Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 106 Don't mess with her

Chapter 106 Don't mess with her
Liu Xi lay on the table crying and convulsing, still talking about his little flirt.


Su Jiang put down her schoolbag, and then poked Shen Xiyu who was quietly reading the book. The disturbed young master raised his eyes impatiently, but was obviously taken aback when he saw it was Su Jiang.

"You came."

After the young master said something indifferently, he looked away indifferently, and continued to lower his head to read the book. Su Jiang was already used to his style of dragging his brother. Isn't it like this for all the high-cold male protagonists in the novel? ?

"Brother Xiyu, why is Liu Xi crying?"

Su Jiang whispered in Shen Xiyu's ear, but she didn't expect that Young Master Shen shook his head, and he didn't know.

"I don't know too well. When I came, he lay on the table and started crying."

Shen Xiyu didn't care whether Liu Xi was crying or laughing, he only cared if he was so loud that he would disturb his reading.

"Okay, then I'll ask."

Facts have proved that once people are bored, they will become nosy, Su Jiang walked up to Liu Xi with small steps, and asked in a low voice.

"Brother Liu Xi, what's wrong with you?"

Upon hearing Su Jiang's voice, Liu Xi quickly straightened up and looked at her with tears in his eyes. His nose and eye sockets were red from crying, and he couldn't even speak a word.

"Wuuuuuuuu, Hua...they, Huahua took them, no...no, Huahua was ripped off by them."

Su Jiang finally understood now, it turned out that this kid's flowers were ripped off by others.

"Who told you?"

Su Jiang blinked and continued to ask.

"Yes... it's Xu Jie from the second class. I put the flowers outside to bask in the sun, woo woo woo... But I went to put a kettle on, and he picked my flowers, woo woo woo... Give them back It was thrown in the trash and called my flower ugly."

The more Liu Xi talked, the more sad he became, and the tears became more and more unstoppable, wishing to flood the classroom.

Su Jiang scratched her chin, looking thoughtful, and finally opened her mouth after a long time.

"Go, don't cry, and take your flowerpot."


Although he didn't understand what Su Jiang was going to do, Liu Xi obediently picked up his flowerpot and followed.

Shen Xiyu on the side slowly raised his head, he sighed helplessly, then closed the book and followed.

Class [-] classroom, a group of children formed a circle, and standing in the middle was a little boy wearing a black jacket and combing his head. The little boy was talking happily, causing everyone to exclaim.

"At that time, the vicious dog was only three meters away from me. I didn't have any weapons in my hand, but it didn't dare to go forward. Guess why?"

Xu Jie asked pretending to be mysterious, with a smug smile in his eyes.

"Wow, vicious dog!"

"Xu Jie, tell me quickly, why on earth, why didn't that vicious dog dare to come forward?"

Seeing that everyone's attention was attracted by him, Xu Jiecai spoke slowly.

"that is because……"

"That's because the dog is meeting someone who is less dog than it is for the first time."

A childish voice interrupted Xu Jie's next words, and Su Jiang walked in calmly with her hands folded over her chest, her eyes were like looking at a dog.

"Who are you, dare to scold me!"

As soon as Su Jiang was scolding him, Xu Jie immediately became angry.

"I'm scolding you, I'm not scolding you, the puppy is so cute, I'm just praising you."

With her hands behind her back, Su Jiang showed a pure and harmless smile at Xu Jie.

Liu Xi, who was holding a potted plant behind him, would be really stupid if he still couldn't see Su Jiang's intentions. His sister Su Jiang was obviously trying to find a place for him. Behind my sister?
He's a man, be brave!

Thinking of this, Liu Xi immediately rushed to Su Jiang, blocking the little girl behind him, looking fiercely at Xu Jie, who was standing opposite, with bared teeth.

But Xu Jie looked disdainful when he saw Liu Xi, and even taunted him.

"Liu Xi... I see. Is it because you are upset that I tore your flower, so you came to seek revenge on me?"

"Revenge also brought a short winter melon, hahaha, I'm so scared~"

Dwarf melon?
Su Jiang raised her eyes coldly. Obviously, these three words touched her restricted area.

"Are you so uneducated, pan lid?"

Su Jiang tilted her head and said with a smile, her two hands behind her back unconsciously clenched into fists.

He's still a child, so don't let him go.

"Short, what did you say?"

Hearing that Su Jiang said he had covered the oil pan, Xu Jie was immediately annoyed. He squeezed his fists and slowly walked towards Su Jiang.

"Look, wearing an oil pan cover really affects hearing."

As Su Jiang spoke, she pushed aside Liu Xi who was standing in front of her, and cast her cold gaze directly at Xu Jie.

"Don't call those three words anymore!"

Xu Jie was completely angry. He raised his fist and smashed Su Jiang's head. Su Jiang's eyes narrowed, and then he squatted down slightly. Then he stretched his right foot back, turned his heel, and hit Xu Jiang with a straight back fist. Jie's belly.

Xu Jie was caught off guard by Su Jiang's blow. The pain made him bend down subconsciously to cover his stomach, but he didn't expect that when he just lowered his head, Su Jiang punched him in the face with lightning speed.


The boy let out a shrill scream, which showed Su Jiang's strength and how much pain he had.

"Su Jiang, you..."

Shen Xiyu, who rushed over after hearing the screams, couldn't help but widen her eyes slightly after seeing this scene, and even the words that came to her mouth were swallowed back into her stomach.

Not only him, Liu Xi next to him was also stunned. He stood so close and didn't see how Su Jiang made a move just now. When he reacted and wanted to block Su Jiang's fist, the little girl had already directly People are subdued.

Su Jiang wiped the dust on her cheeks with her thumb, then put her hands behind her back, showing that familiar harmless smile, looking at Xu Jie who was writhing in pain.

"Ah, why did you fall down so quickly? I thought you were so big and good at fighting, but it turned out to be a paper tiger."

Tortured both physically and mentally, Xu Jie was no match for the devil, Su Jiang, and immediately broke down and cried out.

At the same time, in the lobby of the Long Family Villa, Long Yi sat on the sofa and stared at the screen of the mobile phone in front of him without saying a word, his brows were furrowed, and his expression was a little ugly. Gu Qingcheng who was sitting opposite him also had the same expression.

It is probably because of Su Jiang that these two men can show this expression at the same time.

"This group of people is really crazy. Is scolding such a small child something human can do?"

Gu Qingcheng slammed the phone down on the coffee table, almost gritting his teeth as he said this sentence.

"That Anna..."

Before Long Yi could finish speaking, the phone ringing interrupted his next words. He glanced at the caller ID on the phone, it was his precious teacher.

Long Yi's heart skipped a beat, the teacher usually would not call the parents for no reason, unless something really urgent happened.

Long Yi connected the phone with anxiety, and as soon as the phone was connected, the teacher's eager voice came from the other side.

"Father Su Jiang, I need you to come to school. Your daughter got into a fight at school."

"okay, I get it."

Long Yi responded in a light tone, his eyes sank instantly, and after hanging up the phone, he immediately made another call.

"Baihu, bring a few more people with me to the kindergarten."

Baihu: ...?
(End of this chapter)

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