Chapter 110

Fang Qingya scratched his head and stopped talking.

Su Yao said again: "forget it, don't think about it. These are the problems of Yaobei. The matter of the Yaozu has nothing to do with us. The most urgent thing is to find the mission items as soon as possible."

That's exactly what she said.

What does the Yaozu matter have to do with them?
So what if they don't like it?Is it possible that only a few small foundation-building monks can control the management and kingdom of the Yaozu?
But Chu Jinsui still felt a little inexplicably unhappy. Yaobei's contempt for women was just treating women as objects, which brought back some uncomfortable memories in her.

Chengfeng's complexion is also not good-looking, she is not the soul of this place, she came from a small world, or she came from the house, her thoughts are very different from here.

Although the cultivation world is very different from her previous world, it is not like Yaobei.

Su Yao comforted them: "don't be affected by the Yaozu's affairs."

Chengfeng let out a long breath: "It's okay, I was just very angry with that dog just now."

Su Yao heard the words: "but I didn't expect the soldiers here to be so indiscriminate..."

Chu Jinsui smiled helplessly: "They defend their own clan, so how can they investigate right from wrong?"

"For those who are not of my race, their hearts must be different. They must also understand this truth."

Chengfeng shook his head: "It's not just for this reason."

There was an extremely mocking smile on her face: "Because all the rulers, power holders, and socializers in Yaobei are men, that's why this is the case."

The carriage stopped suddenly.

"Everyone, we're here." Guard Yang's voice came from outside.

Open the curtain and jump out of the carriage.

In front of him is a magnificent mansion.

Changyuanhou Mansion.

Seeming to see the doubts of several people, Guard Yang explained: "Marquis Changyuan has always had a good relationship with His Highness, His Highness's mansion is too far away, it's too late, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for you all."

"That's why I specifically asked my subordinates to invite you to stay in the Hou Mansion."

Yang Huwei turned to Chu Jinsui again: "Your Highness, please tell me tomorrow, and tomorrow your subordinates will come to pick up Miss."

Although Chu Jinsui didn't like this place, the other party was relieved, and they didn't have any clues about this mission, so she needed to know more information.

Thinking of this, she nodded: "OK."

Guard Yang smiled politely: "Please don't mind the little misunderstanding just now, Yaobei will treat all guests well."

Chengfeng's face changed all of a sudden: "Didn't I say that it was not a misunderstanding?"

Guard Yang obviously didn't expect her reaction to be so big.

Chu Jinsui glanced at him indifferently: "Thank you for your hospitality."

The servants of the Marquis of Changyuan were already waiting at the door, and when they saw the carriage coming up, they said, "Everyone, please follow me."

The servant led the way in front: "Dear guests, the male and female guests are not together, please move the female guests to the backyard."

After finishing speaking, a maid came out to lead the way for Chu Jinsui, Chengfeng and Su Yao.

The rockery and corridors in Hou's mansion are full of green bamboo and flowers, which are very poetic and picturesque.

"How many times have I told you not to go to the front hall, why are you disobedient?"

"Wooooow, I saw a butterfly flying past."

In the garden at the corner of the corridor, a woman is scolding a little girl.

The woman slapped the little girl's palm angrily: "I said that there will be outside men in the front hall, women are not allowed to see outside men, don't you know? Copy the women's ring three times for me today!"

"Woooooooooo mother..."

The little girl whimpered incessantly.

"Sorry, I made everyone laugh." A girl in a pink skirt walked up to her.

The girl's eyes and lips smiled: "The little sister disappeared just now, and the third lady finally found her in the garden of the front hall after being anxious for a long time, so she scolded her a few words."

She bowed gracefully: "I am the daughter of Changyuan Houfu, Liu Yirou."

Liu Yirou's every move seems to be carefully planned, she doesn't show her teeth when she smiles, she doesn't show her feet when she walks, and the hairpin on her head doesn't shake much when she walks: "Mother said that there is a distinguished guest at home, so she specially sent me to welcome her. "

Chengfeng looked away: "It's normal for children to love to play, but it's not a big mistake just to catch butterflies."

Liu Yirou covered her lips with a handkerchief and smiled lightly: "How can this be done? Girls shouldn't be so rude. My little girl doesn't understand at a young age, so naturally she needs someone to teach her."

Chengfeng wanted to say something else.

Chu Jinsui held her back and shook his head slightly: "Men will naturally maintain their alliances, but women are sometimes separated artificially for various reasons."

"Don't use your own ideas to influence other people's lives."

Freezing three times is not a one-day cold, and Yaobei's situation is not continuous for three to five years.

After hearing her words, Liu Yirou had a look of surprise in her eyes, and then she covered her lips and smiled gently: "Miss is really a wonderful person."

"Everyone, please follow me."

She brought a few people to a courtyard: "This is the residence prepared by mother for you, please don't dislike it."

Chu Jinsui expressed his thanks.

Liu Yirou left and said: "I have to go back and show my mother yesterday's embroidery, so I won't go shopping with the guests anymore. If there is any problem, just send the maid to call me."

Her slender and graceful back slowly receded.

Chu Jinsui looked back at the courtyard, and saw that the ground was very clean. There were a lot of roses planted in the courtyard, and the flowers were fragrant.

There are exactly three rooms.

Open the door, the furnishings in the room are also very elegant.

Without outsiders, Su Yao asked: "When we were on the street just now, the guard Yang who rescued us said it was His Highness's order. Do any of you know His Highness?"

Chu Jinsui thought about it for a while: "It can be considered that we met once."

"Fate, when?"

"When I was in Eternal Night City." She briefly told Su Yao what happened in Eternal Night City.

After hearing this, Su Yao's face was a little dignified: "according to what you said, this celebrity is not a simple person."

"We are just ordinary little monks, there is no need for him to look at him differently."

She looked at Chu Jinsui: "Besides, we just arrived in Yaobei in the front foot, and when there was trouble, he sent someone in the back foot."

She didn't continue to speak, but the deep meaning in her eyes was clearly revealed.

Chu Jinsui smiled reassuringly at her: "I will be careful tomorrow, senior sister, don't worry."


Royal Palace.

The guard knelt on one knee in front of Wen Renjing: "Your Highness, they have been settled."

Wen Renjing looked down at the small heart in his hand.

The guard raised his head slightly, a little puzzled: "Why does Your Highness treat ordinary monks differently?"

"You talk more." Wen Renjing's voice was a little cold.

The guard quickly retreated.

The room was empty again.

Wenren Jing smiled slightly: "Why treat each other differently, it is of great use."

"I wanted to look for it after finishing these things, but I didn't expect you to come to the door by yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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