The stall owner was stunned by her hit: " hot little whore!"

Chengfeng's anger was directly ignited, he kicked over the fruit stand, and strode forward with a sword in his hand: "Your mother is a whore! She gave birth to you, a little turtle slave!"

"My old lady peeled off your tortoise shell today!"

"What's wrong?" Su Yao and Lou Bianyue also came over to ask when they saw them kick over the fruit stand.

The fruit rolled all over the floor, and several nearby stall owners also came over to help:
"Why do you do it when you disagree? Didn't he just talk casually?"

"There's nothing feminine about it."

"Such a woman should be kept at home and educated!"

Chengfeng pulled out his sword with a "bass": "Why is my old lady being said by this bastard?"

"Co-authoring a bum and helping a bum, stabbed a bum, right?"

Someone even picked up the fruit that had fallen on the ground and threw it at them.

Chu Jinsui slapped away the apple that was flying towards Chengfeng, and shot his eyes like a sword at the stall owner next to him: "You don't need it if you don't want it."

Su Yao's good temper couldn't stand listening to these foul words, and she frowned: "what's the situation with these guys, is there something wrong with their brains?"

Fang Qingya was also very shocked, and quickly told her about the situation just now.

"It's so ignorant." Lou Bianyue couldn't help but frown, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes.

Chengfeng's sword has been unsheathed.

Chu Jinsui's eyes flashed coldly, and he immediately felt bad. It's just that it's okay to fight, but if he really killed someone in Yaobei, it would be difficult to deal with.

She had no choice but to stop Chengfeng: "Don't see blood."

Chengfeng put away the sword, grabbed the stall owner by the collar, and raised his hand.

The stall owners next to them were originally cultivated underground. Seeing that they were not good stubble, they immediately packed up, rolled up the things on the stall, and ran away.

At the beginning, the fruit stall owner whose mouth was not clean was punched by Chengfeng, and he flew several meters.

Chengfeng still wanted to chase, but was stopped by Su Yao: "don't chase, there's no need to be serious with this kind of person."

Many passers-by around were startled by the movement here just now. For a while, many people gathered around and surrounded this small place.

Many people pointed and pointed, and there were many slanders similar to what the stall owner said just now.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the monks from outside really don't look like women should."

"That's right, such a woman deserves family law."

"Hush, keep your voice down, didn't you see how you beat someone just now?"


There are too many such voices to ignore.

Yaobei has a problem.

Chu Jinsui looked around: "Didn't you find out? We walked two times along the way, and all the people we met were men."

There are no women on the streets of Yaobei.

Chengfeng was so angry just now that he didn't pay attention to his surroundings at all, but now he reacted after she said it.

Fang Qingya was surprised: "Yeah, I didn't even notice if you didn't tell me, I was fascinated by the roadside trick just now."

Su Yao and Lou Bianyue have also found out.

"'s really strange."

Chu Jinsui frowned: "Let's go first." It's really uncomfortable to be surrounded here as a monkey to watch, and the eyes of these people are also disgusting.

The eyes of these Yaobei local monsters look at women, not as if they were looking at a living person, but as if they were looking at objects.

She hates this kind of scrutinizing and appraising eyes the most.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, everyone is here to block my young lady's way!" A shout came from outside the crowd.

Then more than a dozen servants broke through the crowd with strides, and all the people around were driven aside.

"It's the carriage of General Dingyuan's family."

"Let's go."

"Don't mess with the general's mansion."

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd.

Then a carriage drove past slowly, but stopped in front of Chu Jinsui.

"Yaobei has always been like this, this girl must not be serious." A piece of advice came from the carriage, the tone was neither sad nor happy, it seemed to be a young lady.

Chu Jinsui saw the sitting woman through the curtains that were slightly lifted by the wind. Even though she was in the carriage, she still wore a veil on her face.

"Da da da."

After saying this, the carriage moved on.

It seems that they intend to help them out.

Chu Jinsui withdrew his gaze: "Let's go first."

Chengfeng was still a little angry, so he poohed: "What bullshit did that peddler say just now, it made me mad."

Su Yao sighed helplessly: "No way, what the lady said just now is right, we are just monks from outside, there is no need to be serious here, let's go when we find something."

"But this place is too weird, and it may be difficult for us to find clues." A trace of helplessness appeared on her face.

Yaobei is weird and really uncomfortable, and there are weird prejudices everywhere.

It really makes people wonder if this place has not been in contact with the outside world since thousands of years ago.

A few people were just about to turn around and leave,

"It's them, it's them!" An inarticulate voice came from behind.

The peddler who had been beaten up by Chengfeng just now led a group of officers and soldiers, limping and covering his swollen face, pointing at them and shouting.

The officers and soldiers immediately surrounded them.

"It's you gathering a crowd to make trouble?" The head of the officer and soldier's eyes fell on them, "Why are there still women?"

The peddler ran over and pointed at Chengfeng: "It's this unruly woman!"

When Chengfeng heard it, he was almost set on fire again: "Do you believe that this old lady pulled out your tongue?"

The peddler immediately hid behind the officers and soldiers.

"Bold!" The leader of the officers and soldiers yelled, "Dare to be so presumptuous in the king's city!"

Su Yao stood up and wanted to explain: "it's this person who speaks disrespect first, so we can't bear it."

The officers and soldiers were unreasonable: "What kind of disrespectful words? Women should be reserved, understand?"

Chu Jinsui really couldn't listen to a word: "Be patient? Why? A guy like him is worthy of our patience? It's ridiculous!"

Fang Qingya did not show any weakness as a little helper: "That's right, I can't even beat a trash like him, and trash should be patient, such as him!" He gave the peddler a hard look.

"Do you still think that you are a child, and you can't beat your parents?"

The officers and soldiers listened to what they said: "Enough is enough! Women like you who don't abide by women's virtues are really unheard of!"

Chu Jinsui sneered: "It's unheard of for you to disregard right and wrong and black and white."

"Come on, take them all back to me!" The officer leader ordered directly.

The stall owner, whose face was swollen from the beating, showed a villainous smile: "I told you that this kind of girl who wanders around at night is not a serious girl."

"Can you bark again?" Chengfeng stared angrily.

The stall owner shrank back again in fright.

Officers and soldiers immediately came forward to take people.

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