Chapter 118

"Sister... baby, sister's baby..."

Sitting on the wheelchair was a thin man, his two cheeks were deeply sunken due to long-term malnutrition, and only skin and bones could be seen all over his body.

He raised his head slowly, and whispered softly in his mouth, there was only one sentence over and over again.

"My sister's sister's baby..."

"Uncle Long, can you bring Su Jiang over there to show my dad?"

Su Yao looked at Long Yi expectantly, his tone full of sincerity.

"Well, baby remember to call uncle."

Long Yi touched the little girl's head, and said softly.

"Yeah, Su Jiang knows, the teacher taught, uncle and aunt."

After hearing his daughter's answer, Long Yi nodded in relief.

Long Yi came to the living room with the little girl in his arms, and Su Jiang finally saw her uncle. When the man saw her, his pupils suddenly dilated, he raised his hand tremblingly, and his lips kept trembling.

The small face in front of him gradually overlapped with the immature face of his younger sister in his memory. The man's eyes were filled with tears, and the cloudy eyes gradually became clear.

" Jasmine back?"

Su Jiang touched her face. Does this face really look like the original owner's mother? Why does she feel more like the Dragon King's father?
"Dad, this is the daughter of Aunt Jasmine and Uncle Long, named Su Jiang."

Su Yao wiped away his father's tears with a tissue, and then explained patiently.

"What about Jasmine, Jasmine agreed to bring the baby to see me, I want to see Jasmine, let me see my sister!"

Because he was too emotional, the man blushed and almost howled out these few words dryly.

"Uncle Long, please leave with Su Jiang in your arms first. My father is not in a stable mood right now, so don't scare the little girl."

"It's okay, brother, Su Jiang is not afraid, Su Jiang is not afraid of uncle, uncle is just sick."

Su Jiang patted her Dragon King father on the shoulder, motioning him to let her down.

Long Yi hugged her tightly, he was obviously hesitant, but he finally compromised after seeing his own girl's watery eyes, and let the little girl down.

"Uncle, Su Jiang came to see you~"

Su Jiang stepped forward and grabbed Su Wu's hand, and the latter gradually calmed down after hearing her voice.

"Su Jiang... is it a baby?"

Baby?Su Jiang tilted her head, well, she can barely be this baby today.

"Yes, Su Jiang is the baby of father and mother."

Su Jiang tilted her head and said innocently.

"Does the baby know where your mother is? Why didn't she come with you?"

It seemed that Su Wu was infected by the childish tone of the little girl, and Su Wu's speech became strange.

Su Jiang scratched her chin, how could she answer this, a person who became crazy because he couldn't bear the death of his relatives, to be honest, I'm afraid it was too cruel for him.

Su Jiang touched her palate with her tongue, forget it, just pretend to be stupid, she is just a four-year-old baby, she doesn't need to worry about such things at all.

"Mom is very busy, and Su Jiang hasn't seen her for a long time."

When the little girl said this, Long Yi's heart couldn't help but tighten. The child's mother had always been the thorn in his heart that couldn't be wiped away, and it had completely melted into his flesh and blood. It would be an unspeakable pain to touch it.

Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly became heavy, Chen Ying who was on the side hurriedly came out to ease the atmosphere.

"What does the baby like to eat? Auntie will go to the vegetable market and buy it for you."

"Su Jiang can eat anything, even Su Jiang's aunt's cooking."

After hearing the little girl's words, Chen Ying couldn't help but her eyes turned red. She didn't know why, but her heart was sore.

"Okay, then my aunt will cook my special dish for you."

Su Jiang rolled her eyes at Chen Ying, she was at a loss for what to do with the overwhelming enthusiasm, just like when she first met Long Yi, she didn't know how to respond to their love for a while.

While Chen Ying was cooking, Su Yao helped to go to the kitchen to help, while Su Jiang and Long Yi sat in the living room watching TV.

"Baby, are you tired?"

Long Yi stretched out his hand to smooth Shun Sujiang's curly hair, and the little girl lay on his arm, as if she had no bones, with a listless look.

"The kindergarten has a nap at noon every day, and Su Jiang is a little sleepy."

She let out a big yawn, then went on.

"But it's okay, you won't be sleepy after eating."

Su Jiang said happily, but her pair of eyelids became heavier and heavier, and her sleepiness became more and more intense. The body of a child is like this, sleepy is sleepy when it says sleepy, and it is beyond her control at all.

Seeing the little girl's eyelids fighting crazily, the corners of Long Yi's mouth could not help but curl up slightly, she is really a stubborn little girl.

Su Jiang closed her eyes and fell asleep completely.

Consciousness gradually became chaotic, but soon became sober again.

She slowly opened her eyes, and the unfamiliar environment in front of her made her immediately vigilant. This kind of state where she knew she was dreaming but was conscious but powerless was too uncomfortable.

"Baby, Mom is sorry for you, it is Mom who is sorry for you..."

(End of this chapter)

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