Chapter 119 Mom?

The woman lightly tapped the baby's cheek on the bed with her fingertips, her voice was slightly crying, tears were already streaming down her face.

"Baby... I'm sorry, it's my mother who is too selfish, and I really can't bear it anymore, please forgive me..."

This time, Su Jiang's perspective changed to that of a baby lying on the bed. She could feel the residual warmth of the woman's fingertips, and could see her teardrop-stained eyelashes, as well as her fragile and beautiful face.

Who is she, and why does she feel so uncomfortable when she sees her crying?
This is not the first time she has dreamed of this woman, but it is the first time she has dreamed of her face. It is very familiar, as if she has seen it somewhere, where is it...

Oh, she remembered, it was the original owner's uncle, his face was almost the same as Su Wu's.

Guessing this, Su Jiang also roughly understood the identity of the woman in front of her, it turned out to be the mother of the original owner.

It's a pity that she can't do anything now, she can only watch, but her ability seems to be getting more and more outrageous, and she can actually see things in the past. If there is no accident, this little baby should be the original owner when he was a child.

"Baby, mom loves you, but mom is so tired, am I really that bad, even your dad doesn't want me anymore..."

No, Father Dragon King didn't want you.

Su Jiang could only worry in her heart, unable to make a sound.

She really couldn't see the beautiful woman crying, it broke her heart.

Su Jiang tried hard to break through the invisible shackles of her body to comfort the woman in front of her, but she couldn't do anything, not only that, but her vision gradually began to blur.

Su Jiang sighed helplessly, why did she wake up so early this time?

When she opened her eyes again, she finally understood why she woke up so early, because her father was teasing her.

Su Jiang opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes were a little confused, Dad, guess who I dreamed about just now, I scared you to death when I said it.

"Dad, do you want to eat?"

Su Jiang blinked, now only eating can calm her anger.

"Well, Dad will take you to wash your hands."

Su Jiang nodded lightly, and she was absent-minded when washing her hands. It was obvious that she was still recalling the dream just now.

Why did the original owner's mother say that the Dragon King father didn't want her? Is there any misunderstanding between the two? Obviously, every time the original owner's mother is mentioned, the Dragon King father looks distraught. How could this be the appearance of not wanting her? Woolen cloth?

Su Jiang glanced at Long Yi in the mirror, hesitated to speak, forget it, the timing is not right today, in case her Dragon King father cries again, this is at someone else's house, it is not okay to be seen by others, her Dragon King father The tall and mighty image cannot be collapsed.

Although Long Yi was wiping the little girl's hands with a wet towel, he kept looking at the mirror from the corner of his eye, so he could see all the rich little expressions on his daughter's face.

For a while, his face was full of embarrassment, and for a while he was extremely firm, as if he wanted to protect something.

If Su Jiang could hear his voice, she would naturally show a meaningful smile to Long Yi, father, of course it is to protect your image.

"Come on, give our baby a small spoon."

Su Jiang looked at the brand-new set of children's tableware in front of her, and then at Su Yao, who was sweating profusely and panting from exhaustion, and suddenly remembered that sentence.

There is no time to be quiet, but someone is carrying the weight for you.

There is no children's tableware in their house, it's just bought by Su Yao, a free coolie running errands.

"Okay, thank you, aunt."

Su Jiang obediently sat on the highest stool, which was specially prepared for her because she was afraid that she would not be able to reach the table.

"Come on, my aunt didn't get much food. You guys came too suddenly, and this brat didn't tell me. Next time, next time, my aunt will cook you more delicious food, okay?"

Su Jiang propped her hands on her knees, then nodded obediently.

"Whatever you want to eat, Dad will pick it up for you."

The small dining table was full of home-cooked dishes. Seeing her appetite soaring, Su Jiang wished she could have a little bit of each, but in fact she did.

"Dad, can you change Su Jiang to a bigger bowl, Su Jiang may eat a lot today."

"Use the small one, and pick it up after eating. You eat slowly, and the big bowl is easy to cool down."

It makes sense, Su Jiang scratched her head, she used to have this habit too, she likes to eat with a big bowl, and then put all the food she wants to eat into the bowl, she eats slowly, so that every time she eats the next part By the time the meals were getting cold.

"Okay, then Su Jiang will eat here first."

The little girl thought hard, and finally made her decision, what to do, she really wanted to put every dish in her bowl, but the bowl was too small.

According to Su Jiang's request, Long Yi neatly arranged the dishes in her small bowl spoon by spoon.

Su Jiang looked at her vegetable bowl, which looked like a platter, and suddenly understood the difference between herself and successful people.

But it doesn't matter, she eats a lot, sleeps well, and will run home when it rains, she is already great.

Su Jiang picked up the big chicken drumstick in the bowl and stuffed it into her mouth. The taste from her taste buds made her eyes light up.

Delicious, completely different from home food.

(End of this chapter)

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