Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 102 Girls' Friendship

Chapter 102 Girls' Friendship
"I didn't... didn't push her, really didn't..."

Yao Xinke held Su Jiang's hand tightly and said aggrievedly, her tearful eyes were full of sad tears, she really didn't push others, why didn't even her mother believe her?

"Well, you didn't push."

Su Jiang stretched out her hand and pinched Yao Xinke's cheek. She just wanted to comfort the little girl, but she didn't expect the fleshy touch to be particularly addictive. No wonder the group of people pinched her face every now and then. It turned out to be so easy to pinch. .

After hearing Su Jiang's words, Yao Xinke burst into tears immediately. The tears of grievance that had been suppressed at this moment were like a flood that burst a bank, and because of Su Jiang's words, they collapsed into an army.


Yao Xinke said while hiccupping, and then hugged Su Jiang, which made the latter a little at a loss, and didn't know where to put the two raised hands.

That... Should she take it back?

Su Jiang gently placed her hand on Yao Xinke's back, her movements were extremely unfamiliar, this was the first time she encountered such a situation.

What to do when encountering a sweet and soft girl throwing herself into her arms, of course hugging her tightly.

"Don't cry~"

Su Jiang patted Yao Xinke's back lightly, coaxed her softly, and then gave her back Shun Shun, lest the girl faint from crying.

Girls' friendships are often so simple. Yao Xinke calmed down and took Su Jiang to her lounge, and gave her all the marshmallows he had collected, as if he wanted to spoil him to death.

"No, no, you are four years old and I am five years old. You should call me sister."

Yao Xinke stretched out four fingers on her left hand and five fingers on her right hand, then put them in front of Su Jiang and shook them, fearing that Su Jiang would not compare, she even explained it.

"Look, your age is four fingers, mine is five, subtract four from five, and there is one left!"

After Yao Xinke finished speaking, she raised a little finger.

Su Jiang looked at the little girl who was holding her little finger towards her, her eyes were more or less speechless.

"Sister, don't give others your little thumbs casually in the future, it really deserves a beating."

"I owe you a beating...don't, Xinke don't want to be beaten."

Yao Xinke quickly put her two little hands behind her back, for fear that someone would beat her up.

Seeing this, Su Jiang nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, a child can be taught."

"Don't be afraid, just call me sister and I can protect you, I'll be a bad guy with one punch."

Su Jiang proudly showed her little fist, and the abacus in her heart was ringing.

"Don't... I'm my sister, my sister wants to protect my sister."

Yao Xinke is inexplicably stubborn on this matter, she wants to be her sister no matter what.

Looking at the confident little girl in front of her, Su Jiang couldn't help but want to laugh, she finally understood how Long Yi and the others faced her feelings every day, she was really cute and brainless.

Long Yi sitting on the side was playing with the little girl's tablet, the tablet was clean, only a few reading software could be seen.

"Honey, can Daddy see your bookshelf?"

Long Yi is a role model in respecting children, he will not wantonly peep into the children's privacy just because he is the father of the children.

After hearing Long Yi's words, Su Jiang nodded immediately. Her bookshelf was full of healthy, positive and green novels, and there was nothing shameful about them.

Seeing that his daughter agreed, Long Yi clicked on to read. When he saw all the systematic texts on the bookshelf, he was slightly taken aback. What about children's literature?

When Long Yi saw that "I Have a School Grass Collection System" had a [-]% reading rate, he couldn't help but frown. Why is it this book again?

"Su Jiang, is that your father?"

"Well, isn't he handsome?"

As soon as the topic came up about Long Yi, Su Jiang instantly turned into a father, there was no way, her father, the Dragon King, was just that good.

Whenever someone says "nothing is perfect in this world."

Su Jiang: My Dragon King Father

"Your father is so majestic. Xin Ke also wants such a father, but her mother has always refused to say what kind of father she is."

As Xiao Xinke spoke, she became dejected, with countless disappointments in her eyes.

"They all say that a daughter is like a father. If you are so good, your father must be too."

Su Jiang patted the shoulder of the little girl in front of her, fooling the child without any guilt.

"I am powerful?"

Yao Xinke tilted her head, a little in disbelief.

"Yes, you don't even know how powerful you are."

Su Jiang continued to make up nonsense, but she didn't expect that the girl opposite was a curious baby, and she insisted on asking the bottom line.

"I... I really don't know what's so good about me, Su Jiang, can you tell me about it?"

Su Jiang's smile became forced. How could she say this? They had only known each other for less than an hour.

"Will you run into the house when it rains?"

Hearing Su Jiang's question, Yao Xinke nodded without thinking.

"Yes, if you don't hide from the rain, you will get wet. If you get wet, you will catch a cold. If you have a severe cold and fever, you will die."

It was the first time I met a child with such a clear thinking logic, and Su Jiang didn't know how to proceed for a while.

"Ah... yes, look at how powerful you are, you know how to run into the house even when it rains."

Su Jiang's words made her feel ridiculous, but for a child like Yao Xinke, it was especially useful.

"You can still film, even better."

Every time Su Jiang boasted, Yao Xinke's little face would turn red, really, is she really that powerful?

"Thank you...thank you, you are amazing too."

Seeing the elated little girl coaxed by her, Su Jiang couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

Summer is approaching, the days are getting longer, and the sunset seems to be more gorgeous than the day before.

In an unknown corner of the world, a plain white palace is suspended on the endless water surface, without a single pillar, floating on the water surface out of thin air.

"Su Jiang is still alive..."

The silver-haired man lightly pondered the crystal ball in his hand, a trace of astonishment flashed in his red eyes.

"Ning Pei, I'm back from the calamity."

There was a brisk sound, and the door was pushed open with a bang, and a figure in white rushed in.

Ning You walked in swaggeringly, then sat down on the stool, and said impatiently.

"Hey, I'm so exhausted, my aunt is exhausted. What kind of robbery, I have to come by myself. Hey, what kind of expression do you have, and I don't owe you money..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was swept away with her chair.

"Wow... Ning Pei, are you cheap?"

Baiyou got up from the ground in embarrassment, looking at the man who beat her in disbelief.

"You beat me up..."

"You lied to me, Su Jiang is still alive."

(End of this chapter)

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