Chapter 33
At night, Qingshan and the others all went back to their houses to hang up and go to sleep, while the Golden Dragon was still in the game.

He had just finished brushing the small ecological cave, resurrected at the warm base, and was about to continue brushing, when he suddenly saw several groups of people near the base.

There is no id above these people's heads, indicating that they are not players.

It is very likely that it will be the next version of the event, so he walked in the direction of the small ecological cave calmly, and after making sure that he was out of sight, he turned back to the warm base.

Surrounding the warm base are three teams, each with 5 people, whose strength is unclear for the time being.

In order to avoid being discovered, he stayed far away and couldn't hear what those people were saying.

And those people left after observing for nearly three hours.

After confirming that there was no one around the cozy base, the golden dragon returned to the base, and he planned to inform the lord of the news as soon as the lord woke up tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Qing Ye got up and went out as usual, but from today onwards, she planned to go out to scavenge zombies like the players and accumulate actual combat experience.

But as soon as he opened the door, he saw the golden dragon staring at him with wide eyes.

startled her.

Qing Ye: "You... what are you doing?"

Golden Dragon: "My lord, after most of the players rested last night, there were three groups of people searching around the base. The three groups of people didn't have IDs on the pier, so they should be hostile forces. Do we need to take any action?"

Is there such a thing?

As long as outsiders don't enter the base, Qing Ye has no way to check it, unless they are in the player's perspective.

It seems that people from other bases can't wait any longer!
Qing Ye: "It's okay, I will release the task when the time comes, you did a good job in this matter, what reward do you want?"

Golden Dragon was overjoyed, it seemed that he had made the right bet.

Golden Dragon: "I want enough energy points to upgrade to level 100?"

Qing Ye:? ? ?
Qing Ye: You'd better be an individual.

Qing Ye: "Okay, I will reward you with a random normal ability."

After speaking, Qing Ye closed the door.

The Golden Dragon touched his nose. It seemed that he was going too far, but it is not bad to have abilities. Normal players can only exchange abilities at level 50.

Golden Dragon chose an earth skill. Before he was qualified for the internal test, he had already done enough strategies. It is best to upgrade the earth skill as soon as possible.

After obtaining the power, he went to the small ecological cave again.

Qing Ye naturally saw the direction of the Golden Dragon. If I remember correctly, this guy has not been offline for a minute since the server was launched in version 1.5.

Does he really need to eat? ?

In reality, Golden Dragon was surrounded by people, some wiped his body, some fed him, some even carried his excrement and urine.

His purpose is only one, to become the strongest in the doomsday wasteland.

In order to become the strongest, he also spent 100 yuan to buy and exchange for 100 energy points.

Hundreds of thousands were also purchased back and forth, but now almost no one has given out energy points. After all, there are fewer and fewer zombies, but the demand for energy points is increasing, so most players are unwilling to pay out.

He can only live day and night.

In the memory of the previous life, the fastest small base to be established is the Licheng Base, and Qing Ye guessed that the people who came to investigate last night should be them.

She didn't intend to wait for others to call, but was ready to take the initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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