
Shen Qianli almost forgot that she was mainly looking for food, and after climbing over the wall, she found a place to climb in again.

But this time she was a little unlucky and was hit by a patrol.

She is not stupid, of course she ran!

"Quick, catch him!"


"What happened?"

"Someone broke in!"

"Quickly ask someone to search and don't disturb your lord!"


Also in a panic, Shen Qianli hid in a cellar due to accident and luck.

Some light came through, which may be the place where grain was stored and then abandoned, because she found a bag of black rice here, grabbed a few grains and ground them to eat.

Shen Qianli couldn't go out.

The people outside are grabbing her, so she needs to hide for a while!
She tied the bag of rice firmly and tied it to her back, and was going to wait until dark before trying to escape. It was better for her to keep a low profile and not rely too much on Jingka's power.

It didn't take long for Shen Qianli to decide on a good idea, and the movement outside soon disappeared. Shen Qianli listened carefully for a while, and found that it was really gone. The intruder, maybe the killer came here? Are the big brothers guarding the intruder with ulterior motives such a joke?"

Look down on me?
"No, it's really a bit strange."

Shen Qianli touched his chin with his hand.

The patrols she met just now chased her away viciously, and it was clear that many guards had gathered to search for her. Why was there so much thunder and less rain?

Stop catching me? ?
Then I slip?
Shen Qianli decided to take a gamble, and climbed back along the way she came along while leaning on the wall. She did not move slowly, and when she reached the end, she carefully pushed the board of the hole open with her hand, revealing a crack, and the light from outside came in.

No one was there as far as her eyes could see, and there was no sound.

After thinking about it, I became more courageous.

She opened the board and climbed out, hoo, it's safe, it's safe.

"who are you?"

A voice sounded above Shen Qianli's head.

Shen Qianli was caught off guard, and cursed a hundred curse words in his heart!God!

The voice was very close, and she was startled for two seconds. She quickly turned around and met the man who was speaking. God, isn't this the grown-up?

Lou Ming appeared here alone.

He looked at the sneaky man in front of him.

Shen Qianli's thoughts turned quickly, everyone here was in awe of this lord, no wonder there was no sound outside, it turned out that this lord came here, but why did he come here alone?
Shen Qianli silently hugged the rice he found. He couldn't be looking for old rice, could he?

"Who are you?" Lou Ming saw Shen Qianli's blond hair, and there seemed to be some emotion in Bolang Wuhen's eyes. His eyes glanced at the clothes Shen Qianli was wearing, which belonged to people from downstairs, so he rarely said more After a few words, "You are not from my place, what are you doing here, are you the one who came to save him?"

Shen Qianli: "???"

What did the NPC say? ? ?
Shen Qianli was originally a little jealous of this adult, but after a few minutes of meeting, he has not shown any malice towards her.

What plot did she trigger?

who's that person?Who is to be saved?

Shen Qianli felt that the man in front of him seemed to be showing some face to her hair, and it was fine to coax the children with her hair, after all, she was young and easy to fool, but hadn't the man in front of him seen someone with blond hair?
Or is it that people here think that blonde hair is a sign of gods, so they are in awe and dare not hurt?
"I didn't find that person."

Shen Qianli denied it very flatly. She shrugged and said, "My lord, I just came in to find some food to eat. Since I was bumped into by you, then you can call someone to arrest me."

Shen Qianli said it easily, and her expression seemed to be messed up, but if Lou Ming really called someone to come, she would definitely run away.

I don't know if Lou Ming saw through Shen Qianli's tricks, but he didn't continue to ask who Shen Qianli was, as if he believed what Shen Qianli said.

Lou Ming ignored it, and walked past Shen Qianli.

Only then did Shen Qianli see a door beside him.

Lou Ming pushed open the door and walked in. It was very dark inside, and then Lou Ming's figure completely walked into the darkness.

He didn't say if he could leave...

Shen Qianli tightened his rations and followed.


The winding stone staircase has been winding to the highest point.

The more Shen Qianli walked up the wall, the more weird the look on his face became. What kind of perverted torture chamber, torturing and dismembering corpses, and cannibal pets flashed back and forth in his mind...

It's a scary picture just to think about it, hey!

Shen Qianli paused, or go down by himself, he may not be able to fight if he really fights!

But after finally panting and climbing the stairs to the upper room, what I saw was an unexpectedly bright space with only one pool.

Shen Qianli: "..."

are you crazy!Why don't you light up the lights along the way, it scares me to death!
Lou Ming stood by the pool with his back to Shen Qianli, but Shen Qianli didn't dare to approach him, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Then, that's right, when Shen Qianli was squatting on the ground and drawing circles, it seemed like a hallucination in her eyes, a man as handsome as Lou Ming suddenly turned into a sword in front of her.


Shen Qianli imagined many situations.

Only the one in front of me has never thought about it.

She hugged her head violently, her pupils trembled, self-doubt, and she was incoherent: "No, no, can a person become a sword? These are not two different things... Ah no, how can a person be a thing, but a sword It's something, rub, what's going on, I didn't wake up?"

My lord...ah no, this sword needs to take a bath? ?

Shen Qianli's expression was wonderful.

Lou Ming...

Floating in mid-air, the transformed sword is very gorgeous. The golden sword body is half a person's height. There is a sunken hole in the hilt. There should be something embedded in it, but it is gone now.

Shen Qianli accepted the setting of the living sword, and bravely stood up and approached the pool, but the sword also moved, and Shen Qianli stopped all of a sudden, not even daring to blink. Dare to move.

Shen Qianli saw the golden sword flying towards the center of the pool unsteadily, and then inserted into the black stone in the center. It was also during this breathing effort that the pool suddenly vibrated, and a passage suddenly opened from the center. All the water flowed away through the crack.

This is really...


Shen Qianli didn't know it, she swallowed, the sound was a bit loud, just to relieve the tension in her heart, she raised her foot and walked over, stretched her neck to look at the entrance of the passage, before she could feel a wave of The cold breath, so she boldly squatted on the entrance of the passage, squinting her eyes to look inside.

…it was too deep to see anything.

Where does this lead?
What secrets does this mercenary building hide?
Gu Lang, Lord Lang, could it be that he is in it?

When Shen Qianli got up, his legs went numb, and he almost fell into the hole.

She stabilized her body, and the corners of her mouth twitched. There were people outside waiting for her to bring food back, so she couldn't just plunge in here, it's a scheming plan!That sword is really scheming!

Use my curiosity so I can see this! !

Shen Qianli immediately wanted to leave, but unexpectedly, as soon as she turned around, the magnified, sunken and ugly black hole on the hilt was stuck between her eyes, and Shen Qianli was so frightened that her heart throbbed violently!

She slipped under her feet, and by coincidence, the back of her head hit the stone slab on the edge of the hole with a "bang", her eyes went dark, and she fell down the passage.

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