Chapter 114 It's Windy!
"Sister, let's go find your father, okay? My brother really wants to get together with you."

"Then what were you doing before?"

Su Jiang couldn't control the irritability in her heart, and said this sentence almost subconsciously.

Since he wanted to meet her so much, why did he let the original owner to fend for himself in the kennel?

But after saying this, she felt a little regretful. She rubbed the center of her brows irritably. Her current emotions are beyond her control, and her words are inevitably a little rushed.

But Su Yao didn't know, the guilt in his heart became stronger after hearing the little girl's words. He also recognized the little girl's photo yesterday after seeing her on the scarf. Everything proved that she was the younger sister who he had never met but was told was stillborn.

The owner of the Su family, that is, his grandfather, is a man with a strong desire for control. When his father rejected a commercial marriage and married his powerless mother, the man expelled them from the Su family in a fit of anger, and suppressed them everywhere. with their house.

Fortunately, with the help of his aunt, that is, Su Jiang's mother, the life of the three of them was not too difficult, but then the tragedy happened again. His aunt resisted the family marriage, in order not to marry an old man who could be her father, She directly chose to marry an ordinary person who was also powerless.

Although Su Moli was not kicked out like his father, in fact it was no different from being kicked out. The life was even more tormented. The double torture of spirit and body made his aunt, who was originally glamorous and beautiful, become severely depressed. Finally, he jumped down from the top of a twenty-odd-story building.

This jump shattered not only her body, but also the hearts of other people who loved her. On the day he learned of his aunt's death, his father became insane because he couldn't accept the news of his sister's death.

Su Yao was not surprised to hear the news of the collapse of the Su family recently. After all, with such a cold-blooded and ruthless Patriarch, the decline is a matter of time.

"I know, I'm sorry It's my brother who is late."

The boy's eyes turned red while he was talking, Su Jiang saw that he looked like he was about to cry, so he hurriedly backed away, right, the macho was about to cry.

"Don't cry, don't cry."

Su Jiang's expression was slightly flustered, what's wrong with this man, why did he start crying at the slightest disagreement, she obviously didn't do anything.

"My brother didn't cry, my brother just got sand in his eyes."

Obviously, Su Yao hasn't realized how difficult it is to fool the little girl in front of her, and she actually tried to fool her with this kind of reason to lie to a three-year-old child.

"Oh, Su Jiang knows, so big brother, can you let me go, you block my wind."

It is true that she is not hot, but it is also true that she wants to blow a hair.

"Oh oh oh, brother, I'll make it louder for you."

"Hey, no..."

Su Yao's movements were too fast, and Su Jiang had no time to stop her. When she just stretched out her hand, she felt a chill on her forehead, and her bangs were blown up by the sudden strong wind.

"How about it, isn't it very cool to blow?"

Su Yao looked at the little girl who was in a mess in front of her with a smile, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her doing so.

Su Jiang stretched out both hands to firmly protect the bangs that were about to be blown away, her cheeks were bulging with anger, do you think she looks very happy?

"Where did you come from, bully my family and be good, right?"

Gu Qingcheng saw his little girl who was blown out of shape from a long distance away, and then looked at Su Yao who was squatting in front of her with a smile on his face. Isn't this a proper scene of bullying?

Gu Qingcheng flirted, and dared to bully his little girl right under his nose, what a joke!
Before Su Yao had time to react, Gu Qingcheng pulled him by the back collar and swung him aside.

"Hey, who are you?"

Su Yao stabilized his figure and looked unhappily at Gu Qingcheng who suddenly appeared and attacked him.

"Stinky boy, you are not worthy to know my name, dare to bully my family, are you tired of working?"

After Gu Qingcheng finished speaking, he turned off the electric fan with a snap, and then quickly squatted down to tidy the little girl's blown hair, but when he saw the little girl's bald forehead in front of him, he accidentally laughed out loud. said.

"Pfft... no, darling, godfather didn't laugh at you, godfather was laughing... laughing at that person."

Hearing Gu Qingcheng's pale and powerless explanation, Su Jiang felt dizzy. What does it mean to have 300 taels of silver here? That's it.


Su Jiang responded lightly, then straightened her bangs numbly.

Seeing Gu Qingcheng's appearance of being extremely familiar with Su Jiang, Su Yao's words froze as soon as they reached his mouth.

Hold back, Su Yao, and speak politely, this man has an unusual place in my sister's heart.

"Excuse me?"

Su Yao scratched his head, he really felt that the man in front of him looked familiar, he seemed to have seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

Gu Qingcheng raised his eyes, a little puzzled by the change of attitude of the crazy boy in front of him, wasn't he quite arrogant just now, why did he use the word "please" now?
"You tell me your name first."

When Gu Qingcheng asked her name, Su Yao hesitated for a moment, but finally said her name.

"Su Yao."

"Oh, the name is Su Yao, right? Wait, the surname is Su!"

As soon as Gu Qingcheng heard that the boy's surname was Su, Gu Qingcheng immediately became vigilant. He hadn't forgotten who was responsible for her weak appearance when he saw the little girl for the first time. Sacrifice.

Seeing Gu Qingcheng's big reaction, Su Yao was not surprised, of course he knew what the person in front of him was surprised about, it was simply because his surname was Su, Su's family's Su.

He already knew what the Su family did to the little girl yesterday. He didn't fall asleep all night, trembling with anger. He couldn't understand why that man could be so cruel. Su Jiang is his granddaughter.

"Don't worry, although my surname is Su, I was kicked out by Su's family a long time ago. I am different from them. My father is Aunt Jasmine's elder brother, and I am also Su Jiang's cousin."

After listening to Su Yao's introduction, Gu Qingcheng frowned slightly, as if thinking about the authenticity of his words.

Fortunately, Long Yi arrived in time and broke the current deadlock.

"Uncle Long, long time no see."

Su Yao smiled and greeted Long Yi. To be honest, he was inexplicably timid in the face of the current Long Yi. Compared with the past, his uncle Long's temperament had changed too much. He leads.

"Well, how is your father recently?"

Looking at his nephew who was about to catch up with him in size, Long Yi responded lightly, and then asked a rare question.

"Hey, it's not that old, but when I showed him the picture of my sister yesterday, I felt that he became more sober."

Su Yao smiled helplessly, then secretly glanced at the little girl who was still arranging her hair, and continued.

"Uncle Long, can you take your sister to our house for dinner?"

(End of this chapter)

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