"Miss... miss good morning!"

"Good morning miss!"

With the first sound, there will be a second sound. In order not to scare the children, a group of elders deliberately choked their voices and softened their tone as much as possible, almost disgusting each other to death.

The clip is actually by his side?

The corners of Su Jiang's mouth twitched, thank them, today she was allowed to see the world.

"Good morning, uncle, who are you?"

Su Jiang raised her small head, looked curious, and asked in a childish voice.

"Miss, we are."

Before the man in front of him finished speaking, his companion immediately covered his mouth.

Su Jiang squinted her eyes suspiciously, how strange these people are, it's hard not to be suspicious.

"Miss, we are the newly hired security guards."

A man with a long scar on his arm quickly stood up and explained. At first, he was a little guilty of lying to the child, but after he finished speaking, his eyes instantly became firm.

In fact, the nature of their work is not much different from that of security guards, so they can be considered security guards even if they are rounded up, right?

Su Jiang pursed her lips, does she look easy to deceive?
"I know, Uncle Security, do you know where Su Jiang's father is?"

As soon as Su Jiang finished speaking, she heard footsteps behind her. She looked back and said that Cao Cao had arrived, and it really was Long Yi.


Before Su Jiang could react, her feet were off the ground.

"Well, it's a little heavier."

Long Yi lifted up the little girl, and then weighed it casually. The very straight man expressed his thoughts.

"I grew taller, so I got heavier."

Su Jiang said with some dissatisfaction.

"Really, it turned out to be taller. Then Dad wants to see how tall my baby has grown."

Long Yi put the little girl back on the ground, and then looked at it carefully. Seeing this, Su Jiang straightened her chest and raised her head, fearing that a centimeter would be wasted.

I saw Long Yi had a serious face, as if he had encountered some century-old problem.

The problem of this century is that his daughter seems to be not too tall, but telling the truth will undoubtedly make the little girl sad, so after repeated hesitation, he decided to tell a white lie.

"I really grew taller, much taller than before."

Long Yi said with a determined face.

Hearing this, Su Jiang felt very relieved in an instant, and raised her chin like a proud peacock.

Sure enough, she was right, she really grew taller!
Looking at the proud little appearance of his daughter, Long Yi curled his mouth helplessly, his eyes were full of pampering.

Seeing their master showing such a gentle expression, the "security guards" on the side were so frightened that they didn't dare to lift their heads, and they all lowered their heads and gnawed on the bread fiercely.

It was too scary. Before beating them to death, they couldn't believe that their cold-faced Hades boss would show such a gentle expression, but now it turns out that this man is not born not to laugh, but just doesn't want to smile at them.

Su Jiang quickly withdrew from the joy of growing taller, but it was just an ordinary growth, nothing unusual, she didn't make any fuss.

"Dad, are these uncles our new security guards?"

Su Jiang asked Long Yi innocently.

"security guard?"

Long Yi frowned, and looked at the group of panic-stricken men who were eating breakfast behind the little girl with complicated eyes. What did these people say to his daughter?
"Xu Wu, take them out for training and run [-] laps around the villa."

"Okay, my lord!"

The man who had explained to Su Jiang earlier that they were security guards quickly responded, and he couldn't be more clear about the implication of Long Yi's words.

Don't make him beat them here.

"Did Dad have breakfast? If not, go with Su Jiang."

As Su Jiang said, she went to the kitchen to find her dear chef grandpa to get a small cake, but she didn't expect that Long Yi who was behind her picked up the cake by the armpit just two steps away.

"No baby, we won't eat at home today."

Su Jiang tilted her head in doubt, and went out to have breakfast, which is not quite like the style of the Dragon King's father.

As if seeing the little girl's doubts, Long Yi explained helplessly.

"Go to your uncle's house to eat."

Su Jiang nodded, she really hasn't been to Su Yao's house for a long time, and the two haven't seen each other since the filming.

"Okay, but Dad has to wait for Su Jiang, let me go up and get a hat."

"Well, remember to take your umbrella."

Long Yi hurriedly told him that in order to take care of his daughter, he had done enough homework.

When Su Jiang returned to the room, she happened to meet Ning Pei. The young man's face was pale, like a porcelain doll that would shatter when touched.

"Are you OK?"

As soon as Su Jiang finished asking, she regretted it. Everyone else looked like this and she asked if she was okay. Isn't this blind?
"It's okay, I just need to rest."

Ning Pei said with a blank face, then lowered her head and brushed past Su Jiang.

When the boy passed by her side, Su Jiang smelled a faint smell of blood, she turned around and looked solemnly at Ning Pei's receding figure in the corridor.

This person... something is wrong.

The times have changed. When she comes back, she will adjust the surveillance. Don't try to hide anything from her on her territory. Besides, he is still a dangerous person.

Su Jiang went back to the room and took a braided sun hat of the same color as her skirt, with a circle of lace on the side and a big white and black spotted bowknot on the back, which she wore just enough to reveal her lush hair With curly hair, the whole person is as delicate as a doll.

The little girl seems to have an inexplicable obsession with the matching of the same color. I do not know where to turn out a small beige umbrella. It seems to be inlaid with a circle of exquisite gemstones. It can no longer be called an umbrella, it is simply a handicraft.

After much consideration, Su Jiang finally chose a small, plain umbrella.

"Father, Su Jiang is ready and ready to go."

In a hidden corner of the yard, Ning Pei watched Su Jiang's car gradually move away, her golden eyes were about to be covered with blood.

"Ningyou...you asked for this."

Following the young man's words, those golden brown pupils completely turned blood red.

At the same time, at the end of the world, in that empty space, with a loud noise, the entire palace instantly collapsed and fell apart. Amidst the flying dust, the figure of a girl in a white robe loomed.

"Ning Pei... you are finished."

The dust gradually dissipated, and the girl's scarlet eyes were particularly eye-catching, like a wild wolf that had been dormant for a long time.

The surrounding space was slightly distorted for a moment, and at this moment, Ning You's figure disappeared.

A bloody storm is coming, who will be in the center of the whirlpool?

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