Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 109 She's Not Short!

Chapter 109 She's Not Short!
"Dad, what's the matter, you don't seem to be in a good mood."

Su Jiang noticed the gloomy expression on the man's face. To tell the truth, her right eyelid has been twitching all the time, and her intuition told her that something bad happened.

"It's okay baby, let's go back after washing our hands."

Long Yi patted the little girl's head. It was obvious that she was planning to hide it from her again. Su Jiang pursed her lips and said that she would not tell unless she told her.

"Seven million is good, Mr. Liu really can't have more..."

In the office, Xu Liu was trying to negotiate the price with Liu Kang, and the price had also increased from 550 million at the beginning to 700 million now, and it really kept talking more and more.

"Okay then, hey, what a loss."

Liu Kang pretended to be sorry, but in fact he was happy in his heart. He had already asked his father in secret just now, and this batch of orchids was not limited to this one, but he would only whisper in such things. Bored in my heart, after all, it is a fortune to make a fortune.

"Well, the matter of the flowers will be settled in this way, and the only thing left is to fight."

The teacher said quickly, it could be seen that she really wanted to solve the matter as soon as possible.

Xu Liu rubbed his forehead tiredly, it was over, and now his family suffered again, after all, it was his son who made the first move.

"My aunt has been seriously injured. What if we bump into each other, what will her father and I do?"

Su Jiang glanced at the playful Gu Qingcheng, why did he feel that this person spoke strangely, maybe he blamed everything.

"But Papa, she calls me the pan lid."

Xu Jie tugged at his father's sleeve in aggrieved manner. His pot head is obviously very handsome, so why scold him?


Hearing the sound of the oil pan lid, Gu Qingcheng couldn't help laughing out loud, it sounded like words his little girl would say.

Su Jiang snorted softly, but the little brat was the first to file a complaint.

"But Dad, he called me Shorty Winter Melon~"

Su Jiang huddled in Long Yi's arms, clenched her little hands tightly, looking pitiful and helpless.

"Baby is not short, don't listen to his nonsense."

Long Yi's eyes coaxed his daughter affectionately. The little girl seemed to have an inexplicable attachment to her height, and it was embarrassing for a long time to be called a dwarf.

Su Jiang rubbed her nose, feeling a little sour in her heart. In order to grow taller, she has been forcing herself to drink a glass of milk every day. After two months, there is no change except gaining weight.

I think she was a 1.7-meter-five-meter-old sister back then, and only others looked up to her when she wore high heels. How can she look up at people every day like now, and her neck is sore.

Why do the little villains have such impressive heights at such a young age? Even Liu Xi and Shen Xiyu look at her with their heads down. If they are boys, it is normal for them to be taller, but they are both girls. Yao Xinke actually looked down at her in the same way.

It shouldn't be, is she too short?
"That's right, our darling will definitely grow taller, as long as we eat according to our godfather's nutritional recipes every day, we will be sure to grow strong."

Su Jiang glanced at Gu Qingcheng complicatedly, and said to grow stronger... Thank you, I really didn't plan to do that.

"Well, Miracle Doctor Gu, this matter is indeed due to our child's fault first, and our husband and wife did not discipline well."

Su Jiang glanced at Xu Liu who put his posture extremely low, and couldn't help recalling the things in his previous life.

It is obvious that she is the one who is bullied every time, but she is the one who is forced to bow her head. For a child who is not favored, it seems that even resistance has become a kind of unreasonable trouble.

"It's not uncle who wants to beat Su Jiang, why is uncle apologizing?"

Su Jiang put her hands on her hips, and looked sharply at Xu Jie who was hiding behind Xu Liu. Today, she will make this little boy have a long memory. Not everything can be settled by his parents. She is very serious. It would be his bad luck to meet him.

"Son... a man, be brave, let's apologize to the little girl."

"I don't want it, I didn't hit her, and she beat me like this, it hurts so much!"

Facing his father's request, Xu Jie directly refused without giving any face. Xu Liu smiled a little embarrassedly, but he couldn't say anything for a while because of the presence of so many people.

"Stinky boy, do you think if you beat my house and behave yourself, can you still stand here safe and sound?"

Gu Qingcheng narrowed his eyes dangerously, his tone was threatening, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with scaring children.


Sure enough, when Xu Jie saw Gu Qingcheng's fox-like smile, he was instantly frightened and turned back to look for his mother, with tears rolling in his eyes uncontrollably.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaojie, let's go and apologize to my little sister, shall we?"

Xu's mother coaxed her son patiently, but no matter what she said, Xu Jie was unmoved, still stubborn as hell.

He was obviously the one who was beaten, why should he apologize?
Noticing the unconvinced look in the boy's eyes, Su Jiang smiled knowingly from the bottom of her heart. This is a typical toast but not fine wine, hard but not soft.

"Xu Jie, it's okay if you don't apologize, just stay away when you see me in the future, I'm afraid I can't help but want to punch you."

Su Jiang tilted her head, and said with a smile, what bad intentions did she have, she just wanted the child to have a long memory.

After hearing what Su Jiang said, Xu Jie trembled and immediately shuddered, as if recalling the pain at that time.

"I'm sorry, Su Jiang."

Xu Jie lowered his head and blushed, and said awkwardly, as if saying these few words exhausted all his strength, and it took a lot of effort to complete the sentence.

"It's okay, just don't do this next time."

Su Jiang said with a smile, what else can she say, of course she chooses to forgive, after all, she is beautiful and kind, the key is that she didn't suffer.

Hearing that Su Jiang forgave herself, Xu Jie couldn't hold back a cry, and threw herself into her mother's arms.

Su Jiang blinked, obviously a little confused, didn't she, did she really cry?
"Don't touch porcelain, my family is obedient and obviously didn't say anything."

Gu Qingcheng is like a hen protecting her cubs at this time, for fear that her little girl will blame herself.

"I didn't... woo woo, I just... It's just that no one in the kindergarten has ever been able to beat me. She is so short that she actually defeated her."

Xu Jie said with a choked voice.

When Su Jiang heard what he said, the veins on her forehead couldn't help popping up, and she clenched her hands into fists, hey, she has such a bad temper, this kid just shut up if he can't speak, who is short?Anyway, she is not short, she still has room to grow!
Feeling the little girl in his arms ready to move, Long Yi patted her on the back reassuringly, as if he was smoothing the hair of a kitten.

Su Jiang snorted coldly, then turned her head away, that's all, there are so many people present, the key is that her clever Dragon King father is there, it is not appropriate to make a move, if she is spotted, she will have to argue for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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