Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 134 Ning You and Ning Pei

A girl who was also wearing a hospital gown rushed in suddenly, she couldn't help but threw her fist and knocked Ning Pei to the ground.

Everyone present was frightened by the sudden change, and Su Jiang froze in place. She couldn't help wondering if she was hallucinating in her current state of mind. Why did she meet the childhood version of Ning You here?

Ning You... Ning Pei...

Su Jiang's eyes widened slightly, as if she had discovered something extraordinary.


Su Jiang yelled in disbelief. Hearing this familiar address, the girl froze for a moment, and then stopped beating Ning Pei.

No, why did she rush out so impulsively, it's obviously not the time yet, how should she explain to Dahong?
Ning You turned her back to Su Jiang, not daring to turn her head away, but she didn't know that she had already been recognized by others, and now she was acting guilty.

"How can there be patients running around? Are the people in the hospital eating free food, and they can't even look after a child?"

As soon as Gu Qingcheng said this, two men in black uniforms rushed in, and they rushed over to separate Ning Pei and Ning You who were on the ground.

There is no way, because the body is still in a weak stage, the brother and sister are carried like two chicks, one with a blank face, and the other like a kitten with fried fur.

Because Ning You completely referred to her own appearance data when fabricating this body, so now the difference between Ning Pei and her is the difference between long and short hair.

"Bold, how dare you treat me like this?"

Ning You bared her teeth and scolded loudly.

Looking at the cursing little girl in front of her, Su Jiang's eyes were full of disbelief, she was very familiar with this tone, it was the Ning You she knew.

But... now is not the time for them to recognize each other.

Su Jiang forcibly suppressed the doubts and impulses in her heart, and then carefully glanced up at Long Yi's face, for fear that her unusual behavior just now would arouse his suspicion.

"Honey, is this your friend?"

Sure enough, her behavior just now was still too obvious, Long Yi was still suspicious.

"Father, Su Jiang doesn't know her, but she definitely thinks that her face is round, like the grapefruit she eats."

Su Jiang said with a smile, trying to get away with being cute, but she didn't know if her father believed it or not.

Long Yi looked at the two children in the hands of the bodyguard in front of him, he was not blind, he had already noticed the extremely similar looks of Ning Pei and Ning You.

He gradually had his own guesses in his heart.

Brother and sister?
Or the same...species?
"You two know each other?"

Long Yi looked at Ning You, and then glanced at Ning Pei who had an ugly face. This kid seemed relatively honest.

"I know, her name is Ning You, and she is my...sister."

Ning Pei spoke suddenly, and the empty eyes just now seemed to have a little more light.

After hearing her words, Ning You couldn't help rolling her eyes in her heart. Ning Pei's abacus was really rattling. At this time, she was his sister, but she just wanted to use herself to draw in and Su Jiang It's just a relationship, if I'm not wrong, Ning Pei probably won't be seen by Su Jiang at all now, right?
That's right, who would like a cold-blooded and ruthless guy like Ning Pei, besides, now there is a little more cheapness, which is even more annoying.

"Are you both orphans?"

Long Yi continued to ask questions, as if checking household registration.

"Yes, uncle, none of us have parents."

This is the voice of an immature little girl. Compared with Yu Ningpei, Ningyou's attitude towards Long Yi is much better. She knows the importance of this man in Su Jiang's heart.

That was an existence more important than her.

"Sister...then his sister is also the same?"

Gu Qingcheng was terribly frightened from behind, and looked at Ning You in front of him in horror.

After hearing Gu Qingcheng's words, Ning You's face suddenly darkened, and her puzzled eyes fell on Ning Pei, with a hint of surprise in her puzzlement.

How dare he reveal his identity in front of this group of people, is Ning Pei really stupid or does he not care about anything anymore?

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