Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 113 I'm Your Brother

Chapter 113 I'm Your Brother

The next day, under Gu Qingcheng's strong request, he forced himself into the car with Su Jiang and the others to go to the set.

The little girl glanced at Gu Qingcheng helplessly, wondering why this person is so idle?

"Godfather, you seem to be very busy. Isn't the adult's world very busy? Su Jiang's father is very busy, and he has to go to work on weekends."

Su Jiang spread out the book and complained, Gu Qingcheng was so jealous, why did she have to go to school every day?
"Not busy, not busy, your godfather only accepts one operation a year, and has performed two operations this year."

Gu Qingcheng shrugged with a smile, then patted the little girl's head.

Two... It seems that the target of surgery is myself...

Su Jiang scratched her head, and twitched the corners of her mouth helplessly, oh, her fragile body is really full of disasters.

"Okay, godfather is amazing."

Hearing his daughter praised Gu Qingcheng, Long Yi, who was sitting on the other side looking at his mobile phone, glanced at them calmly, his eyes were as cold as a knife-killer.

"Hahahaha, no, there are even more powerful godfathers."

After hearing the little girl praise him, Gu Qingcheng immediately raised his chin proudly.

"Oh, is there something more powerful?"

Su Jiang raised her head and looked at Gu Qingcheng curiously.

"Ah... yes, even more powerful, godfather can also play games, he is super good at playing games!"

After hearing Gu Qingcheng's words, Su Jiang helped her forehead helplessly, she knew it would be this kind of answer.

"Gu Qingcheng, shut up."

Long Yi couldn't bear it anymore and gave Gu Qingcheng a cold look, then grabbed the little girl beside him and led her to him.

Gu Qingcheng naturally saw Long Yi's little movements, he snorted coldly, then moved towards the little girl as if he hadn't seen anything.

Humph, don't try to isolate him.

Su Jiang sighed helplessly in her heart, she might as well just split up these two childish ghosts, and then make half of each of them.

Today's shooting location was set at a large French-style palace villa. Just as Su Jiang was lamenting the luxury of this villa, the guard standing at the door suddenly gave her a standard ninety-degree bow.

"Welcome miss, master go home."

After hearing the doorman's words of welcome home, Su Jiang's hands flicking her hair stopped, but fortunately she has gotten used to her Dragon King father's wealth during this time, there are several men on the island, what if there are more houses? ?
"Long Yi, you won't lend the villa to their crew, will you?"

Gu Qingcheng looked at Long Yi with a frown and said in disbelief.


Long Yi responded lightly, then picked up his daughter and walked in through the gate.

"Hmph... I can't tell, you're really nice."

Gu Qingcheng quickly followed after complaining in a low voice. It's such a big place, it would be too embarrassing for him to get lost by himself.

"Su Jiang, you're here~"

As soon as Su Jiang arrived at the shooting location, the sharp-eyed Yao Xinke saw her at a glance. The little girl trotted over with her skirt in her hands, with a bright smile on her face.

"I'm here, you are so beautiful today."

Su Jiang looked at Yao Xinke who was wearing a princess dress with a smile, and sweetly praised the other party, girls are really the cutest creatures in the world.

Hearing that Su Jiang praised herself, Yao Xinke lowered her head in embarrassment, her two little hands were clasped together, and two red clouds quickly climbed up on her cheeks.

"Thank you, you are the most beautiful."

Looking at the little girl who suddenly became awkward in front of her, Su Jiang couldn't help but bend the corners of her mouth, she was so cute, but she was too thin-skinned.

"Father, can you let Su Jiang come down, Su Jiang wants to go by herself."

Su Jiang patted Long Yi's shoulder lightly, blinking her bright round eyes while speaking.

"Okay, is baby hot?"

Long Yi bent down and placed Su Jiang firmly on the ground. After asking, he didn't forget to tidy up the little girl's hat. Summer is approaching, the sun is getting more and more poisonous, and the temperature is getting higher and higher.

"It's neither hot nor hot, Su Jiang isn't sweating at all."

Although Su Jiang said it was not hot, Yao Xinke took her little hand and ran to a place with a fan, and then said excitedly.

"Su Jiang, there are many scenes of yours today."

Hearing this, Su Jiang raised her eyes, and suddenly found Yao Xinke's reddish eye sockets in front of her, which didn't look like she had put on makeup, but seemed to have just cried.

"I know, what were you doing just now?"

Su Jiang seemed to ask casually, but actually secretly observed the other party's reaction.

"I was just...in..."

Before Yao Xinke finished speaking, a long leg was lying between the two of them. Su Jiang raised her head in dissatisfaction, who is so rude and disturbing others.

"You are Su Jiang, why are you so young, are you weaned?"

Su Jiang raised her head, feeling that her neck was about to be lifted, and then she saw the appearance of the person in front of her clearly. It was a boy about seventeen or eighteen years old, and her height was estimated by sight... Forget it, she couldn't see it visually, but she was pretty good looking. fair and clear.

The boy slowly squatted down, then leaned close to Su Jiang and sniffed with his nose.

"It's really a milk doll, it smells like milk."

Facing the boy's behavior without a sense of boundaries, Su Jiang took a step back vigilantly,
"who are you?"

Su Jiang frowned and said coldly.

"Su Yao."

After the boy finished speaking, he smiled at her, revealing two shallow dimples.

Su Yao... surnamed Su, Su Jiang clenched her fists tightly, with no difference on the surface, but her fingertips sank deeply into the flesh of her palm, and she couldn't control the emotions that didn't belong to her.

"You can call me brother, I am indeed your cousin in terms of blood relationship."

Su Jiang doesn't have any affection for the Su family now, but she can't kill everyone with a single stick, so the big family still has one or two positive views.

But she, who looked like a bum in front of her, was not sure.

Seeing the ignorant look of the little girl in front of her, Su Yao thought she didn't understand, so she quickly added.

"That is, my father is your mother's elder brother. I want to call your mother's aunt, so you are my cousin."

"Oh, I know."

Su Jiang nodded very flatly, then directly bypassed the boy and walked in front of the electric fan, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing the little girl ignoring him, Su Yao sighed helplessly, but he still stood up and followed.

"Sister, can brother take you home for a meal?"

Su Yao squatted in front of Su Jiang again, and said with a deadpan face.

"No, Su Jiang wants to go home and eat with her father."

Su Jiang rejected him mercilessly. He was probably a familiar person, so he began to talk about his younger sister.

"Then you can bring your father there. I'll go and talk to Uncle Long."

Uncle Long...

Hearing this address, Su Jiang couldn't help raising her eyes to look at the boy.

To be honest, Su Jiang didn't really want to have too much contact with Su's family. After all, the original owner stayed in Su's house before, and she was afraid that she would show her flaws.

But the memory of the original owner doesn't seem to have any memory about this elder brother. Could this person come to deceive the child?
Su Jiang narrowed her eyes suspiciously, and looked at Su Yao more vigilantly.

I didn't understand why my sister's eyes suddenly became sharp, but my intuition told Su Yao that he was regarded as a bad person.

(End of this chapter)

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