Chapter 25 The Boy Who Buys a Sword

"This forest is very close to the No Return Forest, and some rare and exotic animals may be affected nearby." Lou Bianyue reminded her, "Be careful, it's hard to say that there will be any danger."

Chu Jinsui could feel that the aura nearby was much stronger than that in the city: "I know."

In addition, she also sensed that there are other sources of spiritual power in this forest. It seems that there are many monks who come here admiring the sword sect, whether they are far or near.

Sure enough, within a few steps, he met several sword cultivators.

This is the only way to go to Jianzong, and all the people who come and go are sword repairmen who want to worship Jianzong. Everyone brings their own swords, but it seems strange that she is empty-handed.

She picked up a branch at random, and made a few gestures: "Ah Yue, do you think I can practice swords well if I am a swordsman?"

After so many years of practice, she still doesn't have any musical instruments that she can handle. She is an unqualified music cultivator, and she doesn't know if it will make any difference if she changes her path.

When she gestured to the branches, her wrists were soft and her movements were light and light, without any strong wind. The expression between her eyebrows and eyes was light, and she looked more like dancing.

Yue Yue looked at the girl in front of her who walked nimbly. She looked slender and fragile, as if she was a canary that should be raised like pearls and treasures.

She deserves to be favored, and all troublesome things are taken care of for her. If he didn't know that she was raised as a furnace, he might regard her as the eldest lady of a hidden family.

"If you want to, you can."

Chu Jinsui turned around and walked backwards with his hands behind his back: "Really?"

She looked at him with bright eyes.

Lou Bianyue couldn't say anything hesitant: "Of course it's true."

"Clatter." There was a sudden noise from the bushes on the side of the road, as if some beast was about to run out.

The two stopped immediately.

On the other side of the building, Yueshang took a step forward, looking at the bushes vigilantly.

As a result, a figure rolled out from inside.

The man looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, his head was covered with weeds, and there were a few broken twigs stuck in it, and his clothes were covered with grass clippings and dirt.

Holding the sword in his arms, he got up from the ground cursingly: "What's the matter with this broken road? When did I suffer this kind of crime, young master? It doesn't matter if I don't go to the sword sect!"

"It really pissed me off!"

He patted the ashes off his body, and when he turned his head and saw Chu Jinsui and Lou Bianyue, he immediately stayed where he was.

Chu Jinsui didn't expect such a coincidence. Isn't this the boy who bought the sword in Wanbao Pavilion?

When Lou Bianyue saw that it was a person, she withdrew her gaze indifferently, and said to her, "Let's go."

She walked around the boy and followed Yue's footsteps upstairs.

But the young man grabbed her by the sleeve: "Wait, you can't leave, it's all because you gave me the sword, which made me have to go to Jianzong now."

"You must go to Jianzong from here, you have to bring me with you!"

"Crack!" A sword slapped on the hand that was holding Chu Jinsui, and the back of his hand turned red immediately, and he withdrew his hand in pain.

The moon on the side of the building gave him a cool look.

The boy froze immediately.

But he cheered up quickly: a man can afford it and let it go, and those who can't beat him become friends.

He leaned over to want the two brothers to put a good hand on Lou Bianyue's shoulders, but he was patted away again. After being rejected repeatedly, he was not annoyed: "Oh, it's fate to meet!"

"Look, we met once before, and we met again today. Doesn't this mean that this is destined by heaven!"

"My name is Fang Qingya, everyone should be friends."

Fang Qingya looked at them with a smile on his head covered with weeds.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling man.

"My name is Chu Jinsui."

Lou Bianyue snorted softly and didn't bother to talk to him.

Chu Jinsui looked at the two of them: "Ah Yue is my friend."

Fang Qingya smiled brighter: "Young Xia Yue, hello, hello."

Yue Lou glanced at him.

Fang Qingya didn't care either, he was still grinning, completely unable to see the domineering look he had in Wanbao Pavilion before: "Since we are already friends, what are you waiting for, let's go on the road together!"

"Let's go!" He beckoned Chu Jinsui and Lou Bianyue to move forward.

Chu Jinsui was shocked by his acquaintance, and didn't know whether to move his feet for a while.

She looked up at the moon beside the building.

"Let's go, ignore him." Yue Yue walked past him without looking sideways.

Fang Qingya ran to catch up: "Wait for me, wait for me!"

He looked at the ice-cold look of Yue beside the building, um, not easy to get close to, then looked at Chu Jinsui, um, this is so confusing.

"Why are you going to Jianzong if you are not a sword repairman?" Fang Qingya asked.

Chu Jinsui glanced at Fang Qingya, who was in a mess beside him, and the dirt on his body was about to rub against him.

She raised her hand and squeezed a clean dust formula and threw it on him: "I want to practice swordsmanship."

Fang Qingya watched the weeds on his body disappear in amazement: "What kind of technique is this? It turns out that you can learn such a convenient technique through practice."

Chu Jinsui saw that he was full of aura, and was also shocked: "Aren't you a cultivator?"

Fang Qingya chuckled: "I'm just an ordinary person, but my old man heard that some fortune teller who killed a thousand knives said that I have enough aura and my future is limitless, so he insisted on sending me to seek Taoism."

"Master, my dream is to be like my old man, do business, make a fortune, eat, drink and have fun, and then marry a wife."

He said, a little discouraged: "As a result, the old man not only drove me directly to Jianzong, but also made a rule not to let me inherit the family property."

"Cultivation is so tiring. Immortality is an illusory thing. Master, I only want gold and silver treasures that I can see and touch."

Most of the world is full of people who yearn to practice and become immortals, but such thoughts as his are rare. He also scratched his head in embarrassment: "Do I have no ambitions?"

Chu Jinsui said affirmatively, "No, you can do whatever you want, why is cultivating the Tao considered a great ambition?"

Fang Qingya slapped his thigh: "That's right! If only my dad could drive as you think."

"Oh, it's just a pain for me, young master." He sighed, "I don't know how difficult this journey is, and I don't know how many times I got lost. If I hadn't met you, I probably wouldn't be able to reach Jianzong "

"By the way, how long will it take us to get there?"

Chu Jinsui told the truth: "It's still early, we haven't even reached the Forest of No Return."

Fang Qingya turned into a curious baby again: "No Return Forest? Where is that place? It's unlucky to hear the name, so it would be better to change the name to Facai Forest."

He muttered plaintively.

"Ah Yue?"

Lou Bianyue suddenly quickened her pace.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Jinsui saw that he had come to the front, and walked forward in a muffled voice.

Fang Qingya froze for a moment: "Your friend is angry."

Chu Jinsui thought for a while, and said sincerely, "He thinks you're noisy."

(End of this chapter)

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