Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 125 Twist the Bottle Cap

Chapter 125 Twist the Bottle Cap

"Honey, where is the water ghost you mentioned?"

Su Jiang looked at Ning Pei who had passed out from drowning in front of her again, and for the first time had doubts about her memory.

Strange, it's impossible for her to have hallucinations, right?

Su Jiang stared at Ning Pei who was lying on the ground, suddenly seemed to understand something, and her eyes gradually became dangerous.

Okay, this is still a green tea ghost who can act.

"My lord, you'd better take him away quickly."

Le Cheng on the side spoke helplessly, saying that he drowned twice a day, and sooner or later the child would drown with him.

"Well, we should go back too."

After hearing Long Yi's words, Su Jiang clenched her fists tightly.

Hmph, as long as this water ghost dares to go to her house, she will let him soak in Wangbachi all day long.

Ning Pei was awakened by thirst, but she didn't expect to meet Su Jiang's unfriendly eyes when she opened her eyes.

"Su Jiang..."

Su Jiang didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.


Ning Pei cried out weakly again.

"Do you want mineral water?"

"Without water I will die..."

Hearing the boy's words, Su Jiang showed a puzzled expression, and then said seriously.

"You are a ghost, already dead, and you won't die a second time."

When Su Jiang said that he was a ghost, Ning Pei immediately retorted.

"I'm not a ghost, I'm..."

"Huh? What are you?"

Facing Su Jiang's questioning, Ning Pei just kept his mouth shut, and the appearance of no silver 300 taels here immediately aroused Su Jiang's suspicion again.

"not talking?"

Su Jiang grabbed his wrist and asked further.

The palm of the little girl's hand was hot and soft, which made Ning Pei tremble all over. She couldn't help but widen her eyes, and said in a slightly nervous tone.

"I'm Ning Pei..."

Come on, here it is again, Su Jiang let go of his wrist helplessly, not bothering to pull with him anymore.

If you touch it but you can't read your mind, it means that the person in front of you is not a time traveler, so what the hell is he?
Su Jiang's face was slumped, and she couldn't figure it out, why is the world in such chaos?
"Forget it, I don't care what you are, you'd better be honest with me."

To Su Jiang's surprise, Ning Pei was unexpectedly obedient.

"Well, I'm honest...but I really want to drink water."

Looking at Ning Pei's half-dead appearance, Su Jiang
"Well, here it is for you."

Ning Pei who got the mineral water did not open it and drink it immediately, but looked at Su Jiang with a little confusion with his amber eyes.

"Aren't you very thirsty, why didn't you drink it after you got it?"

Facing Su Jiang's doubts, Ning Pei pursed his lips in embarrassment, and then explained in a very small voice.

"Thirsty...but no."

"Can't twist the bottle cap?"

Under Su Jiang's shocked gaze, Ning Pei nodded.

"Look, I'll only demonstrate once."

Su Jiang picked up another bottle of mineral water beside her, and then unscrewed it in front of Ning Pei, and did not forget to explain it after the unscrewing.

"Turn from left to right, just use a little force."

Ning Pei stared blankly at the bottle of water that Su Jiang unscrewed, wondering if she understood.

"Can I drink this bottle in your hand?"

The little boy said suddenly.


Although Su Jiang was stunned for a moment, she quickly reacted and passed the bottle of water in her hand without hesitation.

Seeing that Su Jiang was willing to give the water to herself, Ning Pei immediately took it, and then began to drink it in small sips.

Ning Pei who drank water was like a fish meeting water, and immediately became angry, which was more effective than taking drugs.

"Baby, Daddy's here."

The door was opened by Long Yi from the outside, because of a temporary incident just now, so he put the two dolls, Su Jiang and Ning Pei, in the room. This also gave Su Jiang time to inquire about the news, although he didn't find anything in the end.

It can't be her fault, the main reason is that Ning Pei is really like a repeater sometimes.

Even if you ask him a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times what he is, his answer will always be the same sentence.

I am Ning Pei.

Forget it, don't ask, sooner or later he will show his flaws.

"Daddy, can we go home now?"

Su Jiang grabbed Long Yi's sleeve and asked with a smile.

"Yes, let's go home."

When Ning Pei learned that she could also go home with Su Jiang, her heart instantly felt extremely comfortable.

But on the way home, under Su Jiang's shocked gaze, Ning Pei drank bottle after bottle of mineral water, obviously really thirsty.

"Are you made of water?"

(End of this chapter)

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