Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 132 The power of 1 divided into 2

Under a huge golden ginkgo tree, two pure white giant eggs about 1.5 meters high lie quietly under the tree. They are surrounded by faint golden light spots, which penetrate into their eggshells little by little. , the two eggs seem to be competing in the dark to see who can absorb the most light spots.

With a click, a crack appeared in the middle of one of the egg shells, and the crack gradually expanded, and soon it was divided into two, splitting from the middle.

The eggshell cracked, and a young boy with snow-white long hair was slowly revealed. The boy slowly opened his eyes, and his pair of golden eyes were almost heartless.

He looked indifferently at the other intact egg in front of him, then stretched out his foot without hesitation, kicked it lightly, and the egg fell down. When it fell, it just hit the protruding ginkgo tree. root.

With a click, the egg also cracked.

The difference from before was that the egg was almost torn apart, and a snow-white girl fell out of the egg. She sat on the ground in some embarrassment, with broken eggshells still sticking to her hair.

The girl's golden brown pupils were gradually covered with blood, and she stared at the boy in front of her who seemed to be carved out of the same mold as her. The first emotion she felt since she was born was anger.

This is the first meeting between Ning You and Ning Pei, and it can be said to be very unpleasant.

Sensing the murderous aura coming from the little girl in front of her, Ning Pei was a little puzzled, why was she angry when he helped her break her shell?

"you wanna die?"

Ning You patted the eggshell foam on her clothes, then slowly stood up, and said angrily. In comparison, Ning Pei's mood was much more stable.

"No, no one wants to die."

Like a machine, it takes every word.

After hearing this, the blood in Ning You's eyes gradually faded, and it is not wise to argue with Ning Pei now.

The inherited memory told her that one mountain cannot contain two tigers, she and Ning Pei are destined not to live in peace, and there can only be one ruler of this world.

"You're right, brother."

Ning You's face-changing speed was faster than flipping through a book, and her smiling face looked like a smiling tiger.

But Ning Pei just looked at her silently, without any expression on her delicate face, and those ruthless golden eyes could not move the slightest ripple.

Compared to Ning You, he seemed more like a god.

Suddenly, a gust of wind hit, and the golden leaves of the ginkgo tree fell down. It seemed that even the wind and the leaves favored Ning Pei a little. The golden ginkgo leaves that fell on his robe were like layers of golden embroidery. As for Ningyou, there were very few of them, but she wasn't bothered, as soon as the leaves floated to her head, she quickly shook them off.

"Ning Pei, Ning You, temporarily divide the power into two and hand it over to the two of you."

An ancient and vicissitudes of life sounded, and the two brothers and sisters had their own names, and... the power to divide into two.

Behind Ning Pei, Ning You's eyes were gloomy, and she felt very uncomfortable.

She doesn't want half of the power, she needs all of it, as long as this person is gone, then his power will belong to her, right?

A dark seed took root in her heart, and Ning You, dissatisfied with the status quo, began to unilaterally declare war on Ning Pei, doing many bad things to entrap Ning Pei both openly and secretly.

But in Ning Pei's eyes, everything she did was no different from a child's naughty fights. The young man seemed to have no emotion, and he always looked at her with those empty and heartless eyes. Tired, she finally realized the gap between herself and Ning Pei.

In the face of absolute power suppression, any tricks and tricks are futile.

It's not fair, it's so unfair, everyone jumped out of the egg, why can Ning Pei hang her and beat her?

Later, Ning You finally had the answer to this question in her heart.

If there is a loss, there will be a gain. Although Ning Pei is powerful, this person seems to have no emotions. The whole person is like a pool of stagnant water. She has never seen other expressions on the boy's face.

But for a god who is in charge of the power of the world, feelings are a burden, so Ning Pei is simply a perfect god.

Ruthless, desireless, powerful.

Ning You was unwilling but helpless, but fortunately, she discovered her new ability not long after, which was to control animals.

Among the many beasts, she chose the dark and cold poisonous snake.

On the day when she signed the contract with Silver Snake, she showed her fangs to Ning Pei. It was the first time in her life that she had a tie with Ning Pei. While Ning Pei was severely injured, she also paid a heavy price.

But even with the loss of half of her body, she was warlike in her body, and her warlike blood boiled because of this.

Ning Pei does not seem to be a mountain that cannot be climbed...

Ning You is very stubborn in her bones. She hates sharing it with others. The power to manage the world can belong to Ning Pei or her, but it must not belong to her and Ning Pei.

Everything is the same, Ning Peixiu wants to take away her things, including people.

Waking up from a dream, time returns to the present.

Ning You slowly got up from the ground, looking around with red pupils, the trees were shady, it was true that it was the human world, but watching her gradually realized something was wrong.

Why are the surrounding things so big? No, why is her perspective so short?

Before she had time to think about it, a fishy and sweet smell rose in her throat instantly, and bright red blood slowly overflowed from the corner of her mouth. Ning You wiped her wet nose with her hand, then put it in front of her eyes, and saw that her hand was bright red .

"Tsk, damn Ning Pei."

Ning You silently greeted Ning Pei again in her heart, if this man hadn't stolen her body that she had squeezed so hard, how could she have suffered such serious injuries.

Managers can't enter the small world at will. They have to maintain the rules and be bound by the rules. But there are loopholes to exploit in everything. Just fabricate a body container that is [-]% close to human beings, and then put your soul in this container Inside, so that you can get rid of the shackles of the rules.

But now that container has been stolen by Ning Pei, so she has to use her own body to resist the punishment for violating the rules.

But when she thought that Ning Pei might be in the same situation as her now, Ning You showed a presumptuous and weird smile on her face.

"The taste of being sealed back must be pretty good, Ning Pei?"

After saying this, she fell to the ground and passed out, completely losing consciousness.

"Honey, look here is a little injured girl!"

Some suffer, some enjoy.

On the other side, Su Jiang lay leisurely on the rocking chair and was fed by three people in turn. Before the core of the last lychee was spit out, the next lychee that had been peeled off was handed to her mouth.

Su Jiang: ⊙﹏⊙
"Father, brother, and aunt, Su Jiang is so full."

After the little girl finished speaking, she touched her slightly swollen belly. For some reason, her heart was always up and down.

Noticing the slight frown of his daughter, Long Yi asked softly after peeling the lychees.

"What's the matter, baby, what's wrong?"


As soon as Su Jiang finished speaking, the phone in Long Yi's pocket began to vibrate.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a call from the housekeeper at home. As soon as the call was connected, the housekeeper's anxious voice came from the other end.

"It's not good, my lord!"

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