Chapter 21

Zhao Qinglan reached for his toy.

"Yo, the toy is new."

Li Qiang was speechless, probably because he was frightened by what she said just now.

Seeing her looking up at him, Li Qiang took a tight breath and nodded subconsciously, "Yeah."

"That's fine."

The toy is an excavator. Zhao Qinglan glanced at it, and with a little force, it was smashed into pieces. 'Kach' click' the excavator was pinched, and the debris fell to the ground with a rattling sound.


Seeing this scene, all the students present did not dare to express their anger.I'm afraid that if I accidentally offend this classmate Zhao Qinglan, they will be the next to be dealt with.

In the past, they felt that Zhao Qinglan was not easy to mess with, but now it seems that he is really not easy to mess with.Seeing Li Xiaopang being dealt with, he was really glad that he didn't provoke her.

Li Qiang looked at his discarded toy excavator, and unconsciously tightened his breathing.It's like being strangled by someone, uncomfortable, and dare not speak out.

Looking up at the little fat man standing in front of him, Zhao Qinglan said calmly: "Now, it's even."

Reaching out to straighten her sleeves, she continued: "This person always has to bear the consequences for what he did wrong."

"If there is a next time..."

Zhao Qinglan didn't finish speaking, but Li Xiaopang had already started to make up his mind automatically.Glancing at the excavator that had become a corpse on the ground, he shuddered inexplicably.

"No no, there is no next time."

"Sister, I will always listen to you from now on."

As the saying goes, bend and stretch.

Join if you can't.

The pattern is about to open.

Zhao Qinglan: "..."

This is too many TV shows!
In fact, Zhao Qinglan was just scaring him, she would not really beat a child for such a trivial matter.But the hand is so owed, it is still necessary to clean up.

Zhao Qinglan left.

Wherever he passed, the classmates in the class all made way for Qiqi, and all they had to say was, 'Boss, go away. '

When she came to the school gate, her brother hadn't come out yet.Zhao Qinglan didn't leave first, so she stood at the door and waited for a while.

There are students passing by intermittently.

after awhile.

"younger sister……"

She didn't look up until she heard a familiar voice.

Seeing her brother, Zhao Qinglan said lightly: "Yes, hurry up."

Zhao Qingyuan: "Come here, sister, have you been waiting for me for a long time?"

Zhao Qinglan: "3 minutes."

Zhao Qingyuan: "Okay, let's go, brother will buy you delicious food, I still have money."

"I can only buy things for one yuan, grilled sausages, or lollipops, or to wrap spicy strips..."

Zhao Qinglan: "..."

"It will be all right."

Zhao Qingyuan: "You'd better eat less sugar, if you don't like spicy strips, then brother will buy you a grilled sausage."

At the gate of the school, there are snacks sold in the afternoon.Take my sister to the stall selling snacks.

"Two grilled sausages."

The proprietress, who was busy, looked up and nodded with a smile, "Okay, wait a minute, do you want chili?"

"Yes, put more."

"Have it."

After buying grilled sausages, Zhao Qingyuan gave the money and began to share the food.

"Sister, here you are."

Zhao Qinglan was not polite to him either.

Reach for it.

People have to get used to it.

this is life.

On the way back, Zhao Qinglan ate the sausage and threw the bamboo sticks into the trash can by the roadside.

Seeing that she had finished eating, Zhao Qingyuan asked, "Sister, is it good?"

Zhao Qinglan nodded, "It's okay."

"It's so spicy, but it's really fragrant." Obviously, he still has something to say.

Reaching out of his pocket, he took out a tissue and handed it over.

Zhao Qingyuan reached out to take it, and wiped it indiscriminately. The corner of Zhao Qinglan's mouth twitched.

When I got home, the door was locked and no one was home.Zhao Qinglan reached out from his schoolbag, took the key and opened the door, and the two walked in.

The home is quiet.

Her father is not off work yet, and her mother is not at home either.Zhao Qinglan guessed that he should have gone to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Walking into her room, after putting down her schoolbag, Zhao Qinglan picked up the drinking cup on the table and walked out.

Her family drinks mineral water, the kind of bottled water that costs five yuan a barrel.When you run out of water, you can exchange it for five yuan with a bucket. If you don’t exchange it with a bucket, it will cost you ten yuan a bucket.This kind of water is cheap, and a large bucket can drink for a long time.

Poured himself a glass of water, Zhao Qinglan picked up the glass and took a sip.

At this time, her brother had already turned on the TV and was pressing the remote control at will.

Zhao Qinglan was drinking water when Wang Baochuan's face appeared on the TV.

The latest TV series in 2012, Xue Pinggui and Wang Baochuan.Her mother usually likes to watch this show, so Zhao Qinglan also watched a lot of it.

Seeing this drama, Zhao Qinglan thought of her unfamiliar cousin.

It's all for the so-called true love, a parent who abandoned the family and eloped with a beggar.For the so-called true love, an enemy who can die with his whole family is desperate for love.He did not hesitate to kill the elder sister who raised him.I feel that without love, each one of them cannot live.

Have a good day, but why can't I think about it so much, I have to dig wild vegetables.

"When mom is coming back, I'll go wash the rice and cook. Sister, I'll give you the remote control." Zhao Qingyuan reached out and handed the remote control to his younger sister, got up and went to cook.

drink water.

Watched TV for a while.

Zhao Qinglan heard movement downstairs.

Her mother is back.

Zhao Qinglan got up and walked to the window, opened the window, and looked downstairs.Sure enough, her mother came back with a lot of things in her hand.

This is a walk to get groceries.

"Mom, take a break first, I'll come down and get it for you."

Hearing it was her daughter's voice, Mother Zhao raised her head and took a look here.

"Come on, I'm exhausted, I feel like I'm going to break."

Turn around and walk out of the house.

Go downstairs.

When she came downstairs, Zhao Qinglan saw her mother sitting on the steps resting.There was also a red plastic bag on the place where he sat on the steps.

At this time, she was still peeling an orange in her hand.

"Here we go, take these up."

After a glance, there are fruits, noodles, some vegetables, and a large piece of pork belly.

"This pork belly looks good, I bought some for you to make braised pork."


Zhao Qinglan responded, picked up the things placed next to the steps, and went upstairs first.Zhao Ma ate an orange and rested for a while before catching up.

It was night in a blink of an eye.

Hot meals are served on the table.

"They're all over for dinner."


After dinner, Zhao Qinglan's family went to the night market.

There is no school tomorrow, and Zhao Qinglan's brother and sister will follow.

At this time, many people have already started to set up stalls, and their family is quite late.

After the cart was set up, two small folding tables were placed beside it, and a few small stools were placed to start the business.

Fried potatoes, grilled sausages, and skewered stinky tofu. This is what their family needs to sell at night.

 Two updates start today, remember to vote.The heroine of this book will not become a boss all at once, take her time.As the saying goes, if a tall building starts on the ground, one must start slowly to become a boss.

(End of this chapter)

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