Chapter 34 New Missions
[Exploration mission: In the endless doomsday wasteland, there is not only a human base called Wenxin Base, but 20 kilometers north of Wenxin Base, there is a larger human base called Licheng. ]
[This task activity is mainly to explore Licheng, do not kill ordinary npcs randomly, if you find behaviors that despise life, immediately expel them from the doomsday wasteland. ]
It will be a matter of time before the player comes into contact with the natives, and they must say hello in advance. Although she is not the Holy Mother, she also hates the indiscriminate killing of innocents.

When the player receives the mission, as a front-line combatant, they immediately organize to explore.

This time the team consists of five people, Qingshan is still the same, the hot chicken is me, summer night, glasses brother, and golden dragon.

The golden dragon originally planned to upgrade near the base, but he discovered this mission, so he wanted to go and see.

And he has already used all the energy points he bought last time to upgrade.

The current level is 88, with two abilities of earth and gold.

Qing Shan still said: "Brother, your speed is too fast at this level, right?"

The hot chicken is me: "I'm not as fast as you in a rocket."

Summer Night: "I see, is that you who received 100 energy points for 100?"

The golden dragon smiled and nodded, "It's me."

What the hell!

Fog grass!

"Shenhao is by my side?" Several people were shocked.

The golden dragon sighed, "It's a pity that you can't buy energy points now, and players don't sell energy points anymore."

Qingshan is still: "You boy, what can you do with this money?"

The hot chicken is me: "Yes, you care about strength so much, we can take you, there is no need to waste money like this."

You know, an ordinary zombie has fifty or sixty energy points. At his price, wouldn't it be a fortune to beat hundreds of zombies every day?
Golden Dragon nodded in agreement, "That's right, then I'll hang out with you from now on."

Qing Shan still: "No problem."

The strength of the golden dragon is already good, so everyone quickly integrated into it.

There is very little intrigue in the game, everyone is still very simple, there is no inexplicable sense of comparison and superiority.

Stop and go all the way, when you are tired, you can rest in place to make up for your condition.

The glasses brother sat in the car with a satisfied face and said, "You guys are so slow, you are really holding me back."

Qing Shan still: "Fuck you!"

Lin Xia stared at the motorcycle of the glasses brother, and suddenly had a sudden inspiration, "Why don't we make a trailer by ourselves, and let the motorcycle pull us?"

20 kilometers does not sound like a long distance, but if you walk, it will take at least five hours, which is still relatively fast.

"That's right!" Qing Shan's eyes still brightened, Lin Xia is really the brains of their team, he is really smart.

The hot chicken is me: "But where do we go to find a trailer now?"

Summer Night: "It's okay to find a player with wood-type abilities to help out, but the tire thing is a bit difficult to handle."

Qingshan is still: "I can do tires, but I can only make hard ones. If there is no rubber shock absorption, it may be a bit useless."

Summer night: "It would be nice to have some grass or leaves to cover it."

The hot chicken is me: "Sister Xia Xia, you are so smart."

In the end, everyone made a final decision and decided to do this.

It's already far away now, so I just wipe my neck and go back to save a little time.

When the goal is clear, a four-seater cart will be ready soon.

(End of this chapter)

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