Chapter 26

After she finished speaking, she quickly followed up.

Lou Bianyue still had the usual indifferent expression.

Fang Qingya also ran up, thinking of what Chu Jinsui said just now, he decided not to offend the person who seemed to be the most capable of beating here, so he lowered his voice and moved to Chu Jinsui to talk to her.

"You haven't told me how long it will take to reach Jianzong!" He bent down to her side and whispered.

Chu Jinsui tilted his head, and said in a low voice, "I don't know, it takes a lot of time to go through several places."

"Huh? I've kept my voice so low, and he still thinks I'm noisy?"

Lou Bianyue walked faster, leaving them behind in a few steps.

Fang Qingya was wronged, and the young master didn't even dare to speak out loud, and he was still disgusted.

Chu Jinsui thought for a while: "Maybe, maybe, maybe, he's just annoying you."

Fang Qingya: "If you say that, I'm really going to make trouble."

She blinked innocently: "then you stay away from us."

As she spoke, she ran briskly to Yue beside the building, and grabbed his sleeve: "Ah Yue, you hate Fang Qingya, do you think he will hinder us if he follows us?"

Fang Qingya: You don't have to let the person involved hear it.

Yue Yue's footsteps subconsciously slowed down, she turned her head slightly: "No."

"Oh." Chu Jinsui let go of his hand, seeing his awkward expression and reddish ears, "Do you have a fever? Has the old injury recurred?"

Lou Bianyue didn't know why she asked, "No, I've recovered."

"That's good."

She turned her head and waved to the pitiful Fang Qingya who was following behind them, indicating that Loubianyue didn't hate him.

Fang Qingya's eyes lit up immediately, and he ran up again.

Yue's footsteps on the other side of the building stopped.

Fang Qingya's eyelids twitched: Is it over yet?

"The Forest of No Return has arrived." Lou Bianyue looked at the endless forest in front of her.

The forest in front of them was darker than they walked all the way just now, the trees were taller and denser, and the sunlight could only pass through the dense leaf gaps sparsely.

The road ahead has become a dividing line.

Behind is the ordinary forest, and in front is the frightening forest of no return.

Fang Qingya opened his mouth: "I have a bad feeling."

Lou Bianyue paid him a rare attention: "It's still too late for you to turn around and go home."

Chu Jinsui agreed: "Yes, why don't you do what you like?"

"Oh, there are so many things that come true in this world." Fang Qingya scratched his head, "I really want to go back, but I don't want to live up to my father's hope."

"He is so old, and he said that his wish in this life is to see that I can practice hard and not be bound by the world."

"Actually, it is very troublesome for us to do business. We have to curry favor with the Chamber of Commerce and strengthen customers."

He looked at the towering trees: "I'm also curious what the unrestrained life he said is like."

Chu Jinsui glanced sideways at the young man who seemed extremely serious and helpless at this moment.

But soon, Fang Qingya's seriousness disappeared: "Let's go, we have to be the first to eat crabs. I heard the book said that these ancient forests in the cultivation world have the most treasures!"

"We are the first batch to arrive, so hurry up, otherwise all the treasures inside will be picked up by others, and we won't even be able to drink the soup."

Chu Jinsui recalled what Ah Yue told himself about the situation in the forest of no return: "You think too much, there are many entrances here, and you can enter wherever you go."

Fang Qingya was hit hard: "You mean, it is very likely that someone went in from other directions and drank all the soup?"

"Then we have to hurry up, or we won't even have the bowls when we go in."

Fang Qingya walked into the forest of no return as he said that, and stopped at the intersection, and turned around to check whether the two of them followed: "Hey, you two are not here, so I feel quite insecure."

into the forest.

Chu Jinsui only discovered that the aura in the forest of no return is more intense.

If it weren't for the countless hidden dangers here, then the Forest of No Return should also be a good place to practice.

The light in the No Return Forest is dim, and the branches of the towering trees above are too dense, most of the sunlight is blocked by the leaves.

Vines wrap around the tree, and some of the vines are actually colorful.

Lou Bianyue grabbed her hand that was about to touch a light blue vine: "The surface of this kind of ghost vine is highly poisonous, and you will be hit if you touch it."

Fang Qingya, who was resting on the tree tired after walking a few steps, froze, her eyes widened, her expression was about to cry: "Then I, I, I..."

He pointed to the vines on the tree he was leaning against.

The moon beside the building glanced: "Ordinary vines."

Only then did Fang Qingya heave a sigh of relief, and he slid down the pole and sat on the ground in a relaxed manner: "How about we take a break?"

Chu Jinsui suddenly thought of something, and kindly reminded him: "By the way, don't just sit on the ground, there are a lot of poisonous snakes and insects in the forest."

Fang Qingya's face turned green, and he jumped up from the ground: "Is this still a human life! Why is there danger everywhere!"

He had no choice but to keep up with Chu Jinsui and Lou Bianyue.

Fortunately, there is no danger along the way.

"Oh, there's a rabbit here!" Fang Qingya suddenly shouted.

I saw a chubby little rabbit jumping out of the dense bushes.

The rabbit was timid, and when he saw someone, he ran back immediately in fright, but was caught by Fang Qingya, who grabbed him by the ear: "Anyway, you are also the ration of other beasts, why don't you go into our stomachs today!"

As he was talking, he thought of something, turned around and asked Chu Jinsui: "Why don't I play with you as pets, don't you girls like these cute little things?"

Chu Jinsui leaned over: "This rabbit has spiritual energy."

Fang Qingya didn't care at all: "A rabbit, what kind of beast can it be?"

As he spoke, he reached out and poked the rabbit's furry face.

"Ah—" he suddenly yelled.

The rabbit in his hand suddenly opened its mouth, revealing dense teeth, and bit Fang Qingya's finger in one bite.

He hurriedly threw the rabbit away, grabbed his injured hand: "Isn't it poisonous?"

Fang Qingya looked over begging for help.

Chu Jinsui took a look at his wound, which was densely packed with tooth marks: "I see your complexion is rosy, it doesn't look like you have been poisoned."

"What if it's a chronic poison?" He asked eagerly.

Chu Jinsui was also overwhelmed by his question: "Ah Yue, this rabbit should be non-toxic."

Lou Bianyue, who was watching the direction from the side, nodded lightly when she heard her question.

Only then did Fang Qingya feel relieved: "I swear, I will never touch anything in this forest again."

"Really, touch me again and I'm a dog!"

Chu Jinsui asked sincerely: "When you step on the forest floor, is the dirt a thing?"

Fang Qingya thought about it seriously, and then: "Wow!"

(End of this chapter)

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