After Su Jiang got home, she immediately ran into her room to get the tablet, but the table was empty, the little girl scratched her head, strange, she clearly remembered that she had always put it on the table.

Little Red Snake tilted her head, curiously looking at the little girl who was rummaging around.

Strange, what is it looking for, is something missing?
Sensing the sneaky gaze behind her, Su Jiang slowly turned her head away, only to see her little red snake, like a fool, obviously a pair of extremely penetrating snake eyes revealing a clear stupidity.

"Has anyone been in my room while I've been away?"

Su Jiang stared at the little red snake, as if she could twist its head off as soon as it lied.

Little Red Snake nodded subconsciously, but suddenly seemed to remember something and shook her head quickly, the whole snake panicked to the extreme.

Su Jiang squinted her eyes, this snake is dishonest.

"Give you one last chance, has anyone been to my room?"

With a snap, Su Jiang clapped one hand on the table, looking at the little red snake with indescribably sharp eyes.

The little snake trembled, woo woo woo, what to do, what to do, it has promised Ma Ma's father to keep it a secret.

Soon, it made a choice in its heart, it couldn't lie to Ma Ma.

"Forget it, I probably understand."

Su Jiang withdrew her hand, scratched her chin, and probably had a guess in her heart.

Downstairs in the living room, Long Yi sat on the sofa with a serious expression on his face, and Gu Qingcheng sitting opposite him also looked worried.

"Before this matter is completely settled, don't let the little girl go online. Her electronic equipment is hidden, right?"

Gu Qingcheng looked at Long Yi with a calm face, and asked with some uncertainty.

Long Yi turned off the phone, his voice a little indifferent.

"Well, Shen hopes to say that he will take care of it."

"He should have dealt with it in the first place. He was the one who begged our little girl to go. Now this kind of thing happened half because of him, and that Anna. Why are there so many fans, it's so annoying."

Gu Qingcheng rubbed his hair impatiently, his tone was extremely irritable, his fists were itchy, and he always wanted to beat him up.

"not enough……"

Different from Gu Qingcheng's furry state, Long Yi is much calmer, but it seems too calm, and the whole person looks a little cold for no reason.

"Ah... What's not enough?"

Gu Qingcheng looked over in a daze, not understanding what Long Yi was talking about.

"Shen hopes that the means are not enough, and those who splash dirty water must pay the price, and kill chickens to make an example..."

After speaking, Long Yi turned on the phone again, rummaged through the address book for a long time, and finally found the number in his memory at the bottom, without hesitation, he dialed it directly.

The call was quickly connected, and suddenly there was an extremely piercing scream.

"Ah! Mom, stop calling, I'll answer the phone first, ah! Let me answer the phone first!"

Hearing the piercing screams, Long Yi couldn't help keeping the hand holding the phone away from his ear.

"Hey, who is it?"

Long Yi didn't put the phone to his ear until the screams stopped.

"Long Yi."

After Long Yi finished speaking, there was silence for a long time, without any movement.

But after a long while, a voice finally came from over there.

"Liar, how could Long Yi call me, his voice imitated something like that, I was almost bluffed by you."

Long Yi held his forehead, and was speechless for a while.

"Mu Xi, can't even hear my voice now?"

"Damn it, it can't really be...cough cough cough, may I ask what orders Lord Dragon King has, Mu Xi is so deaf, I couldn't hear your voice for a moment."

Listening to the flustered voice on the other end of the phone, Long Yi gently closed his eyelids, but no emotion could be heard in the voice.

"If you spread rumors on the Internet and insult my daughter, you can do it yourself, don't let me down."

"Okay, Lord Dragon King, raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a short period of time, I will definitely be obliged to obey the orders of the Lord, and do my best... Ah! Mom, why are you beating me again!"

After hearing the screams, Long Yi hung up the phone expressionlessly.

"Mu Xi...couldn't be that little lawyer?"

Gu Qingcheng asked curiously while exchanging passion on the Internet.


"How do you think I know?"

Gu Qingcheng stopped what he was doing, and then looked at Long Yi pretending to be mysterious.

But he didn't expect that the latter didn't even give him an extra look. Obviously, he didn't want to know.

"Heh... Even if you don't want to hear it, I'll tell you. He is often fucking beaten. Once, because his mother was chasing him with a feather duster, he accidentally tripped over his left foot and tripped over his right foot while running. Yeah, the bridge of the nose almost broke."

After hearing this, Long Yi rubbed his temples calmly, what kind of tricks did he recruit?

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