"I think I can touch you." Chengfeng said again.

Chu Jinsui felt the warmth coming from his palm: "This... is so strange..."

It's so weird. It's obviously made of hard coral, but there's a mark of a palm protruding from it. That area is actually soft.

It looked as if Chengfeng was really trapped in the coral. It was inexplicably evil and made people feel numb.

"I caught you!" Chengfeng's voice sounded a little surprised.

The next moment, a hand grabbed Chu Jinsui's wrist, and a strong pulling force pulled her towards the coral.

It's almost like a scary ghost story.

Just when she thought she was going to hit the coral, her body strangely passed through the coral, as if she had entered some kind of wonderful space.

Chu Jinsui was shocked. She felt for a moment that she had been tricked. This coral was indeed some kind of spirit, and now she was about to be pulled into an extremely dangerous place.

As a result, the next second, her eyes lit up, and she was froze on the spot.

Mirrors, all mirrors, countless mirrors.

Layer upon layer, it is simply a mirror world.

Everywhere you look, there are mirrors as tall as one person.

The mirror was full of reflections of myself and Chengfeng. At first glance, I just felt that my eyes were blurred and it was simply mental pollution.

"I can actually pull you in!" Chengfeng still held her hand, "What is the principle of this, that we actually broke through the space?"

Chu Jinsui couldn't understand the current situation. She suddenly thought: "In this case, why don't you let me pull you out!"

Chengfeng was also stunned: "I didn't expect this, I just wanted to try to see if I could touch you."

The two were silent for a moment.

Chengfeng stuck out his tongue: "Oh, now that it's over, there's nothing we can do about it."

Chu Jinsui helplessly echoed her in her tone: "That's not true, it's already here."

"Hahahahahahahaha." Chengfeng laughed, "You really are, don't get too close to the ink, you will be in trouble!"

"By the way, which mirror did you see me in just now?" Chu Jinsui asked.

She clearly saw reflections in the mirror.

Chengfeng heard the words: "They will change. I was the same before... there! Look at that!"

She suddenly pointed to a place on the left: "Look there! Do you see it!?"

Chu Jinsui looked over.

Chengfeng continued to say, "You see, you can see the bottom of the sea in the mirror. I happened to see you walking over before, so I called you for a long time."

"why do not you talk?"

Only then did Chu Jinsui come back to his senses: "What I saw was not the bottom of the sea."

"what is that?"

"It seems...a secret place."

The light in the mirror was dim, and it seemed like a cave.

Chengfeng immediately became energetic: "What secret realm!?"

She asked: "I just pulled you in, can we also go out through this mirror?"

The two walked to the mirror.

Chengfeng tried to pass through the mirror, but failed: "Broken mirror, what's going on? I could pull you in before."

Chu Jinsui shook his head: "It's easier to get in than to get out."

Chengfeng pursed his lips: "Crush it into pieces and see? Maybe it is the formation eye."

"That's true..." Chu Jinsui's words instantly stuck in his mouth.

"Huh?" Chengfeng was gearing up and eager to give it a try. When she stopped talking, he thought she had changed her mind and turned around, "What's wrong? Do you have any other ideas?"

Chu Jinsui looked away: "Did you see it?"

"What did you see? What I saw was the bottom of the sea. Didn't you see a secret realm?" Chengfeng said, "This mirror is really weird. Everyone sees different things." "I saw Senior Brother Jiang."

"Ah? He's in a secret realm?" Chengfeng was startled, but soon became excited again, "Then quickly find a way to get him to pull us out!"

Chu Jinsui's expression turned serious: "His condition... doesn't seem to be very good."

Chengfeng was confused: "What do you mean? Are you injured?"

"It's more serious than being injured." Chu Jinsui paused, "He seems to have gone crazy."

I saw the man in white clothes in the mirror, his face was pale, and there were large blood stains on his clothes, whether it was his or the enemy's. His cold face was stern, and the corners of his mouth were still stained with fresh blood.

What attracted the most attention was his deep red eyes, even the whites of his eyes were bloodshot.

He seemed to see something shocking at this time, and his eyes widened instantly, and the fingers holding the sword were so hard that the fingertips turned white.

His other hand seemed to have grabbed something, but unfortunately Chu Jinsui couldn't see it clearly in the mirror.

It was unimaginable that such a crazy look would appear on Jiang Drong.

Chengfeng groaned: "That's too bad. Even the late Nascent Soul has been obsessed with some secret realm. It seems to be more dangerous than I imagined."

Chu Jinsui was also a little confused. Fengling clearly said that there was no fatal danger here, so why did Jiang Zhong end up in such a miserable state in the blink of an eye.

Chengfeng called Senior Brother twice towards the mirror, then turned his head: "Can he hear you?"

Chu Jinsui shook his head.

"Then how did you hear my voice before?"

"I didn't hear you calling me... I saw a stone rolling over on the road, and that's when I felt something was wrong."

Chengfeng sighed: "What should we do?"

Chu Jinsui had no clue. He looked at the mirror. How could he tell Jiang Zhong that they were all trapped in the mirror?

But... given the current situation, even if the message could be passed on, would Jiang Zhong still be able to tell the difference?

Chengfeng slapped the mirror hard several times, wanting to smash it into pieces: "Senior brother! Senior brother, please help! Please pull us out quickly!"

Tried several times, but nothing worked.

Chu Jinsui looked at Jiang Yong's outstretched hand on the opposite side of the mirror, and he stretched out his hand in an unexpected way, just like Chengfeng had done before to hold him.

Her fingertips were cold, and her eyes widened suddenly.

Chengfeng asked quickly: "Can I touch it?"

Chu Jinsui nodded.

Chengfeng was overjoyed: “I can finally go out!”

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yan in the mirror seemed extremely shocked. His eyes were focused in front of him, and he didn't know what he saw. In just a moment, his expression became extremely complicated, and his lips moved as if he said something.

Chu Jinsui couldn't see clearly what else was in the mirror, but he was a little thankful that he was still conscious.

She quickly said through the mirror: "Senior Brother Jiang! Chengfeng and I were trapped in the mirror..."


Before she could finish her words, she was suddenly pulled in.

Chengfeng's eyes widened, and when he realized what was happening, he immediately reached out and held her wrist: "Wait for me!"

But he was blocked by the mirror: "No! Why can't I get through!?"

"Is there any more justice!!!"



Chu Jinsui stumbled on her feet, and the cold aroma and the smell of blood intertwined and penetrated into her nostrils.

She was suddenly pulled into a cold embrace.

Her shoulders and waist were tightly restrained, and she pressed against Jiang Yan's chest.

Warm breath fell on her neck: "Great, I caught up this time, I won't let you die again..."

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