth day when the sun comes out.

Shen Qianli carved another horizontal line next to the word "正" on the wood, and when Mu Mukui hadn't woken up at about nine o'clock, Shen Qianli decided to go out.

She pulled the little monkey aside, she had frozen a piece of ice in the empty water bag in advance, and there was just water after thawing, "Little monkey, help me look after Mu Mukui, if he wakes up, give him water to drink , and make sure everyone doesn’t run around, I’m going out to bring the other kids back.”

The little monkey was also worried about other people, so he trusted what Shen Qianli said, and said sincerely while holding the water bag: "Master Sanli, don't worry, I will definitely look after everyone."


The referee cat came out and took Shen Qianli to the mercenary building.

This time, Shen Qianli gave it a hint: there are a lot of people inside, a lot of food, and it is very lively...Compared to their weak strength, the mercenary building must belong to the category of a large number of people, um, and the bread crumbs on their side No, the mercenary building must have something to eat, even a grain of wheat, and there are people and food, so it's not a lively place?

No problem.

Nothing wrong with that at all.

Referee Cat: Convinced, the owner of the booth really convinced.

When Shen Qianli first summoned the referee cat, the child was only thinking about catching mice, and she also drew a big cake, ah no, she spent a lot of time coaxing it to do this job.


The mercenary building is not easy to find, it is quite remote on the edge of the town.

Shen Qianli thought that they would build it in the center if they were so arrogant, and it took her a long time to turn and turn before she could see the whole picture of the mercenary building, a base inside the wall.There was a flash in her eyes, no wonder the little monkey said this is the safest place, and it is almost becoming a town within a town. It is a trick to choose such a remote place. No matter how it develops, it will not attract attention. There must be many good things in it. Bar?
"Meow." The referee cat's fat body nimbly jumped up to the top of the wall, squatted on it, and stared at the people coming and going inside with eyes as clear as glass, and soon the patrol found it.

"Go, go, go." The referee cat's eyesight wasn't too strong, but the mercenaries still felt something staring at them. They thought it was a sand monster coming, but they didn't expect it to be a weird cat.

They threw stones up, and impatiently drove the referee cat away, "Where did the cat come from, go away."

Their stones did not hit the referee cat. It is not afraid of people at all, and its buttocks have not moved a bit. It is amazing in the eyes of the mercenaries. Soon someone said: "This cat looks quite fat. The cat in the town Have there been more mice? The cats are getting so fat."

"Fat cat, go!"

The man picked up the stick in his hand and tapped it on the wall. The referee cat almost reacted and jumped into his face a few times, but finally turned around and jumped outside. In everyone's eyes, it was the fat cat who was beaten. Drive away.

The team continued to resume patrolling.

The referee cat here attracts the attention of the mercenary patrol team, and Shen Qianli nimbly climbs over the wall in the blind spot on the other side. The atmosphere here is completely different from the outside. It is not affected by the lack of water, and it doesn't look like there is no food. Shen Qianli suspected that there was a powerful character among the mercenaries who led the mercenaries to maintain the state before the disaster.

Where should she go to catch him?
Or, she went to have a meal first?

Shen Qianli was swaying, she was thinking about eating, and saw a group of people holding a plate with a cover on it, was it so grand to deliver food to the emperor?
Waiting for the line to come to the end, a string of people covered their faces with headscarves and face scarves. She knocked the last person unconscious at the right time, put on the cloth on him, and then opened the lid of the plate, and saw three She ate all four ugly and cute noodle cakes, wiped her mouth, and then pretended to follow with the plate...

She wants to see who is more pretentious than her.

There is one thing to say, if you can make friends when you go out, you can make friends. With such a ostentatious guy, she can't take it seriously?

Shen Qianli smiled: Don't get me wrong, the beating she said was with small fists.

(End of this chapter)

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