Chapter 109

These officers and soldiers are not ordinary street peddlers, all of them have good cultivation, at least higher than the peddlers, and basically all of them are around the sixth level of Qi training, and some of them have foundation building.

"Ouch!" Fang Qingya's cultivation base was the weakest, and he was immediately restrained.

His arms were twisted, he gasped in pain, grinned, his face flushed, he turned his head angrily and shouted: "Let me go! Let me go!"

Seeing this, Chu Jinsui frowned, and struck the officer's shoulder with a palm. The officer was shaken away by her spiritual power, so he could only let go.

Fang Qingya finally got out and rubbed his shoulders: "It hurts me to death!"

The chief of the officers and soldiers dared to resist when he saw them: "You are so courageous, how can you wait to be presumptuous at the foot of the king's city!"

As he spoke, he drew out his saber and slashed at Chu Jinsui.


The knife was cut off in the middle, and with a "clang", the broken half of the knife fell to the ground.

Yue Bian's movements were so fast that she could barely see clearly.

Before he had time to react, he saw a flash of cold light, and the sword in his hand had returned to its original position in a blink of an eye, leaving only the clear and crisp sound as if it was still in his ears.

This sword move has never been seen before.

Su Yao was surprised: "the first style of the ruthless sword, I saw brother Jiang used it."

She looked at Lou Bianyue: "You went out to practice as soon as you got started, and you can master sword moves so well."

Fang Qingya shook his arm: "Senior Sister! You are still thinking about this at this time!"

The leader of the officers and soldiers was hacked off his saber in public. He became angry with embarrassment and shouted at the officers and soldiers next to him: "Transfer someone! Go and get me someone! Arrest these madmen and put them in prison!"

Chu Jinsui pursed his lips.

Okay, now it seems that Yaobei is more... outrageous than she imagined.

Hearing the angry shout from the leader, the soldier immediately ran out to call for support.

However, within a few seconds, the little soldier who ran out retreated back with a strange expression on his face.

The boss saw him running back again, and kicked him on the knee: "I told you to transfer people, what are you doing running back again? You're not working, are you?"

Xiaobing staggered from being kicked, and quickly explained: "No, no..."

"Why do you want to face the guests with swords and swords?" The person behind Xiaobing said lightly.

As soon as the leader saw that person, his expression changed, and he immediately ran forward obsequiously: "Hey, isn't this the first-class guard next to His Highness, Mr. Yang?"

"Why did you come here? Just now you said that the guest..."

The face of the boss changed again and again, and his suspicious eyes passed over Chu Jinsui and his party. It is possible that these people are guests invited by His Highness, so didn't he just now...

He looked at Guard Yang flatteringly.

Guard Yang glanced at him: "These are friends of His Highness."

"Hahaha, so that's how it is!" Toutou immediately put on a smiling face, "I don't know that this is His Highness's guest, and I had some conflicts with all the distinguished guests just now."

He chuckled: "I'm sorry, honored guests, I'm just too young to understand Mount Tai. I hope you adults have a lot of misunderstandings just now, so please don't take it to heart."

Chengfeng's face was full of anger: "It's not a small misunderstanding at all, it's obviously this guy who took the initiative to ask for trouble."

But Chu Jinsui grabbed her wrist and shook his head lightly at her.

Chengfeng had no choice but to snort coldly at the leader of the officers and soldiers, without saying a word.

Seeing that their expressions were not good, the chief of the officers and soldiers hurriedly blamed the peddler just now: "It's all this bastard! Just ran over to say that someone was causing trouble on the street!"

"I also want to maintain the safety of this place, so I misunderstood everyone in a moment of desperation!"

As he spoke, he pulled out the peddler with a bruised nose and a swollen face from the crowd, and kicked him hard: "You dare to frame all distinguished guests, I think you don't want to live!"

The peddler was kicked down by him, and got up again, tremblingly: "I...I...I really don't know, just now I just said a few words and then..."

"You still dare to quibble?" The leader of the officers and soldiers grabbed his collar.

Guard Yang waved his hand: "Okay, I don't have time to watch you deal with such local hooligans."

He turned his head to Chu Jinsui, cupped his fists and said, "Miss, my Highness has arranged a residence for you all, please come with me."

"Who is your highness?" Fang Qingya asked.

Su Yao is also at a loss. She doesn't remember any interaction with people in Yaobei.

A figure flashed in Chu Jinsui's mind instantly, and he and Chengfeng looked at each other.

Lou Bianyue had a panoramic view of their interaction and did not speak.

Guard Yang smiled politely: "Everyone will know when the time comes."

He led several people through the crowd: "Everyone, please get in the car."

They even sent a carriage to pick them up.

Chengfeng jumped into the carriage first, opened the curtain, turned his head and stretched out his hand: "Come up Sui Sui."

Several people got into the car.

The carriage drove smoothly.

"This shitty place!" Chengfeng spat, "What a bad luck!"

Su Yao and Chu Jinsui don't look good either.

I'm afraid that none of the female cultivators can still laugh when they arrive in Yaobei.

The degree of feudalism here is simply beyond everyone's imagination.

Su Yao frowned: "I only heard that the feudal thought of male superiority and female inferiority exists in some remote places in the human world. I didn't expect this to happen even in the demon world. It's still in the capital. It's really unbelievable."

"There are similar records in the book. At that time, there were patriarchal clans and matriarchal clans. I thought it was an ancient story."

She recalled: "Although there was such a situation a long time ago, after the aura was abundant, everyone could practice. Since then, the status of men and women has been equal."

"I didn't expect to be able to open my eyes in Yaobei today."

Chu Jinsui opened the curtains slightly and looked out. Along the way, there were almost no women on the street, and the whole road was full of men.

She pursed her lips, her eyes were full of mist, her tone was soft, and she seemed to be emotional: "In this world, we can only see what is in front of us, but in fact, there are many places that we can't see."

Su Yao agreed: "yes, if we hadn't come to Yaobei today, we wouldn't have known that the Yaozu, which has always been known for its openness, would have such a side."

Fang Qingya interrupted suddenly: "Didn't Senior Sister Su say just now that men and women have equal status after they can practice? The monster race is more talented in cultivation than the human race, why don't the women here practice? Why don't they resist?"

Su Yao was taken aback by his question.

Cheng Feng shook his head, and replied uncharacteristically and seriously: "Maybe it's not that they don't practice, but they can't, they are not allowed to practice."

"Manipulating someone's life often starts at an early age."

Chu Jinsui nodded: "That's right, if all the elders prohibit them from practicing since they were young, then cultivation will become a dangerous obstacle to their survival."

"When everyone has said that a certain behavior is correct for thousands of years, would you question it for no reason?"

(End of this chapter)

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