Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 101 This Anna Has a Problem

"Okay, the monitoring has been tuned up, you can see for yourself."

Shen hoped to face the computer screen to the crowd. There were two little girls, Anna and Yao Xinke, on the screen. Their expressions seemed to be arguing about something, but the surveillance did not record any sound.

Next, a scene that shocked everyone appeared. Yao Xinke took a step forward, then stretched out his right hand and pushed Anna hard. cry.

After watching the surveillance, Yao Xinke's face suddenly turned pale, she clenched her lower lip tightly, her eyes were full of disbelief, and she looked at her mother immediately, her eyes were full of panic.

"It's not like that, Mom, Xinke didn't push her!"

The little girl tightly clutched her mother's sleeve, raised her head and looked at the woman in front of her expectantly, everyone could disbelieve her, except her mother, she must believe her!

"Honey, tell mom what did Anna say that made you so mad?"

After watching the surveillance, Yao Yi'an's expression also became complicated. Does she believe her daughter? The answer is of course, but the surveillance can't deceive anyone. She doesn't want her Xinke to lie.

The light in Yao Xinke's eyes dimmed little by little, she was not stupid, she could understand what her mother said.

It means that what Anna said made her so angry that she wanted to push someone.

So... Mom doesn't believe her, does she?
Yao Xinke lowered her head helplessly. For her, her mother is everything to her. Now even her mother doesn't believe her, but she really didn't push her...

"Uncle, can you show the surveillance again, my dad wants to watch it."

A childish voice sounded, and just when the matter was about to "come to light", Su Jiang led Long Yi and swaggered over, and what he said fully explained what it means to be a baby against the father.

Long Yi lowered his eyes and glanced helplessly at his own daughter. Although he didn't know what the little girl wanted to do, he still followed suit with great cooperation.


As soon as Long Yi wanted to see it, Shen Xiong quickly took the computer over.

Long Yi took the computer, then slightly bent his knees and squatted down, holding the computer in front of the little girl.

"Thank you dad."

After thanking her, Su Jiang started to play the surveillance video again, and soon she saw some clues, and her expression became weird.

Long Yi's aura was too strong, so he went to this stop, and all the noisy voices suddenly disappeared. Although no one knew his identity, Shen Hope's attitude was enough to explain everything. When the young master of the Shen family saw him People who have to bow and nod, they can't afford to offend.

"Honey, what's the problem?"

Looking at the little girl who was frowning and thinking, Long Yi couldn't help but wonder what his daughter was going to do.

"No problem...but Su Jiang thinks there is a problem."

Of course, it's okay to just watch such a surveillance video. The two little girls quarreled, and one of them pushed the other angrily, but what she saw with her own eyes was not the case.

Su Jiang kept an eye out, and did not make her thoughts public, but quietly pulled her Dragon King Father and began to whisper.

"Father, Su Jiang saw a little bit of the process just now. That Yao Xinke didn't stretch out her right hand like in the surveillance, but stretched out both hands. And that Anna was still talking after she fell to the ground, but in the surveillance Instead, she started to cry directly, and these things seemed to be different from what Su Jiang saw."

Anna, who was huddled in her manager's arms, looked at Su Jiang with displeasure in her eyes, ah, so what about the variables, there is nothing to be afraid of what a little brat can cause.

After listening to Su Jiang's words, Long Yi's eyes gradually became darker, thinking about all the strange things that happened before, now he is no longer surprised by this situation.

There is something wrong with this Anna, Long Yi had the same thought as Su Jiang at this moment.

Su Jiang glanced at Anna who had been huddled in other people's arms over there, and probably had a guess in her heart. If it was true as she guessed, then there would be nowhere to find it, and it would take no effort to get it.

Seeing Su Jiang showing a weird smile to herself, Anna's eyelids twitched for no reason.

"System, help me check if Su Jiang is a time traveler?"

Anna said in her heart worriedly, she always felt that this little girl was weird, if she was also a time traveler, then everything would make sense.

"Hey, after the test, the other party's soul and body are [-]% compatible, and he is not a time traveler."

After hearing that it was not a time traveler, Anna was relieved, but she still had doubts in her heart.

"Then why didn't she die?"

"The reason has not been found, and the system has reported this situation to the main god."

As soon as she heard that she wanted to give feedback to the main god, Anna's heart instantly settled down. Which game has no bugs, just fix it.

"Woooooh, Anna hurts so much..."

Seeing that everyone's attention was on Long Yi and Su Jiang, Anna immediately began to cry out in pain. Ten points is not a small amount, and she can't spend it in vain.

"Sister, didn't you fall on your right arm, why are you covering your left arm?"

Su Jiang tilted her head and asked suspiciously.


Anna's expression froze for a moment. She looked down at her hand, which was covering her right arm. That's right, she wasn't that stupid yet.

"Oh, I read it wrong, Su Jiang is a bit indiscriminate."

Su Jiang scratched her head, she was embarrassed on the surface, but she was complaining secretly in her heart, Anna's expression management was really lame.

"If my sister is in pain, go to the hospital. If you go late, your arm may be broken."

After hearing Su Jiang's words, Anna's back molars were about to be ground, and she almost wanted to roll her eyes on the spot. It's really annoying, this conspicuous bag.

"That's right, Ms. Liu, hurry up and take your artist to the hospital for a check-up. It's not good to be late."

Shen Hope hurriedly stepped forward to urge him, his head was about to grow big, and he was also afraid that something might happen to this little girl, the fighting power of her group of fans is not just for bragging.

"Hmph, just wait, if something happens to our Anna, you can't afford the consequences."

After the agent said this harsh word, he turned around and hugged Anna and left. This child is their company's cash cow, and there should be no mistakes.

Anna's eyes widened instantly after being carried away, no, she won't leave, she can't just waste ten points like this, she can't just let Yao Xinke go like this!

Thinking of this, Anna began to struggle, but the manager mistakenly thought that she was twitching in pain, so she was frightened and hurriedly quickened her pace, hugging Anna even tighter.

Seeing Anna left, Su Jiang turned her eyes to Yao Xinke who kept her head down and said nothing.

What a poor baby, I'm afraid she will leave an indelible psychological shadow in this life, right?
"Don't be sad, sister, I believe in you."

Su Jiang walked up to Yao Xinke, and gently took her hand. At this time, she exuded a dazzling holy light, and Su Jiang chose to be a good person today.

Yao Xinke slowly raised her head, her mind was full of Su Jiang's words "I believe in you" just now.

The moment she raised her head, she suddenly felt as if she saw an angel.

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