Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 126 Why Don't You Think About Me?

Chapter 126 Why Don't You Think About Me?

"No, this body is made of carbohydrates."


Su Jiang curled her lips, and was speechless again, her silence was deafening.

Along the way, Su Jiang silently counted the water Ning Pei drank in her heart. She was startled by counting, but this person actually drank eight bottles of water.

Not only that, when getting out of the car, if she hadn't stopped her quickly with sharp eyes and hands, Ning Pei would have plunged into her family's Wang Bachi long ago.

"Calm down, hold the water bottle and drink first."

After hearing Su Jiang's words, Ning Pei nodded weakly on the table. He is hot and dry now, and he just wants to soak in the water to cool off.

Su Jiang, who was sitting across from him, yawned boredly. As soon as he got home, Father Dragon King went straight to the study, not knowing what he was busy with. Just when she was about to get up to look for Long Yi, a voice came from outside the door. familiar voice.

"Long time no see. I said why I haven't come to play with me for so long. It turns out that I made new friends."

The dull tone in this tea is not about who the little villain is.

I don't know if it's because of her heart, Su Jiang always feels that Ji Yu has grown taller, and the little girl clenched her fists tightly, feeling inexplicably upset.

Why can everyone grow taller, but she, Su Jiang, can't?
Hearing Ji Yu's voice, Ning Pei also raised his head.

When he saw Ji Yu, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning. Zheng was stunned for a long time before he realized it, and then he lay down on the table as if he had lost all strength. Su Jiang was so frightened that he quickly unscrewed a bottle of water handed it to her.

She was really afraid that this man would die suddenly, so don't even try to touch her chest.

Ning Pei took the water that Su Jiang handed over, and after drinking the water, she came back to life.

"Brother Ji Yu, why are you here?"

Su Jiang jumped off the stool in a flash, then slipped into Ji Yu's body, and asked innocently.

"Oh, can't I come?"

Ji Yu looked down at Su Jiang, with the same smile still on his face.

After hearing Ji Yu's words, Su Jiang couldn't help showing an embarrassed yet polite smile.

The little villain ate a few sisters of Lin, why did he speak in a strange way?
"Of course Brother Ji Yu can come, Su Jiang misses you."

Ji Yu sneered at this beautiful word coming out of his mouth again, then put his hand on the little girl's head and rubbed it.

"Really, but my house is next door to yours, why don't you go to find me if you miss me?"

Su Jiang blinked, of course because she almost forgot about him.

"Because Dad doesn't let Su Jiang go out alone, Su Jiang hasn't gone out for a long time."

After Su Jiang finished speaking, she drooped her head, looking pitiful.

After more than a month of filming, her acting skills are really getting better and better now.

"Really, then I saw you coming back from the outside just now, did I misread it?"

Su Jiang: ...

Where is her Dragon King father? No kidding, there is a little pervert here.

Looking at the two people who are close to each other over there, sitting on the other side drinking water, he felt very uncomfortable. For some reason, he hated the way Ji Yu looked at him just now, obviously it was just a...

Forget it, for his poor sake, I won't bother with him.

"Is that so...it must be that Dad ran out to play by himself."

Su Jiang clenched her fists, pretending to be very angry.

"Want to go out to play, shall I take you out?"

Hearing that Ji Yu wanted to take her out, Su Jiang didn't hesitate, and shook her head like a rattle, but after thinking about it, it was too obvious, so she added.

"No, Dad said that whoever takes Su Jiang out will be killed. Su Jiang doesn't want Ji Yu's brother to be killed."

After hearing her words, Ji Yu slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and then said seriously.

"Then if your father wants to beat me, will you help me or help your father?"

Su Jiang: ...

Okay, her mother tongue today is speechless.

"Su Jiang doesn't know, but when her brother is about to be beaten to death, Su Jiang will intercede for her brother.

"Hmph, you still have a little conscience."

Ji Yu let go of Su Jiang's ponytail, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with teasing the child like this.

The moment the ponytail was loosened, Su Jiang inexplicably felt as if she had withdrawn from the guillotine, and her whole body breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's still the 6, do you remember the iron tower?"

Facing Ji Yu's question, Su Jiang shook her head silently, she still didn't know the answer.

"I still don't remember, but I seem to remember a little bit. We met before. The time in the hospital was not the first time we met."

Hearing what Ji Yu said, Su Jiang didn't understand anything.

According to what he meant, then she and the little villain had met in the iron tower before, and coincidentally, neither of them had that memory.

So what kind of place is that iron tower? It can get the children of the two super big families, the little villain and the little dragon king, into it. Even the father of the dragon king can't do anything about it, so how big is the power behind it.

Su Jiang turned her eyes to Ning Pei who was at the side, then scratched her chin thoughtfully.

"Brother Ji Yu, he also knows about the Iron Tower."

Su Jiang tugged at Ji Yu's sleeve, and then hinted at Ning Pei with his eyes.

Although I really don't want to admit it, Ji Yu's methods are indeed much easier to use than her and Long Yi, so she thinks that Ning Pei needs Ji Yu to do it.

"So this is ah……"

Ji Yu looked at Ning Pei who was still hydrating crazily, and then narrowed his eyes.

"What's wrong with him, drinking so much water?"

Su Jiang immediately spoke out the answer she had carefully prepared.

"Because...because he's a mermaid."


Hearing the word "mermaid", the corners of Ji Yu's mouth twitched. Does he look easy to fool?
"By the way, brother Ji Yu, how did you get in here?"

Didn't her Dragon King father hang a sign at the door, the guard probably wouldn't let Ji Yu in, or this person didn't come in through the main door at all?
"Your father asked me to come here, how do you say I got in?"

Father Dragon King took the initiative to find the little villain. Could it be that he wanted to discuss some important matter?

Baihu and the other five haven't seen each other for a long time, and Su Jiang is not a real child, so naturally he can sense something is wrong, probably because of the iron tower.

How much Su Jiang hoped that Father Dragon King would stop doing important things in silence without telling her. It is really exhausting to guess.

"It's my birthday in a week, what gift did you prepare for me?"

What, the villain's birthday?

Su Jiang's eyes widened slightly, and she didn't know how to answer for a while, could she say that she didn't know?

Seeing the little girl's embarrassment, the curvature of Ji Yu's mouth became more obvious.

Coincidentally, Long Yi just came down from the stairs at this time, seeing his daughter and Ji Yu standing so close, his expression sank.

(End of this chapter)

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