Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 135 The Battle of the Movie Kings

Chapter 135 The Battle of the Movie Kings
"Long Yi, what are you going to do with these two children? You can't really raise them. Your home is not an orphanage. Besides... these two little guys are that kind of thing."

When it came to the end, Gu Qingcheng deliberately lowered his voice, it could be seen that he was really scared.

"I'll bring Le Cheng back."

Long Yi brushed the hair on the little girl's head in his arms, and said casually.

"Le Cheng, that magic stick?"

Gu Qingcheng frowned as if he could kill a fly, he still remembered the first time he met Le Cheng, the man actually said that he was not lucky.

But what the man said was true, he had never been in love since he was so old.

"You two are temporarily staying at my house, and I will naturally let you go after I get the answer I want."

Long Yi lowered his head and glanced coldly at Ning Pei and Ning You, the words he said were also extremely threatening, and a strong sense of oppression leaked out of his whole body.

Ning Pei and Ning You raised their heads and looked at each other at the same time. Although their relationship was not compatible, after all they had been together for so long, the siblings could still understand each other's thoughts with just one look.

The two of them were brought back home by Long Yi. After returning home, even the old housekeeper who was used to seeing big wind and waves was shocked. Looking at the pair of beautiful twin brothers and sisters in front of him, he hesitated to speak, although he knew it was not him. This servant should take care of it, but for the sake of his cute and cute young lady, he has to put aside his old face.

So he picked a time when Long Yi was working alone, and walked into his office with anxiety.

As soon as he entered the office, he bowed his head and began to complain.

"My lord, no matter how much Miss doesn't meet your requirements, you don't need to get two children back at once, how sad would Miss be if she found out?"

After the butler finished speaking, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped away his tears, as if his young lady had suffered some great grievance.

Long Yi stopped his pen at work, and looked at the butler in front of him with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Really, I see that they are having a good time, and...why doesn't my baby meet my requirements?"


After hearing Long Yi's words, the butler made a suspicious voice.

Seeing the butler like this, Long Yi probably understood what was going on, he was misunderstood.

"Next time, don't let me hear such words. No one can take the place of your lady. Tell other people in the villa that if you don't want to bear the result of having nothing, then keep your mouth shut. The only heir can only be me daughter."

The butler wouldn't make random guesses, it could only be that other people in the manor were spreading rumors.

The relationship between him and his daughter has finally become what it is today, and the little girl is sensitive, so she might be so sad after hearing such words.

At the same time, in Su Jiang's room, the little girl was sitting there with a serious face, her lower lip was bitten blue and white, as if she had encountered some very difficult problem.

Brother and sister Ning Pei stood opposite her, and when they looked up, they saw these two almost identical faces in front of them, Su Jiang couldn't help asking.

"Yuzu, who are you?"

Seeing Su Jiang's eyes full of suspicion and distrust, Ning You's heart tightened.

"I... I am not the same as him, Dahong, don't you still know what kind of person I am?"

While Ning You was explaining, she still didn't forget to leave Ning Pei completely behind. If she wanted to use her, was she dreaming?
"I know, but obviously, you still have a lot of things to hide from me, so I can't fully trust you now."

Su Jiang rubbed her temples with a headache, her tone was helpless.

After hearing Su Jiang's reply, Ning You clenched her fists by her side. Although she had expected this to happen, she still felt a little disappointed.

It's all Ning Pei's fault, otherwise her identity would not have been exposed, Ning You couldn't help but scold Ning Pei again in her heart.

"Then Dahong, I can tell you whatever you want to know. Don't be angry with me, okay?"

Ning You drooped her head, hugged Su Jiang's arm and shook it in a coquettish tone, and at the same time she did not forget to throw a provocative look at Ning Pei over there.

See, this is gender advantage.

"Well, I want to know the relationship between this world and the world before us, and why I came here, and why you also come here?"


Facing Su Jiang's series of questions, Ning You immediately found himself in trouble, and his speech became faltering.

"This world...has nothing to do with our world. How could it be? I don't know why I came here..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Jiang suddenly stretched out her hand to hold Ning You's small face in front of her, and then showed her a bright smile.

"Okay, I know, don't be so nervous."

Looking at Su Jiang's face close at hand, her face was reflected in those clear and bright eyes, a gust of hot air rushed directly to the top of Ning You's head, her cheeks also became hot and red, as if she had forgotten to breathe.

Ning You swallowed nervously, she would be embarrassed to be so close.

Ning Pei, who was on the side, felt indescribable after seeing this scene. Compared with before, he could already feel a lot of emotional fluctuations, but he still couldn't understand the meaning of these emotions.

For example, why is he feeling sour now?

"Su Jiang, I miss you so much, I have a lot to say to you."

Ning You hugged Su Jiang's arm tightly, and continued to act coquettishly in a whiny voice, then raised her head and looked at Ning Pei with a proud face after she finished speaking.

"So those who are irrelevant, please go away."

But Ning Pei didn't have any intention of leaving, as if he didn't understand Ning You's words.

Seeing Ning Pei's lack of self-knowledge, Ning You couldn't hold back, and just gritted her teeth and yelled out.

"Ning Pei, are you going or not?"

Suddenly being yelled at, Ning Pei just blinked inexplicably.

The eyes are so sour, as if something is about to come out of the eyes.

Just like that, under the shocked gazes of Su Jiang and Ning You, he cried, and big teardrops kept pouring out, like a sluice that couldn't be closed.

Feeling the wetness on his face, Ning Pei wiped his face with his hands in a daze, and then raised his hands to his eyes. Only after seeing the tears in his hands did he realize that he was crying.

Gradually, tears filled his vision, he couldn't see clearly what was in front of him, but he still instinctively walked towards Su Jiang.

It is recorded in the book that crying can arouse human pity, so will Su Jiang feel sorry for him when he sees him crying?
"Su Jiang, why do you only remember her and not me?"

The boy was crying with pear blossoms on his face, coupled with this slightly choked tone, Su Jiang felt for a second that she was a scumbag.

But... She really didn't know him before.

"Is it possible that you remember wrongly, we have never met before."

Su Jiang handed a box of tissues to Ning Pei with a helpless tone.

"I'll remember, I have a way..."

Before Ning Pei could finish speaking, there was a burst of crying.

"Woooooo, Dahong, don't you miss me at all?"

Unlike Ning Pei, Ning You's fake crying couldn't squeeze out a few tears at all, she could only keep her mouth curled up and started to choke.

Su Jiang didn't tell if she saw it through, but she was a little hesitant whether she should follow suit and cry at this time?
(End of this chapter)

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