"Well, why don't you just apologize to me on the scarf?"

"Why do you have to apologize for something you didn't do?"

Yao Xinke bit her lower lip tightly, her attitude was very firm.

"Hmph, let's wait and see."

Anna raised her chin slightly, snorted coldly, gave Yao Xinke a cold look, and walked away.

"Mom, Xinke has something to tell you..."

Yao Xinke stretched out her small hand and tugged at Yao Yi'an's sleeve, her eyes filled with tears of grievance.

Yao Yi'an rubbed her temples with some headaches, but even if she had a headache again, she patiently responded to her daughter.

"Okay, baby."

"Su Jiang, Su Jiang, my mother and I are leaving first, goodbye."

Yao Xinke let go of her mother's sleeves, wiped away her tears, then walked up to Su Jiang and said reluctantly.

Su Jiang nodded, and waved at Yao Xinke with complicated eyes.

All the way home, Su Jiang looked absent-minded, but when she stepped into the house and saw her kitchen with thick smoke and the chef standing outside with a troubled face, she instantly understood what was going on. thing.

Her godfather, Dr. Gu, took over the kitchen again.

"Hahaha, it's done, I'm done!"

Gu Qingcheng rushed out of the kitchen with a plate in his hands, the black ash on his face could not conceal the excitement on his face.

Su Jiang's eyes widened slightly, what's going on, is this an elixir?
"Come on, darling, godfather asked you to be the first one to try."

Gu Qingcheng picked up the chopsticks, and with a smile on his face, he picked up a piece of dark stuff that he didn't know what it was, and then looked at the little girl in front of him expectantly.

Su Jiang shrank her head back subconsciously, it was so scary, this is not a dish test, it is clearly a poison test.

"Godfather has learned a new cooking technique this time. This braised eggplant was cooked successfully in one attempt. It's just that the eggplant doesn't grow well, it grows so black, and it's ugly when fried."

After hearing Gu Qingcheng's words, the corners of Su Jiang's mouth couldn't help twitching. What's this called? Don't blame the uneven road if you can't do it. It's the first time you see burnt vegetables and turn your head to slander eggplants for being black. Well, if I knew it would happen, this eggplant might as well just rot into the vegetable garden.

"But it looks a little ugly, but the taste is quite good, don't believe me, try it?"

Su Jiang tightly shut her mouth, her expression was a bit embarrassed, if she believed her, wouldn't she need to test the poison?

"Gu Qingcheng, throw the garbage in your hands into the trash can to pollute the air."

Long Yi picked up the little girl, and said to Gu Qingcheng with a displeased face, others need money to cook, but this person cooks to death, they were almost wiped out by Gu Qingcheng with a meal on the mountain, after that Gu Qingcheng didn't go into the kitchen anymore, but these days he was very abnormal, he would go into the kitchen every now and then.

After so many days of hard work, he was finally able to cook a decent dish under his unremitting efforts. In the end, this person actually said that his dish was rubbish, it was too much!

"Garbage... have you ever seen such delicious garbage?"

Gu Qingcheng snorted coldly, didn't believe him, so he will prove to himself today that he really knows how to cook!
Gu Qingcheng angrily threw the piece of eggplant on the chopsticks into his mouth, then chewed it twice, the expression on his face suddenly froze, and his expression suddenly became weird, as if wearing a mask of pain.

Yue, how could there be such an unpalatable thing in the world!
Seeing Gu Qingcheng's appearance, Su Jiang couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately she was careful, otherwise her life would be lost.

"Okay...it's delicious, come and taste it if you don't believe me."

Gu Qingcheng swallowed the eggplant in his mouth with difficulty, trying hard to make his smile not so ugly.

Su Jiang looked at him with some amusement, this man really is, the only thing in his body is that his mouth is hard.

"Hey, cooking is really difficult, so kill me."

Gu Qingcheng took off his apron with a bored look on his face, then silently threw the garbage on the plate, oh no, it should be his "Braised Eggplant" together with the basin and threw it into the trash can.

It's too shocking, he has practiced for a long time, why is it still so unpalatable?

The chef re-occupied the kitchen, and Su Jiang ate this dinner with gusto, but Gu Qingcheng, who was next to him, kept looking downcast. Obviously, this incident brought him a big blow.

After taking a walk and taking a shower, Su Jiang returned to her room. The little red snake obediently lay in the nest prepared for it on the table. The little red snake was much bigger than before, which meant that Seeing that it can't be wrapped around Su Jiang's arm all the time.

The child has grown up and is about to become independent.

Su Jiang sat halfway on the bed, and then opened the book she hadn't finished last time. After reading for a while, she found that she couldn't read it at all, so she had no choice but to close the book again.

The little red snake patted the back of the little girl's hand lightly with its tail, it could feel that it was in a bad mood right now.

Damn it, whoever dares to make it unhappy, it will bite him to death.

"Hey, forget it, go to sleep."

Su Jiang emptied her mind, didn't let herself think about anything, and soon fell asleep.

Seeing that the little girl closed her eyes, the little red snake immediately crawled towards her.

Snake snake, it must sleep next to Ma Ma.

Unexpectedly, when it was about to make a move, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in its mind.

"No snake, did you find your mother?"

As soon as the little red snake heard the voice, he immediately became excited.

It found oh, it is not a useless snake.

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