The light was dim, and Chu Jinsui seemed to have walked into another world unknowingly.

The jade plaque on her waist conveyed the news that she was safe in the monthly report. Someone had already contacted the sect, and someone would be sent soon to ask her to take care of herself.

Put away the jade token.

It's really weird.

It didn't matter that Fang Qingya and Chengfeng were gone, but Jiang Yan was also missing.

Fengling said that there is actually no fatal danger here. The only threats are those half-demon, but can they really besiege a monk in the late Nascent Soul stage here?
What puzzled her most was that the contract between herself and Chengfeng seemed to be blocked, and she couldn't even sense the general direction.

There was no sign of the three of them in those cocoons...

Where have you been?

A pebble rolled out, and the small sound was particularly noticeable in the silent seabed.

She suddenly stopped where she was and looked over there. There was flat land, no wind, and no earthquake.

Why did this stone just roll out?
The colorful corals in front of me are as tall as a person. We just walked all the way. Such corals are not uncommon.

Chu Jinsui kicked the pebbles that rolled over, walked to the coral, and walked around it. There was nothing unusual about it.

She raised her hand and tapped the coral.


Are you fine?
She retracted her hand and looked at her fingers. The warm touch just now still stayed on her hand.

what's the situation?
Even if it gives birth to intelligence, coral is still coral. How can it be hot?
Just like after a snake changes form, even the temperature of the human form is cold.

Chu Jinsui touched the coral again in disbelief.

"Sui Sui! Sui Sui!"——The familiar female voice appeared in my ears like thunder.

She took two steps back suddenly, opened her eyes wide, and looked at the coral in front of her in disbelief.

No way?
It's not what she thinks it is, is it?
Taking a deep breath, Chu Jinsui walked to the coral: "Why did you become a coral?"

There was no response for a long time. ?

"Ride the wind?"

The coral was motionless.

Chu Jinsui thought for a while and put his palm on the coral again——

"Oh, you're so worried about me, it's me! I've been calling you for a long time, and you're still walking around there!"

Chu Jinsui was almost amused by this funny scene: " did you turn into coral? What transformation spell was cast on you?"

Chengfeng's voice came along the area where the palms were connected: "What? What kind of coral?"

Chu Jinsui frowned.

The other side said: "Is the one over there a coral?"

"Yes." Chu Jinsui nodded, "Didn't you turn into coral?"

Coral: "Of course not! What I have here is a mirror! I can see you in the mirror."

"I was trapped in a pile of mirrors," she continued. "It was all mirrors and nothing else. I tried to arrange the mirrors, but they fell apart and glued back together in the blink of an eye. "

"Behind the mirror is still a mirror, my eyes are dazzled."

"I don't know how long it took, but I finally saw you in one of the mirrors."

After hearing this, Chu Jinsui said: "It seems that the coral here and the mirror here are some kind of medium through which we can communicate."

After thinking for a moment, she murmured: "Is that an illusion where you are? No... a secret realm? Is this coral the entrance to a secret realm? It doesn't look like it."

She asked: "How did you get in?"

Chengfeng's voice was full of confusion: "I don't know either. I just remember that we were all on the cliff. Then for some reason, my vision went dark, and then it seemed like I fell. When I opened my eyes again, I was here." (End of chapter)

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