Long Yi looked at Su Jiang who was sipping milk in front of him, and the little girl could already tell that she was a beauty before her eyebrows opened.

But beautiful flowers will always attract some annoying bugs, thinking that there might be a yellow-haired boy abducting his daughter in the future, Long Yi feels very uncomfortable.

"What's the matter, Dad, do you want to eat too?"

Seeing Long Yi's complexion not so good, Su Jiang picked up a piece of cake with a fork and handed it to his mouth.

Long Yi took the fork handed over by the little girl and wrapped up the small cake in one bite. Although he didn't like sweets, he couldn't refuse the girl's food.

The teacher on the Internet said that if a child is willing to share her favorite food with you, it means she likes you.

"Baby, do you like that golden-eyed brother?"

Brother Golden Eyes?

Su Jiang tried her best to hold back her laughter, Father Dragon King didn't remember Ning Pei's name at all.

"I don't like it, is Dad going to take him home?"

After hearing Su Jiang's words, Long Yi paused for a moment with the hand that wiped his mouth with a napkin, but then he thought it made sense that this was his own daughter.

"How did the baby know that Daddy was going to bring him home?"

"Father wants to know the clues about the tower from that brother, but that brother doesn't want to say that father is a kind and good father, and he will definitely not force the child, and father has no plan to live here for a long time, so he can only brought him home."

"Then how does the baby know that Dad has no plans to live forever?"

Su Jiang slightly bent the corners of her mouth, revealing a harmless smile.

"Because Su Jiang heard this morning from the housekeeper's grandfather that he wanted to stew little turtle soup for dinner."

After hearing the little girl's words, Long Yi couldn't help but bend the corners of his mouth.

"Father, Su Jiang guessed right, isn't she very smart?"

"Well, smart."

"So Su Jiang is so smart, so she doesn't need to go to kindergarten."

Going around, the key point is undoubtedly this sentence, she really doesn't want to go to kindergarten anymore.

Long Yi sees her own daughter's resistance to the kindergarten. Every morning before going to school, the monstrous resentment, and the unhappiness written all over her face, but the child is still too young after all, the kindergarten is very important to her. It would be more appropriate to say.

"Baby, you have just turned four years old, and you can only go to elementary school when you are six years old."

With these rhetoric again, Su Jiang lowered her head helplessly, then why did the genius baby in Ba Zong's novel graduate from college at the age of ten?

Thinking that she would have to re-read the books for more than ten years step by step in the future, Su Jiang's whole body was in a bad mood, and the dessert in her mouth suddenly lost its sweet taste, like chewing wax.

"Okay Dad, Su Jiang is full, let's go for a walk first."

Su Jiang jumped off the stool, patted her skirt, and walked out without looking back, leaving Long Yi with a lonely and thin back.

Just as Long Yi wanted to follow up, the phone on the table suddenly started to vibrate, and he answered the call impatiently.

"Gu Qingcheng, you better be busy."

Gu Qingcheng on the other end of the phone trembled with fright at Long Yi's aggressive tone, and almost lost his grip on the phone.

What to do, he seems to be fine.

But at this moment, he couldn't allow him to think too much, the knife was already on his neck, and even if he was fine, he had to come up with an earth-shattering event.

On the other side, as soon as Su Jiang came to the yard, she saw Ning Pei floating on the lake. He didn't even move lazily, letting the lake push him away.

Is he a fish?
Su Jiang propped her chin, and couldn't help complaining in her heart.

But it should be cool to soak in the water, why don't she try it too?

But she quickly dismissed the idea, after all, minors cannot swim in the water without the company of their parents.

But... it should be okay to soak your feet.

Just doing what she said, Su Jiang ran to the pier beside her, took off her little rabbit-head sandals, and finally did not forget to glance left and right until she was sure that no one was there before putting her feet in the water with confidence .

Ning Pei, who was floating there, slowly opened his eyes after hearing the movement. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the little girl soaking her feet.

He just tilted his head slightly and stared at Su Jiang intently, his mood swings unprecedentedly intense.

Feeling that fiery gaze, Su Jiang raised her head and looked at him. Ning Pei still refused to look away after being discovered. He didn't feel guilty or shy at all.

"Are you perverted?"

Su Jiang couldn't bear it anymore, and directly spoke her mind.

"I'm Ning Pei."

Ning Pei replied with a serious face.


Su Jiang scratched her chin, and didn't know how to answer him for a while, this person won't spoil his brain, right?

"How did you know my name?"

Su Jiang stirred the water with her legs and asked curiously.

Just when Ning Pei was about to tell the truth, bloody images suddenly flashed in his mind. His fists on his body were clenched tightly, and then he closed his eyes and started talking nonsense.

"You are famous, I have heard your name."

After hearing his words, Su Jiang stirred the water for a moment, right, when did she become so famous?
"Oh, since you already know my name, I won't waste my mouth and introduce myself, but I have a question for you."

Su Jiang propped her hands on both sides, and then looked at Ning Pei kindly.

"Where is the iron tower?"

For the expected question, Ning Peibu sighed slightly.

"Don't go near there, Su Jiang, it's your hell."

her hell?

Su Jiang frowned, a little confused, what is her hell?
"Then will I die if I go?"

Su Jiang changed the angle and continued to ask.

"Maybe...so don't go."

Ning Pei stood up from the water after saying this, and then slowly walked towards Su Jiang.

Not floating, but really standing on the water.

After seeing this scene, Su Jiang's eyes widened slightly, and the person in front of him was actually able to take a leisurely walk on the water.

Every time the boy took a step, there would be circles of circular water patterns. Su Jiang tried to put his feet on the water, but it failed without accident. The water could not stand at all. body.

She won't meet a real fairy, will she?

At this moment, Su Jiang suddenly remembered the legend she had heard before. There are monsters eating people in this mountain. Combined with Ning Pei's strange behavior of being soaked in the water and walking on the water, Su Jiang finally concluded that concluded.

That is, she seems to have encountered a water ghost.

Thinking of this, Su Jiang quickly withdrew her feet from the water, and then stood up quickly.

"Water ghost, times have changed, so I'm not afraid of you."

Su Jiang grabbed her own little rabbit slippers and threw them at Ning Pei, and then ran away.

A slipper was thrown for no reason, and before Ning Pei could react, he suddenly seemed to lose his support, and fell into the water with a plop.

"Father, come and catch ghosts!"

In an instant, the whole mansion was flying like dogs and dogs.

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