Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 105 A Good Man Has a Mouth

Chapter 105 A Good Man Has a Mouth
"That's good, protect her well, you know?"

Little Red Snake tilted his head, raised his head unconsciously, no problem, Snake will definitely protect Ma Ma this time.

But... this time Ma Ma seems to have many people protecting her, and it's not her turn at all. Thinking of this, the little red snake can't help but hang her head in frustration.

"Stupid, isn't it a good thing for multiple people to protect her?"

The little red snake tilted its head, as if so, but Ma Ma didn't seem to remember it at all.

"Hmph, I don't remember that you are normal, don't worry, she will remember everything slowly in the future."

As soon as she heard that Su Jiang would remember it, the little red snake immediately regained her spirits, and when Ma Ma remembered it, she would not throw it away in Wang Bachi, Ma Ma used to love her the most.

After hearing what the little snake was thinking, the voice let out a sneer.

"Heh... nonsense, she is most distressed by me."

The little red snake shrank its head, it's too hateful, it is obviously the one that Ma Ma loves the most, but it can't beat this person, so angry.

"What are you doing now, Mama?"

The little red snake rested its head on Su Jiang's arm, Mama was sleeping, and it was time for it to secretly post again.

"Sleep... okay, stupid snake, I won't say much, the time is coming, the storm may be a bit rough recently, but don't worry, your mother is reborn with memories this time, she won't Let yourself suffer."

Xiaohong blinked her eyes, they didn't live by the sea, where did the wind and waves come from?
"It's really a stupid snake."

After the voice finished saying this sentence, there was no further movement. That is to say, when others play the harp to the cow, she plays the harp to the snake.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Jiang vaguely felt the cold touch on her arm, she slowly opened her eyes, a trace of violence flashed in her eyes.

After taking it, her arm went numb again.

After feeling Su Jiang's movement, the little red snake also slowly came to life. It cheerfully spit snake letter at Su Jiang. It was obviously a snake, but Su Jiang felt that she had raised a dog.

Su Jiang didn't sleep on the bed again today, after all, there is still a school to go, every time this time comes, the little girl will become full of hostility.

"Go away, don't force me to dump you to Wangbachi."

Su Jiang frowned and glared at the little red snake, her tits were fierce, without any lethality.

Xiaohong shrank her head, looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

Hey, it's so cute, it's so cute.

Ignoring this wretched snake, Su Jiang got up from the bed and dragged her tired body to wash, vividly explaining what it means to be old at a young age.

"Good morning, darling. Are you happy that your godfather is sending you to school today?"

Seeing Su Jiang coming down, Gu Qingcheng quickly poured a cup of hot milk for the little girl with a toast in his mouth.

"What about Dad?"

"Long Yi is in a hurry, come on, drink the milk first, grow taller."

Su Jiang glanced at Gu Qingcheng with complicated eyes, just speak well, why did she add redundancies, is she imitating her?

"Okay, grow tall~"

Su Jiang said with a smile, the refrain is really good.

Gu Qingcheng, who was sending his children to school for the first time, had done enough homework before that.

"School bag, water bottle, small cake... um... what else is there?"

Gu Qingcheng weighed the little bear backpack in his hand, making sure that the little girl was not carrying too much weight before zipping it up.

"Everything is fine, Su Jiang will be late for school."

The little girl tugged at Gu Qingcheng's sleeve, her expression a little helpless, it's not that she wanted to be late this time, this person is too smudged, she had already tidied things up by herself, but this person insisted on taking the book she stuffed inside Came out and stuffed a small cake in.

"What, are you going to be late?"

When he heard that he was going to be late, Gu Qingcheng quickly picked up the little girl and rushed outside.

In the end, Gu Qingcheng sent Su Jiang to the kindergarten on time, but when he bid farewell to the little girl at the gate of the kindergarten, he began to preach again.

"Hey, godfather, go back, if you don't feel well, remember to tell the teacher, the teacher will... wait, teacher, don't you have my contact information?"

The teacher standing on the side looked dull, from the excitement when he saw Gu Qingcheng at the beginning to the numbness now, who can tell her why such a handsome man has a mouth?

He is an ascetic male god who doesn't speak, and breaks all the filters in an instant when he speaks.

"Excuse me sir, are you also Su Jiang's parent?"

"Yes, my father."

Gu Qingcheng said very smoothly.

"But... doesn't Su Jiang have a father?"

The teacher had a puzzled look on his face. He was really a wealthy family, with one child and two fathers, but she voted for the previous father, which looked reliable, unlike today's one, which always seemed not very smart.

"Godfather, godfather is also considered a father, and she also wants to join the parent group. Her biological father is a busy man. Teacher, you can just find me. My surname is Gu."

Looking at Gu Qingcheng who was still talking, Su Jiang sighed helplessly, this man is really a social cow, and now I am afraid that any dog ​​passing by the road will be dragged by him to say a few words.

"Godfather, Su Jiang is going to class, goodbye~"

Su Jiang waved goodbye directly, for fear that Gu Qingcheng would continue talking.

As soon as she entered the classroom, Su Jiang heard a familiar voice.

"Woooooh, my little flower is gone, I still have to give it to sister Su Jiang"

(End of this chapter)

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