Chapter 22

Zhao Jun had to go to work on the construction site during the day, so he was quite tired, but even so, he would personally send his wife to the night market every night, set up the cart, and then go home to rest.

Sometimes, when you are too busy, you will follow along to help.Helping his wife mix potatoes for customers is still very skillful.

Soon the husband and wife stood in front of the cart and got busy.For the family, for the children, it is very tiring, but this is life.As long as the family is safe and sound, it is very happy and worthwhile to suffer a little bit.

A layer of fresh cooking oil is poured on the special iron plate.Wait until the oil on the iron plate is almost burned.Zhao's mother picked up the colander and scooped out the fresh potatoes from the bucket, shook the water a little and poured it on top, and officially started to do business.

"Husband, put the stinky tofu on top, and turn the fire down a bit, so that it will be delicious."

"Okay, got it."

Gas is used to fry potatoes on one side, and a coal stove is used on the other. The small coal stove has low firepower, but the stinky tofu produced by slow roasting is very fragrant and delicious.After roasting, sprinkle with seasonings, peppers, and some chopped green onions for an instant fragrance.Of course, this is for people who know how to eat. If you encounter someone who can't eat, you will feel that you can't stand the taste.


On the iron plate, steam was steaming, and the aroma came out quickly.

Zhao Qinglan didn't know if the snacks made by other people's homes were very clean.However, her family is definitely very conscientious.Not to mention anything else, the oil that is poured on the iron plate to fry potatoes is replaced every day. It is wholesale edible oil, and it is definitely not a bad oil.

get down to business.

Soon people will come to buy things.

"Give me two packs of potatoes, plus two grilled sausages, and five sticks of stinky tofu."

It was a young couple who came to buy things, and they were holding a child in their hands.

Mother Zhao is naturally happy to come for business.

"Okay, do you want large or small portions of potatoes."

"For a larger portion, put more zhe ergen and more pepper. Don't put pepper in the sausage, it's for the children."

"Wait a while, it's not good yet."

"Fry it raw, I don't like to eat too cooked."

"I want..."

The so-called customer is God, as long as the customer's request is reasonable, Mama Zhao will satisfy it unconditionally.

In this fried potato, southerners like to put Zheergen, that is, Houttuynia cordata, and eat it together, I like it very much.However, there are also people who don't like to eat it. Of course, those who don't like it can keep it.

Tonight's business is not bad, but a lot has been sold in a while.

When he came to the night market, Zhao Qingyuan met his good friends.

"Mom, I'm going to play. I'll go home by myself later."

Her son is 11 years old, and he is not too young. Zhao Jun and his wife are not afraid that he will get lost.However, as a parent, I still habitually explained.

"Go home early and don't run around."

"Okay, I see."

Seeing that her brother had left, Zhao Qinglan also prepared to go shopping by herself.

"Mom, I'll go over there for a stroll, and I'll come over later."

"Okay, don't run far, come back quickly."


Zhao Qinglan was about to leave when her father stopped her.

"Here, I'll give you ten yuan. If you want to eat something, go buy it yourself. Go, don't run away." While speaking, Zhao Jun boldly reached out from the change box, took out ten yuan and handed it to his daughter.

Holding the ten yuan in his hand, Zhao Qinglan thought of the scene in the TV series when the boss gave the card.

Take it, just swipe without a password.For just ten yuan, it feels like his father spent millions of dollars.

Put your hands in your pockets.

Zhao Qinglan said, "Thank you Dad."

"Hey, go play by yourself! Look at the way."

Thinking that his daughter was still young, he worriedly warned, "By the way, if a stranger comes up to talk to you, or offers you something to eat or drink, don't ask for it, lest you meet bad people. "

Zhao Qinglan: "..."

Does she seem like such a stupid person?Moreover, if you really meet some bad guys, that would be really great.Especially the ones with gangs, she doesn't mind bringing them all together.

"rest assured……"

Zhao Qinglan said something, put one hand in his pocket, and walked away.

Seeing the back of her daughter leaving, Zhao's mother looked at her husband and said, "Husband, do you think our daughter is too introverted? You see she is usually quiet, and she cherishes words like gold when she speaks."

"It's okay, my daughter has such a personality. How can I say it, yes, that's called cold. Look at that temperament, that aura, which child can have it."

Speaking of this, Zhao Ma nodded with a smile, "That's true."

Her daughter can drink a glass of boiled water to feel like Moutai, which is an aura that ordinary children really don't have.

"Maybe this is the world of geniuses, we can't understand anyway..."

Malatang, grilled sesame cakes, braised duck necks, and trinkets... The night market at night is very lively, and the street is full of stalls, eating, drinking, and playing, everything.

At this time, there are many people visiting the night market, and most of them come out for a walk after dinner.There are quite a few people with families, and there are also young couples who are dating.

People come and go.

Lively and prosperous.

(End of this chapter)

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