Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 115 Which Dad Did You Ask Me?

"Well, yes."

Long Yi immediately agreed without any hesitation, but when he moved his eyes to the little girl who had messy hair and a sullen face, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Gu Qingcheng, what did you do?"

Gu Qingcheng, who was still arranging the little girl's hair, was slightly taken aback when he heard his words, and he didn't let go of the lock of hair in his hand.

"It's not me, this kid did it."

Gu Qing quickly cleared up his suspicions, while Su Yao smiled awkwardly, what happened and why did everyone look at him like that, as if he had committed some heinous crime .

The "victim" little girl crossed her arms and looked at Su Yao in front of her speechlessly. She didn't understand whether the young man in front of her was really stupid or just pretending to be stupid. If she was pretending, her acting skills would be too good.

"It's okay baby, it's still as cute as before."

Long Yi patted the little girl's back lightly and comforted him softly, after getting along for so long, he probably knows what kind of virtue the little girl is like as a father.

His niece cared so much about her image, how could she endure her well-dressed look becoming a mess.

"Well, I'm fine, Dad, anyway, I'm going to wear a wig later."

Su Jiang rubbed her cheeks and pulled a forced smile at Long Yi.

"But Dad, is this big brother really Su Jiang's brother?"

Long Yi nodded, but in order not to let his daughter feel that he was too indifferent, he opened his mouth to explain again.

"It's your mother's brother's child, that is, your cousin."

Su Jiang nodded, indicating that she knew, but when she noticed the boy's black uniform, she couldn't help asking.

"Brother, are you also here to make a movie? The clothes on your body are the same as those of the bodyguard uncle next to my father. Do you want to act as a bodyguard?"

"Bodyguard... You have seen all this, yes, brother, I want to play your bodyguard, what do you think is a coincidence?"

Su Jiang opened her mouth, and said softly, yes, she actually forgot that she was here to play the daughter of a gangster boss, and she was also a young lady. It would be unreasonable for the young lady not to have one or two bodyguards around her.

Take her as an example, her Dragon King father directly arranged several of his confidantes by her side, killing a chicken with a bull's knife, obviously, this is a bit of a big deal.

"Xiao Sujiang, you are here, come quickly, my sister will take you to change clothes."

That's right, it's that makeup artist Xiao Liu again, she is now Su Jiang's exclusive makeup artist.

"Su Jiang is here, sister."

The little girl let go of her father's hand, and the positive energy seemed to be for a career.

"Oh, it's so cute."

Xiao Liu couldn't help sighing as she melted, it made her want to have a daughter.

"Xiao Sujiang, who is that handsome guy next to your father?"

Xiao Liu leaned into Su Jiang's ear and whispered, the little girl turned her head and glanced at the smiling woman with a springy face, and then unconsciously showed a meaningful smile.

"Sister, which father of Su Jiang are you talking about?"

"Ah...you have many fathers?"

Xiao Liu didn't hold back for a moment, and his voice became uncontrollably louder, which happened to be heard by Gu Qingcheng who was at the side. He stood up from his seat abruptly, and then said with a proud face.

"What father? I'm her father. We are not related by blood."

Su Jiang: ...

Shame on her, can she retract her last sentence?

Xiao Liu: ...

A good handsome guy is actually a conspicuous bag, and I don't like it in an instant.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Gu Qingcheng could only curl his lips boredly, then sat down again and started playing with his mobile phone.

Long Yi still stared at Su Jiang as always, like a humanoid monitoring, watching Xiao Liu extremely nervous.

She sort of understood that handsome men these days are more or less seriously ill.

"No wonder I thought you looked familiar when I first saw you, little girl. You and my idol, Su Yao, look a bit like each other. Wait... you are all surnamed Su, aren't you a family?"


Su Jiang nodded, who would have thought that she just knew about it.

The big and the young just chatted and finished the styling. When Su Jiang put on the crew costume, she was stunned for two seconds. The material and texture of the clothes were different from before, and it didn't rub the skin any more. No need to even think about it, besides her Dragon King father, who else has such spare time and money.

The first scene was filmed in the lobby of the villa. Su Jiang carried the small schoolbag on her back as required, and then listened carefully to Shen Hope's instructions in front of her.

"Xiao Sujiang, when the time comes, you will walk in from the outside with your schoolbag on your back. Remember to have a smile on your face. You look very happy after school."

Su Jiang nodded, indicating that she knew, and the girl with a smirk said that there was no pressure.

"When you come in, you take off your schoolbag and throw it on the sofa. After throwing it, you immediately throw yourself into the arms of that uncle... brother who is sitting on the sofa, do you understand?"

Su Jiang looked in the direction of Shen Hope's finger. A tall man in a black suit was sitting there. Seeing the little girl looking at him, he immediately showed a faint smile. It was the first time Jiang saw the word gentle from a man.

"Remember, you have to keep smiling all the time."

Su Jiang nodded. Her biggest problem now is not her lines or her acting skills, but...

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