Although he didn't understand why Long Yi wanted him to take someone to the kindergarten, Bai Hu still complied. After all, Master Long Wang must have his reasons for doing so.

In the hall, Gu Qingcheng looked at Long Yi solemnly, the person in front of him has already used the white tiger, something must have happened.

"Long Yi, what's the matter, is it the general base..."

"The little girl got into a fight with someone else in the kindergarten."

Long Yi picked up the coat that was draped over the back of the sofa, and immediately walked out with big strides after saying this.

Gu Qingcheng, who was left in place, was still digesting the news that was even more explosive than the bombing of the general base. How could his family fight, someone must have bullied her!

At this time, "Babe" Su Jiang was standing against the wall with her head down without saying a word. Standing in a row with her were three other children, namely Xu Jie with a muddy head and a bewildered child. Liu Xi, and Shen Xiyu with a calm face.

As for why Young Master Shen stood here, everyone present including Su Jiang didn't quite understand, maybe this person wanted to be a companion?
"Why did you fight, Su Jiang, I heard that you rushed to other people's classrooms?"

The teacher looked at Su Jiang with some doubts. This little girl is usually really obedient and smart, and she doesn't seem like someone who would take the initiative to provoke trouble.

"He picked Brother Liu Xi's flowers, I went to ask him to apologize, but he said that I would do it anyway, teacher, I was acting in self-defense, am I wrong?"

Su Jiang raised her head, then blinked her big innocent eyes, no one would bear to look at them.

The teacher helped her forehead helplessly. Although this child is obedient and smart, she can often say things that will leave you speechless. It is a pity that this meticulous thinking logic only makes her go to a small kindergarten. up.

"Hey, I have notified your parents to come to the school. Before that, stand up for me and reflect on yourself."

Su Jiang's expression froze slightly when she heard that she was called her parents, and her eyes became visibly guilty.

It's over, she would have thought twice if she knew she would call the parents, but she dared to act when everyone beat her up.

But even though she had figured it out in her heart, Su Jiang still clenched her fists a little nervously.

Liu Xi who was on the side had a cloudy face when he heard that he was going to call his parents. Without even thinking about it, his father would definitely reward him with "deep fatherly love".

On the other hand, Shen Xiyu looked indifferent, parents, heh, he didn't.

After a while, the door of the office was pushed open, and a middle-aged couple walked in. The gorgeously dressed woman couldn't help but turn red when she saw her son who was in a mess.

"Oh, my dear son, why are you being bullied like this?"

Xu's mother hugged her son with a distressed expression, and then turned her head to look at Su Jiang and the others fiercely.

"The three of you are the ones who bully our family Xu Jie with more bullies?"

"No, it's me."

Su Jiang raised her head slowly and said calmly.

"No, I did it too. The dirt on his head was made by me...I made it!"

Liu Xi hurriedly spoke out, for fear that Su Jiang would be punished alone.

"And me, I... I laughed at him."

Shen Xiyu also followed suit, insisting on forcibly accusing herself of a crime.

After listening to the words of the three children, Mother Xu almost fainted from anger.

"It's too much, are the children nowadays so bad? No, teacher, if you don't give our family an explanation today, we will not let it go. I have never been willing to beat my precious son, but today I was beaten by this The three bad boys have been bullied, so no one can bear it, right?"

Su Jiang lowered her eyes and said nothing. Before her Dragon King father came, she couldn't say a word. She couldn't yell at this woman.

"Mother Xu Jie, please don't worry. Calm down. We have asked the school doctor to see that Xu Jie is not injured, and many children present have seen that it was your child who moved first."

The teacher patiently explained, but Xu's father beside him was dissatisfied and said sharply.

"My son is usually very well-behaved. He never needs my wife and I to worry about it. How could he beat someone?"

"Then you mean to say that my family obediently moved first?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Su Jiang raised her eyes subconsciously and looked towards the door. Gu Qingcheng stood at the door with his hands in his pockets. He slightly raised his chin, showing a sense of laziness and arrogance all over his body.

Also, the eldest son of the Gu family, a world-renowned genius doctor, who is arrogant if he is not arrogant?
He was not the only one who came, beside him stood Long Yi, Liu Kang, and the non-existent parent that Shen Xiyu was talking about—Shen Yun.

The four big men stopped there, and the office fell silent in an instant, and there was a dead silence.

"Doctor Gu!"

Xu's father recognized Gu Qingcheng at a glance. This is a miracle doctor that he couldn't afford to hire. He didn't expect to meet him in his son's kindergarten. But when he thought that Gu Qingcheng might be the parent of one of the three children across the street, his heart ached. It was half cold in an instant.

"Who are you?"

Gu Qingcheng glanced at him with displeasure, and said impatiently.

"Hello Miracle Doctor Gu, I am the head of the Xu family, Xu Liu."

Father Xu's 360-degree face-changing appearance stunned everyone present, except for a few who knew Gu Qingcheng's identity, the others looked at Gu Qingcheng more or less surprised.

"Husband, who is this person really?"

Mother Xu tugged at her husband's sleeve and asked quietly.

"Shut up."

He would not admit it wrong, this face was exactly the same as the one in the photo, Miracle Doctor Gu had never disclosed his face to the public, even his photo had to be paid for.

"Master Gu, your child also goes to school here?"

Xu Liu hurriedly made friends, this is Doctor Gu, the doctor said that no one can cure his old man's illness except him.

Gu Qingcheng ignored him, he had seen a lot of people like this, wouldn't he be exhausted if he paid attention to everyone, and besides, this person's child had fought obediently with their family, Gu Qingcheng's expression turned cold instantly when he thought of this down.


Seeing Long Yi coming, Su Jiang's tone softened instantly, her eyes were more or less guilty, and it was the first time that she asked her parents to fight.

"Well, don't be afraid, Dad is here."

Long Yi picked up the little girl, and then patted her on the back lightly. He was worried all the way, and he was relieved until he saw his daughter who was safe and sound.

Now is the time for each family to claim the baby, Liu Xi decided to act first, as long as he cries first and admits his mistake first, then his father will not be able to say anything.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dad

Liu Kang hugged his son who cried until he was hiccupping, his eyes were full of distress. Although he often rewarded this stinky boy with "fatherly love", he just couldn't see his son being wronged outside.

On the other hand, the Shen family father and son looked extraordinarily calm, one big and one small looked at each other, as if whoever spoke first would lose.

"You still fight?"

Shen Yun was the first to speak out. When he received the teacher's call at first, he thought it was a liar. After all, how could his little poker face fight?
"I didn't hit him, I just went over and laughed at him."

Shen Xiyu explained indifferently, and didn't care if they believed it or not.

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