Chapter 116 Mind Reading
It's just that she can't say the word "Dad", so it's fine to call her Dad, the key is to say "Daddy" from time to time in a coquettish voice.

Su Jiang supported her head with some headaches. If she was really just a four-year-old child, then it would be fine. The point is that she is not, she is already twenty.

"Know it."

Su Jiang nodded, looking like a broken jar, what should I do if I don't perform well, if I don't perform well, I will go back to inherit the family property.

The little girl was taken outside the door. Even though she repeatedly stated that she already knew, Shen hoped to show her several times without worrying about it.

"Okay, let's start."

As soon as she heard the beginning, Su Jiang quickly entered the mood. I have to say that she is already proficient in acting, after all, she has to act every day.

"Father, Zhuzhu is coming home!"

Su Jiang's hand gripping the shoulder strap of her schoolbag tightened, Gan, what kind of embarrassing name is this, Zhuzhu, why do you call a girl Zhuzhu?

But she is an actress now, not laughing is her professional quality, even if she is really a pig today, she has to hold back and not laugh.

Sitting next to the camera, Long Yi's face was so smelly that he couldn't see it, and his body was full of low air pressure. Even though he knew it was all fake, he still couldn't hear his daughter calling someone else's father.

Gu Qingcheng on the side was also upset, and he put on a face, as if someone owed him [-] million.

"Okay, okay, very good!"

Shen Hope resisted the huge pressure behind him and shouted to stop. He hurriedly said that he is not a director now, but seems to be working for the two big bosses behind him.

"Shen Hope, can you change the lines?"

Gu Qingcheng frowned and said, I didn't know this line without translating it, but I was shocked when I transcribed it, it was full of "Daddy".

"Chang... can't be changed, this has already been changed."

Shen hoped to embolden himself in his heart, and resolutely rejected Gu Qingcheng.

"Can't change it? I'll teach you how to change it. Then just change this daddy to daddy for me. What's the matter, is the word daddy confusing?"

"But I think the word Daddy can better reflect Zhuzhu's cuteness."

Zhuzhu! ?
Gu Qingcheng's eyes widened in disbelief, it was the first time he heard such an explosive protagonist's name.

Seeing his appearance, Shen hoped to know that this person had misunderstood, and quickly explained.

"No, this is her nickname, Zhuzhu, her nickname is not this."

"I don't care if you are Da Zhu or Xiao Zhu, quickly change the lines for me."

Gu Qingcheng flicked his legs, and let go of the cruel words, with the attitude of an uncle.

"This... well, I'll change it right away."

Shen Hopeful sighed helplessly. Just last night, Gu Qingcheng and Long Yi directly became the investors of their crew, and became their two biggest patrons. How could he refuse the request of the patrons? , Naturally whatever is said is what.

On the other side, Su Jiang looked at Anna who was facing her with a critical face, her eyes were full of puzzlement.

"Why, you are blocking my way."

The little girl stuck her hands on her waist, and her face became stinky.

Whatever face the other party has, she will have that face.

"Your acting skills are really bad, do you just grin with your big teeth?"

Anna tilted her head, her tone mocking, and an extremely disdainful smile appeared on her face.


Su Jiang was a little puzzled and said, isn't this just a disease, and ran over to mock her.

Anna clenched her fists tightly after hearing Su Jiang's non-serious statement that she was ill, but she took a peek behind Su Jiang just before she was about to get angry, and finally held back.

Can't be angry, can't be angry, she has to make Su Jiang angry.

Su Jiang scratched her chin, she smelled a conspiracy, this person must have no good looking for her.

"Show me your... ah!"

As soon as Anna stretched out her hand to touch Su Jiang's sleeve, she was bounced away by a sudden electric shock. She was frightened by the sudden pain and screamed. This cry instantly attracted the attention of everyone present, including the over there Long Yi and others who are still discussing the script.

Su Jiang just squinted her eyes, and then touched the sleeve that Anna just touched with her other hand, there was nothing unusual.

"Did this damned stinky girl hide something in her sleeve and dare to play tricks on me!"

"Damn it, it hurts me to death!"

Su Jiang raised her eyes and looked at Anna thoughtfully, she seemed to be able to hear other people's voices again.

Very good, this just verified her previous conjecture that she could indeed read the minds of traversers.

"what happened, Babe?"

Long Yi hurried over, then knelt down and supported the little girl's shoulders to look left and right, and he was relieved only after he was sure that nothing happened.

"She blocked Su Jiang's way and even touched Ci Su Jiang. I didn't do anything, and she was screaming."

Su Jiang summed up the general process of the matter with incisive language in two or three strokes. She has a long mouth to talk about. She is not a soft persimmon, and she is not so easy to be manipulated.

"Obviously you pushed me!"

"Do you have delusions about being pushed? Why does everyone want to push you?"

Su Jiang said mercilessly, her tone was a bit yin and yang, and the people present quickly thought of the incident last time, Yao Xinke pushed Anna, but this time it was changed, and it was Su Jiang who pushed Anna.

"Damn it, how can this kid be so talkative."

Anna clenched her hands hidden in her sleeves, and kept questioning in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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