Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 133 Another Dirty Thing!

"It's not good, my lord, something happened to the boy you brought back. He fell in the garden and vomited blood all over the ground when he was found."

"Send him to the hospital and absolutely not let him die."

Long Yi hung up the phone after saying this coldly.

Su Jiang on the side pricked up her ears, but she didn't hear anything.

dead?Who is going to die?

Su Jiang looked at Long Yi worriedly, no wonder she had been feeling a little uneasy from the very beginning, she never thought that something really happened.

"It's okay baby, it's not a big deal."

After Long Yi finished speaking, he began to peel the apple again, and he really seemed to be fine.

Su Jiang squinted her eyes, why didn't she believe it?

The little girl took a bite of the apple, thinking while chewing, just now she caught a glimpse of the caller ID, it was the housekeeper's phone number, usually the housekeeper only contacted the Dragon King's father for the villa, his father's face just now was enough to show that something happened at home,

Su Jiang swallowed the chewed apple, Ning Pei's pale face this morning appeared in her mind, no accident, he was the one who did the accident, right?
No wonder Father Dragon has this attitude. To him, Ning Pei is probably just a walking intelligence agency, as long as he can provide information alive.

"What a little princess."

Su Yao gently pinched Su Jiang's cheeks like two small pink clouds, and couldn't help laughing and joking.

"Is my brother boasting that Su Jiang is cute?"

Su Jiang raised her small face and showed a sweet smile at Su Yao.

As long as you praise her, they are friends.

"Isn't that true?"

Su Yao's words literally reached Su Jiang's heart.

At this moment, Long Yi's cell phone started to vibrate again, it was the butler's call again.

Long Yi frowned, hesitantly answered the call.

"It's not good, my lord. Doctor Gu said that the child's heart stopped beating."

Hearing this, Long Yi's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Su Jiang on the side noticed her father's cold face, and it seemed that this matter was very difficult to make her Dragon King show such a face.

"Continue to watch and watch him before I come, and don't allow anyone to approach him."

After Long Yi explained this sentence in a cold voice, he hung up the phone. After hanging up the phone, he met his daughter's curious eyes.

Those sparkling eyes seem to be able to talk, as if they are saying, Dad, you must bring Su Jiang.

Long Yi sighed helplessly, his daughter knew how to watch the dishes, and knew that he was reluctant to reject her.

"Aunt Chen, I have something urgent to do here, so let's go first."

"Hey, if Xiaoyi is in a hurry, he will go to his own affairs first. When he has nothing to do, he will often bring the baby over to play. The family should be more lively."

Facing Chen Ying's warm invitation, Long Yi just nodded indifferently, which is considered to be his acceptance.

After leaving Su Yao's house, Long Yi's complexion has not been very good. Looking at the surveillance video on his mobile phone, his eyebrows are almost knotted.

Su Jiang quietly turned her body to the side, wanting to get a closer look.

Just looking at it, I saw the picture of Ning Pei lying in a pool of blood and continuously vomiting blood. Her fist on her leg was clenched tightly, so much blood... Ning Pei won't die, right?

"Honey, did you see Ning Pei this morning?"

Facing Long Yi's question, Su Jiang nodded, and then told what happened in the morning.

"Su Jiang got up and found that Xiaohong was gone. She planned to go to find Xiaohong, but brother Ning Pei came back with a comatose Xiaohong. The second time we met was when he was holding the hat. The walls of the house are still white."

After hearing Su Jiang's vivid metaphor, Long Yi lowered his eyes thoughtfully.

When they arrived at the hospital, they saw Gu Qingcheng standing in the corridor with a face full of doubts about his life. The man looked like the sky had fallen. Seeing Long Yi and the others coming, he rushed over and grabbed Su Jiang's hand Hand, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, said in a trembling voice.

"Hey, there's something dirty again."

Long Yi pushed away Gu Qingcheng's hand holding the little girl, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Gu Qingcheng, speak well."

"I think so too, you don't even know what I've been through!"

When he said this, Gu Qingcheng's voice suddenly became smaller, and he looked like he was pretending to be a ghost.

"Long Yi, I think you'd better invite a reliable Taoist priest. The child you sent over is...he's not human."

When Gu Qingcheng recalled the scene just now, he couldn't help but feel palpitations, it was terrible.

Obviously that child's heartbeat has stopped, and all the data of his body are no different from that of a dead person, but he can still open his eyes and blink like a living person.

There is also drinking water, and more than a little, if Gu Qingcheng didn't stop her, Ning Pei would have drank all the medicine in the medicine bottle.

"So how many people know about this??"

Looking at the closed operating room door in front of him, Long Yi's voice was too calm.

"Not many, the three of them are all trustworthy."

Gu Qingcheng snapped his fingers and replied.

Long Yi nodded, and after understanding the situation, he carried Su Jiang into the operating room. As soon as he entered the operating room, Su Jiang was instantly shocked by the scene in front of him.

The young man was wearing a loose hospital gown and stood by the bed, with a pale face and red eyes, when he looked carefully, there were still traces of wet blood hanging around his mouth.

There are a few broken ropes lying here and there on the ground, needless to say whose masterpiece it is.

Hearing the sound of the door being opened, the little boy turned his head.

His blood eyes just skipped everyone and looked straight at Su Jiang.

Su Jiang met his gaze, and actually saw a trace of grievance in these terrifying blood eyes, which were obviously beast-like eyes, but they seemed to be crying in the next second.

"Wow, why are his eyes still discolored, they were still golden just now."

Gu Qingcheng was terribly frightened by Ning Pei's attack, and the area of ​​psychological shadow increased again.

"Don't be afraid, godfather, haven't you read that kind of Mary Su novel, the protagonist in it is like this, the color of the eyes will change according to the mood."

Su Jiang explained to Gu Qingcheng with a serious face, that professional appearance was just like the real thing.

That's right, she has recently switched from System Wen to Mary Suwen, as the saying goes, the extreme of dirt is trendy.

"Hey, is he so angry now that his eyes are so red, and he really wants to kill someone?"

Gu Qingcheng said with a face full of tears.

"Gu Qingcheng, talk again and get out."

After hearing Long Yi's words, Gu Qingcheng immediately shut his mouth, yes, how could he forget about Long Yi, such a big evil spirit stood in front of him, which monster would dare to make a mistake?

"Su Jiang, I'm so thirsty..."

Ning Pei looked at Su Jiang longingly, the blood in her eyes gradually faded, and she returned to the appearance of that weak little white flower.

But Su Jiang just looked at him indifferently and didn't like him.

"Don't hate..."

Before Ning Pei could finish speaking, there was a shout from the door.

"Shameless, stay away from her!"

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