The buildings in the mercenary building are very practical, with thick earth walls, small windows, and the buildings are close to each other. If it gets dark, it is enough to light a lamp in the room.

The sun is as good as today, if Shen Qianli hadn't knocked out a person and changed into their clothes, he would definitely not be able to get in.

This guy is delivering breakfast.

Shen Qianli couldn't help thinking, what kind of family eats like this...

After a while, she knew what kind of family it was, because the team leader led people into a building.

At first glance, the decoration inside is particularly gorgeous, clean, tidy and spacious, and the carpets covered are also particularly bright. It is a proper configuration of a local rich family, and Shen Qianli's hala will flow down, and he keeps hinting to himself: all of them External objects are external objects...

Immediately afterwards, the people who came in with the dishes carefully placed the dishes on the long table, not making any indecent noises.

Shen Qianli mingled at the back of the team.

It's true, there are so many people, and the people around the team didn't notice it. With such vigilance, it's hard for their master not to be assassinated and successfully seek money and kill him.

The ones in front walked away one by one, and it was almost her.

From the corner of Shen Qianli's eyes, he saw them serving dishes one by one in turn, and then retreated to both sides in an orderly manner to stand in line after finishing.

can't read……

Shen Qianli didn't understand but she played her stable acting skills, lowered her head calmly, stepped forward in small steps, placed them, turned around, and followed them all the way.

When Shen Qianli moved his feet to the last position, they suddenly raised their right hands in unison, clapped their palms vigorously and then covered their chests, bowed their heads and shouted loudly: "Master Lou Ming!"

Shen Qianli: "!!!!" Shocked!
I didn't even come to the brain and reacted, but I was confused.

"Guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whoa!" Shen Qianli reacted quickly, muttering a few times, although the movements of her hands seemed to be half a beat slow, but her position was very inconspicuous, and no one found that she was a fake who sneaked in .

At this time, a man came down from the shadow of the stairs on the second floor.

Is a very beautiful man.

This man walked down, walked to the table and sat down, every move revealed elegance, his eyes, his face, body, everything was so beautiful that there was an unreal feeling in this world. When Shen Qianli saw clearly the strangeness on him, all the attendants had to leave.

Got to go? ? ?
Oh no, doesn't he need someone to feed him?
Shen Qianli was the last one. Before he left, he looked back at this man who was so handsome that he was unreal. When his eyes saw him pick up the chopsticks, although those chopsticks were made of expensive jade, yes, but Very strangely, a thought popped up in Shen Qianli's mind:
This man actually eats with his own hands? !


It's too ridiculous.

Eat with your hands, of course!

Shen Qianli squatted in the corner, the strange feeling lingering in his heart was lingering.

The feeling this adult gave her was really bad, she was actually affected, and gave birth to a feeling: watching him eat a meal felt like ruining his existence...

What's going on with him! ?

Shen Qianli exhaled, she didn't feel oppressed by him for the time being, so as long as she didn't provoke him, it was safe.

However, the information she has collected so far is too little. When she comes in, she is an ordinary-class character, and her identity is still a miner.

There are very few useful NPCs around.

Now that the game has progressed, she has to face up to the fact that she refused to admit:

After all, when it came to the point where it was impossible to continue, the game could not be continued by relying on force. Generally speaking, she was marginalized by the game.

A character marginalized by the game is equivalent to the countdown to cannon fodder.

What should she do to regain control of the key points of the game and pass the level successfully.

Participating in so many games, it was the first time she felt clueless and unable to start.

Well, it's too early to say give up on yourself.

Let's assume that this world has gods, that is, the sun god really exists, so does the sun god want the world to be destroyed or the world to survive?

These are two camps.

It's like when Yuzi played the game, there were essentially two camps.

Or to assume a little more boldly, this game can even be divided into:

【Sun God】and…

"Are you going to kill the Sun God..."

Shen Qianli muttered to herself, and at the same time, her heart couldn't help but ache. The deadly suffocation produced by the moment the muscles curled up made her mind extremely clear.

Does this assumption really exist?
To kill the sun god, is it really okay to be blasphemous like this?
Don't human beings really respect this sun god?

...There are too many hypotheses popping up, but these are not necessarily the answers Shen Qianli wanted!
Faced with the game dilemma of marginalization of characters, there is no choice but to die from cannon fodder.

she can't die...

Shen Qianli still kept his head clear, and after checking these conjectures one by one, with his own mind and keen intuition, he screened out an outrageous and reasonable answer:

The Sun God really exists and is trying to destroy human civilization.

Sun gods...and humans.

Shen Qianli's breathing became heavy.

When she found this answer, a strange desire rose in her heart, which was a strong desire she had never experienced in any previous games: to kill the sun god, she is the first one with the ability to kill gods Humanity!



"Ah! Grass!" Shen Qianli was startled.

In front of him was an orange cat as fat as dough.

"Meow, meow." The referee cat who kept its original shape outside did not know when it came to Shen Qianli, it raised its head and called to Shen Qianli who fell on the ground: What are you thinking?

Immediately, the fat cat jumped into Shen Qianli's arms, completely disregarding whether Shen Qianli would like to hug it.

The referee cat has never been away from its owner for so long, even in the game, it sticks with the dwarves, except when playing hide-and-seek, in its cognition, it is called: letting go, which means walking freely like other pet cats .

Shen Qianli was weighed down by the referee cat's weight, and no matter what guesses she had, she and the referee cat had the same heart: it wanted to go back.

Go back to the cellar place.

Shen Qianli dotes on the referee cat, even if it likes to catch mice, she didn't scold it.

Shen Qianli got up holding the referee cat, patted the mud under her buttocks, and finally took a look inside the building where the beautiful man lived. Her intuition was correct, this man is definitely related to the sun god!

She has no proof now.

Think carefully about how to do it.

"Go, go back."


After Shen Qianli jumped out from the wall.

There is a window on the second floor of the small building, because it is dark and inconspicuous inside, many people think it is a whole wall.

It was this inconspicuous window. A hand stretched out from inside, as if trying to use the strength of the window sill to forcefully stick out a long-haired head. The part not covered by the hair was as white as hell. For a moment, he shrank back as if he was scalded...

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