"Mr. Wang, there seems to be bodyguards brought by the parents of the children in your class at the gate of the school. Can you ask the parents to remove the group of bodyguards first? It's scary."

"Okay, okay, principal, I understand."

The teacher hung up the phone tiredly, and the wave of Shangbo Gangping started again. Why are there so many things to do every day?

"Parents, who brought those bodyguards at the school gate?"

Su Jiang hooked her lips in a funny way, it's not necessary, who is it, come to a kindergarten and bring bodyguards.

But in the next second, she couldn't laugh anymore, because her father, the Dragon King, stood up.

"I brought it, and it will be removed immediately."

After Long Yi finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Bai Hu with one hand.

At the same time, at the school gate, Baihu stood upright with his hands behind his back wearing a mask, and dozens of bodyguards in black stood behind him.

The opposite railing was crowded with "little radish heads" who only reached his knees, and all of them blinked their big curious eyes, looking at Baihu and the others like monkeys.

"Wow, they look so cool, is it Superman?"

"I don't think so, all in black...they look...like villains!"

"Ah, bastard!"

Being watched by so many children, coupled with the fact that the group of children were discussing too loudly, the boy's ears were so red that he could bleed, and the face under the mask didn't know what it was like.

It's so embarrassing, has Lord Dragon King already forgotten them? Baihu pursed his lips lightly, thinking of disobeying the order for the first time.

It's so embarrassing... Fortunately, there is a mask on his face, which can be regarded as his last dignity.

With a sound of ding dong, Baihu immediately took out his mobile phone after hearing the ringtone, and he was finally relieved when he saw the retreat command sent by Long Yi.


The boy put away his phone, then waved to the people behind him.

Obviously, the group of boys in the back couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief after hearing the news of the retreat. The sunglasses on their faces were their last dignity.

"Hey, I've finally finished talking. It's hard work to be a teacher, to be a father and mother to so many children."

Gu Qingcheng who came out of the office couldn't help sighing.

"Dad, I don't want to go home yet, I still want to play with sister Su Jiang."

On the other side, Liu Xi pouted and squatted down on the spot, no matter how much his father pulled him, he couldn't move.

"Okay, then you can stay here alone, hey, it seems that a certain kid doesn't care about his limited Ultraman card at all, I just received the news that the card has been delivered home. "


After hearing his father's words, Liu Xi suddenly raised his head, his eyes lit up.

Limited edition Ultraman card, what a temptation this is for a little boy.

But... Liu Xi immediately woke up, his attitude was unprecedentedly firm, his sister Su Jiang was much more important than cards.

"No dad, the cards are always there anyway, I'm going to play with sister Su Jiang."

After Liu Xi finished speaking, he immediately walked towards Su Jiang.

Seeing his son's attitude is so firm, Liu Kang couldn't say anything more, so he had to follow behind him.

He also doesn't understand why his son likes to play with the little girl so much, maybe his son didn't notice it himself, the little girl looks at him like an adult can't understand a child.

"Sister Su Jiang, let's go play on the slide together!"

Su Jiang turned her head to look at Liu Xi who was walking towards her, and immediately showed a proper smile.

"No, Su Jiang is going home, brother Liu Xi can play with brother Xiyu."

"Ah... I don't want to play with him..."

Liu Xi pouted and muttered in a low voice, and Su Jiang couldn't help curling her lips when she heard it. The relationship between her two little friends still seemed to be very bad.

Su Jiang raised her eyes and looked at Shen Xiyu who was standing over there and confronting his own father. For the first time, she felt that there were such great differences between individuals.

She can't remember the original text of the novel clearly, but only remembers the general description. Shen Xiyu is a standard child of other people's family, and there are very few descriptions about him. The little villain didn't know what happened to him, and he didn't know how to kill the protagonist group.

Thinking of Ji Yu, Su Jiang's mood instantly became complicated.

Does she change the original plot now?

The little villain saved her, which means that his relationship with her Dragon King father should not be too bad now. If the relationship was bad, he might not only not save her, but also dig a hole for her to bury. I am the one who can do that kind of thing.

"Okay, I'm going home, tomorrow... oh no, see you the day after tomorrow."

Su Jiang patted Liu Xi's shoulder, showing a smile from the heart, that's great, today is Friday.

Time flies so fast, it only took 25 days to learn, and it has been five days since she last counted. It is very good, and it only takes another five or five days.

Looking at the back of Su Jiang leaving happily, Liu Xi lowered his head a little bit disappointed.

Looking at his son who was devastated, Liu Kang helplessly helped his forehead. Seeing this hopeless look, it's not like he will never see him again.

"Let's go son, since your little sister Su Jiang is back home, then we can just go home and open the limited cards."

As soon as he heard the limited cards, Liu Xi's whole baby instantly came alive.

"Okay, Dad, let's go home!"

After Liu's father and son left, only Shen Xiyu and Shen Yun were left in the corridor. The two were still staring at each other. Obviously this was the normal state of the father and son.

"Don't mind your own business next time, I'm busy."

Shen Yun turned his watch and said casually.

"You can choose not to come."

Young Master Shen looked away and said sullenly.

"I'm your father, if I don't come, who will come?"

Shen Yun was about to be laughed out of anger, none of his three sons was worrying.

The eldest son did not inherit his good family business, so he insisted on becoming a director.

The second son, his mental state is extremely unstable, and he is also surprisingly lazy, sleeping or sleeping all day long.

The remaining youngest son is a little bit ambitious among the three children, smart and decisive, but there is one bad thing, that is, he hates him too much. Shen Yun is a little suspicious. What I did was probably to clean up his father first.

But even so, Shen Yun still couldn't help wanting to be mean.

"Hey, I'm your father anyway, how can I not know your little thoughts, and like to be with other little girls so much, or how about letting her be your bride and stay with you all the time?"

Shen Yun had a good idea. If he could abduct the little girl from Long Yi's family to his house, then he would be able to hand over the Shen family to her to take care of. After all, the heir that Long Yi personally cultivated would definitely not be so bad. of.

And it's impossible for this guy to ignore his daughter, so the Dragon King's power will be behind the Shen family, which really kills two birds with one stone.

"not good."

Shen Xiyu glanced at Shen Yun as if he was insane. Has this man's thoughts been jumping like this all the time?

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