Chapter 123
"Where do you get so much... nonsense... you..."

In Xiaohong's mind, Ning You's voice was intermittent, as if one of the parties had an unstable network when making a call.

Isn't the signal on your side not very good?

After spending so long in human society, Xiaohong has learned a word or two.

On the other side, Ning You looked at the communication stone that suddenly went out in front of him, and couldn't bear it anymore and threw it to the ground.

With a bang, a deep pit the size of a fist was directly smashed out on the ground.

"Ahhh, Ning Pei, you're a thousand-sword killer, I'm going to make you die!"

Looking at Ningyou who was venting his emotions and throwing things at random, the silver snake shrank aside and did not dare to go forward. Its owner might have completely lost its mind, and it would definitely be torn in two in the past.


At this time, on the other side, the little boy rubbed his nose, and a sneeze directly made his eyes red. Matching his pale face, he looked like a delicate white flower.

But Su Jiang didn't like this, wishing to stay away from him for fear that he would suddenly fall in front of her. She didn't want to lose money. Although her family had money, the money didn't come from the wind, and she always felt that This man named Ning Pei looked at her strangely.

Not only did she notice it, Long Yi, who has always been keen in observation, also noticed something was wrong, he immediately picked up the little girl, and looked down at the little boy in front of him coldly.

Facing the oppression brought by Long Yi, the young man didn't take it seriously, he raised his head and looked at Su Jiang innocently, like a child who has done something wrong.

"Did I make you angry?"


Su Jiang carefully looked at the boy who was about the same size as her in front of him, with rare pupils, his face was delicate like a puppet, and his short hair, which could barely cover half of his ears, was stuck to his crotch messily because it was wet. on the forehead.

Hmmm... a good-looking psycho.

"My father just asked you something."

Su Jiang said indifferently, she did not allow anyone to ignore her father.

"I heard it, but I didn't want to answer his question."

After Ning Pei finished speaking, he lowered his eyes, and his slender eyelashes covered the shadow in his eyes.

Although I feel that this group of humans is in the way, if I really touch them, Su Jiang will hate him to death.

Su Jiang doesn't remember him anymore, which is considered a good thing for him. It doesn't matter if he doesn't remember the unpleasant things in the past, he will leave a good impression on Su Jiang from now on.

Obviously, Ning Pei didn't know that he had left a crazy impression on Su Jiang.

"But Su Jiang, I can tell you."

Hearing the other party call her name, Su Jiang was taken aback for a moment. She obviously didn't tell him her name. Could it be that this is really a little magician?
Su Jiang tilted her head and looked away from Ning Pei, not wanting to pay attention to this little magic stick.

"Father, have you finished whispering with Uncle Le?"

The little girl rested her chin on Long Yi's shoulder, with a hint of depression in her tone.

"It's over, is baby hungry?"

Su Jiang found that Long Yi was really straightforward sometimes, and he always changed the subject with those few words.

Are you hungry yet?

Is it hot?
Thirsty or not?
are you sleepy?
"I'm a little hungry."

"I'll take you to eat."

Before Long Yi could speak, Ning Pei learned to rush to answer. As expected, he got Su Jiang's inexplicable eyes again.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

Su Jiang squinted her eyes, there was deceit, she smelled a conspiracy.

But who would have thought that Ning Pei's mind was extremely pure. He just wanted to be nice to Su Jiang, but he didn't expect it to go too far.

Su Jiang is also very suspicious. After experiencing the incident with Anna, now she looks at this kind of slightly scheming child as if she is looking at a time traveler.

"Ning Pei, we have a word here called boundary sense, you should understand what it means?"

Le Cheng reminded Ning Pei at the right time, feeling a little puzzled.

He and Ning Pei have not known each other for long. One morning when he went to the waterfall for morning exercises, he suddenly found a child floating upside down on the pool. look at him.

Adhering to the principle of doing good deeds every day, he brought Ning Pei back to his residence, but the child seemed to have some problems in his mind. No matter what he asked, he kept silent, not only did he not answer, but he didn't respond at all, except for blinking. There is no other action other than drinking and breathing.

Just when Lecheng was about to send him to the Shanwai Police Station, the child disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Searched up and down the mansion, inside and out, and finally found him in the pond.

Still the same as before, floating head up on the water like a dead fish.

Le Cheng was quite helpless, but just as he was about to send Ning Pei away, Ning Pei, who had been silent all the time, spoke up, and he gave some clues about the iron tower.

Le Cheng was a little uncertain for a while, he knew that Long Yi had been looking for traces of the iron tower recently, if he provided effective clues, wouldn't it be possible to become the hall master?

In this way, he kept the young boy who was always soaked in the water, and notified Long Yi immediately.

But Ning Pei had too many abnormal actions today, which made him suspicious.

A person who soaked in water every day actually drowned?

Not only that, but it seems that he talked more, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that he said all these words to his little master. As for other people, he still despises them as always.

For example, now, Ning Pei turned a deaf ear to Le Cheng's reminder, and his mind was full of what to do next in order to stay with Su Jiang logically.

The key is to be quick, to gain Su Jiang's trust before his sister comes out, as long as Ning You is around, he won't be able to stay with Su Jiang properly for the rest of his life.

"Father, Su Jiang wants to have dinner with you."

Since Ning Pei ignores the Dragon King's father, it is impossible for Su Jiang to pay attention to him. Others respect each other, but when you come to her, you have to respect her father first.

"Okay, let's go eat."

Long Yi didn't pay attention to Ning Pei anymore, his daughter must be the priority when his daughter is hungry.

Seeing that Su Jiang really didn't want to talk to him, Ning Pei pursed her lips and silently watched the father and daughter gradually move away from their backs, feeling frustrated for the first time.

"She doesn't seem to like me very much..."

Hearing the little boy talking to himself, Le Cheng couldn't help curling his lips.

"The relationship between their father and daughter is really good."

This time, Ning Pei rarely cast his gaze on him, as if he wanted to hear what he was going to say next.

"Although I don't know why you want to please my little master, it is obvious that if you want to please her, you must first please her father."

To please Su Jiang's father...

Ning Pei frowned slightly. As far as he knew, Su Jiang's father in this world was just an ordinary human, just a mere human, and he still needed to curry favor?
The little boy didn't say anything, and then got into the pond with an expression of indifference.

There are almost no shortcomings in Ningyou's pinched body, the only shortcoming is that he is prone to lack of water, which is why he has been soaking in water all the time.

Ning Pei himself didn't think there was anything wrong with the matter of preempting Ningyou's achievements, at worst, the two of them would have another life-and-death contest.

There was no wave in the boy's golden bezel eyes, but he was already thinking about how to deal with Ning You next.

(End of this chapter)

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