Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 130 The Ningyou Who Was Stolen

Back to the present, Ning Pei's golden eyes are gradually stained with blood as the force around his body intensifies.

Little Red Snake was completely unaware of the imminent danger, and was still clinging to her.

The little boy with golden brown eyes was exactly the same as Master Yuzu described in his mouth. Master Yuzu told him how to do it, oh, I remembered, biting at the neck.

Just as it opened its mouth full of fangs, a hand that was colder than its body suddenly grabbed its head. At this moment, time seemed to be stopped, the water surface remained motionless, and its body also seemed to be frozen. Frozen in general.

Help, it seems to be in trouble.

By the time the little red snake realized something was wrong, it was too late, its whole body was completely disobedient, even though the hand holding its snake head was so small, it felt like its head was about to be crushed and exploded.

And...and the smell on this person is exactly the same as that of Yuzu-sama, could it be that I bit the wrong person, this person is Yuzu-sama?
"Master Yuzu, don't pinch my head, I'm Xiaohong!"

Little Red Snake quickly called out in his mind.

"It was you..."

The stupid snake that Ning You picked up.

Ning Pei slowly raised the hand holding the snake's head to her eyes, her eyes were clouded and her voice was indifferent.

The little red snake thought it was Master Yuzu who was answering its call, so she said hastily and eagerly.

"Master Yuzu, it hurts so much from you pinching me, can you let me go first?"

After hearing the little red snake's request, Ning Pei really let go of its head.

Seeing this person really let her go, Little Red Snake couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, there is nothing wrong with it, this is Master Yuzu!

Soon it forgot about the fact that it almost died just now, and began to excitedly share with Ning Pei the interesting stories of its time.

It is almost suffocating, no one here can understand what it says, and it disdains to talk to those animals that are not intelligent, after all, it will lower its grade.

"Master Yuzi, you are finally here. It seems that you have already met Mama. How is it? Does Mama remember you?"

After hearing what Little Red Snake said, a strange light flashed in Ning Pei's eyes covered by eyelashes.

It seems that Ning You is plotting a big event behind his back, she is quite bold.

"Can not remember."

Ning Pei said with the same face.

"Ah, how did this happen, sir, didn't you say that Mama came here with the memory of the previous life?"

Little Red Snake's words revealed too much news, Ning Pei's dark eyes flashed a faint light, carrying the memory of the previous life... It turns out that Ning You is doing these things secretly, no wonder you don't see her often trace.

"Ah, did I remember wrongly, my lord didn't say that?"

"Well, you remember wrongly."

In this way, the heartless little red snake was immediately fooled by Ning Pei.

"Master Yuzu, let me tell you..."

The little red snake, who was so eager to share, immediately revealed what Ning You had done in one night.

Poor Ningyou is still locked in the room, but she doesn't know that her home has been stolen by the enemy.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shines into the room through the window, and Su Jiang wakes up slowly in her little bed. Her body has been turned on, but her soul seems to have not returned yet.

She moved her arm, and there was no little red snake on her arm today, the sun really came out from the west.

Su Jiang slowly propped herself up and sat up. When she saw the empty nest of the little red snake, she couldn't help but frowned, and immediately started looking for snakes in the room with her bare feet.

Under the bed, not there.

In the closet, not here.

In the toilet, or not.

Su Jiang couldn't help muttering in her heart, this snake usually stays in the room and won't run around, where is it hiding today?

Su Jiang turned her head to look at the slightly open window, and probably had a guess in her heart.

No, if it does get out then she has to find it quickly, not if it scares or bites someone.

Just when Su Jiang was about to go out to find the snake, someone knocked on her door suddenly.

With her messy hair, Su Jiang opened the door. Standing at the door was Ning Pei holding a water bottle. She looked closely and saw that he was actually holding a disposable plastic bag in his hand, which contained a lump of red unknown objects. Su Jiang recognized what it was at a glance, it was her stupid snake.

The way this person catches snakes is following the master of snakes, right?
"Su Jiang, is this your snake?"

As Ning Pei spoke, he handed the plastic bag in his hand to Su Jiang.

Su Jiang looked at the dead little red snake in the plastic bag, thought about it and took it.

"How did you catch it? It's not dead, is it?"

"It rushed over suddenly..."

Ning Pei only spoke half of what she said, leaving the rest to Su Jiang to make up for herself.

Su Jiang looked at the little red snake in her hand, which was still in a coma, and then lowered her eyes thoughtfully, the fan-like eyelashes cast a large shadow under her eyes.

"I see, thank you for bringing it back."

After Su Jiang thanked her, she planned to close the door, but just as she was about to close the door, a small hand stretched in. Thanks to her sharp eyesight and quick hands, she grabbed the door that was about to close.

"Su Jiang, your father told you to go down for dinner."

Ning Pei's muffled voice came from outside the door, and Su Jiang tilted her head, somewhat incomprehensible.

"Okay, next time don't suddenly put your hand in, it's a little scary."

"Oh... good."

Ning Pei obediently withdrew his hand, and the second he retracted it, the door was closed with a bang.

Looking at the closed door in front of him, Ning Pei slowly raised his hand to his eyes, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, if only Su Jiang hadn't locked the door just now.

After closing the door, Su Jiang casually threw the plastic bag containing the little red snake into its nest, she will not care about the restless guy even if he dies outside next time.

The little girl took out a set of beige suspender skirt from the closet, and after putting it on, she held the skirt and dangled it in front of the mirror twice.

Looking at it, she seemed to have discovered some new continent, her eyes widened instantly.

She seems to have grown taller!

She had to be the first to share this good news with her Dragon King father. Thinking of this, Su Jiang rushed out of the room and went straight to the restaurant.

"Father, Su Jiang has grown taller!"

There was a bang sound, the sound of a cup falling to the ground and shattering. The restaurant, which was so lively just now, became completely silent at this moment. Everyone stared blankly at the little girl who looked like a doll in front of them, and just stared at her with big eyes. With small eyes, the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Especially Su Jiang, she can't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in. Why are there so many faces in the house suddenly, where is her father?

Su Jiang looked blankly at the group of muscular men exuding a fierce aura in the restaurant. If nothing else, this group of people should be all Lianjiazi, and they were all the kind who punched her one by one.

Su Jiang stood alone at the door, in stark contrast to the group of rough men with an average height of 1.8 meters.

Poor and helpless.

Just when Su Jiang was about to ask who they were, a man suddenly spoke up.

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