And the uncertain factor of the iron tower, that place that does not belong to this world, can he find it by himself?

Su Yao looked at the closed door over there, or he went to find Uncle Long?

But would Uncle Long believe him?
But rebirth or something, it sounds ridiculous to those who have never experienced it. Everyone will think he is a lunatic, right?
Su Yao is also careless, writing all the emotions in his heart on his face.

What to do, what to do, why am I still so useless after being reborn?
Su Jiang tilted her head, looking at the boy with an indescribable expression.

"Brother, you look very unhappy, can you tell Su Jiang what's wrong?"

Su Yao sighed deeply, then touched the little girl's head, and said helplessly with a numb face.

"Hey, you are still young, so you don't understand."

Su Jiang pursed her lips and stopped asking.

It didn't matter, she could hear everything anyway.

But after a while, she still couldn't help but open her mouth, after all, there was such a big information library in front of her.

"Brother, can you tell Su Jiang a story about her father and mother? Su Jiang doesn't know anything, and they won't tell me."

When Su Jiang asked this question, Su Yao obviously hesitated for a while, but when he saw Su Jiang's starry eyes full of expectations, he finally compromised again.

He stretched out his hand, and then gently pinched the flesh on Su Jiang's face, his thoughts began to drift away.

It is their misfortune to be born in the Su family. The children of the Su family are veritable puppets of the old Patriarch of the Su family. They are pawns marked with value at birth.

His father took a mother with no background, and he was also an extremely mediocre child, so they naturally became discarded pawns.

But the days after being expelled from his hostel were extremely comfortable, he would not be looked down upon by those in the family, and he would not have to read those books he hated every day.

When his sister-in-law was pregnant, he secretly followed his father to see her sister-in-law every day after school.

My sister-in-law's body was getting more and more haggard day by day. Hearing from his father that Uncle Long had disappeared, my sister-in-law was no longer smiling like before, and she was almost blinded by crying.

Everyone said that Uncle Long abandoned Sister-in-law, but he didn't believe that Uncle Long was definitely not that kind of person.

He was looking forward to the child he had never met in his sister-in-law's belly, but at the same time he felt sympathetic. This child might be the only blood of the Su family's generation, and he might have to bear all the "love" of that stinky old man, right?

But the children of Uncle Long and his sister-in-law must be very smart and can definitely shoulder heavy responsibilities.

I just remember that when he finished saying this, his sister-in-law actually looked at him and started to cry. He finally saw the smiling face that he hadn't seen for a long time, but it was a little more bitter than before.

But then, for some reason, the old man of the Su family went crazy and put his sister-in-law under house arrest, completely isolating her from the outside world.

Who would have thought that it would be the last time they met, the sister-in-law committed suicide by jumping off the building, and the child in her stomach was not spared, and his father had a nervous breakdown because he couldn't stand the stimulation.

Everything happened so suddenly, as if all the stars in the sky were shattered at the same time, his life also became bleak.

In order to support the medical expenses needed for his father's treatment, he had to drop out of school and start working part-time, washing dishes, moving bricks, and doing all kinds of dirty work, but he didn't expect to finally enter the entertainment industry with this face.

But now everything is going well. Uncle Long is back, and he is wearing a big vest. His father's condition has also improved, and his sister is safe and well.

But...he didn't seem to do anything, why is the development of things different from the previous life?

Su Yao looked at Su Jiang in front of him with complicated eyes, without saying a word.

And how did this kid survive in the Iron Tower Land?

At this moment, Su Jiang, who happened to be able to read his mind, couldn't help scratching her head, yes, she also wanted to know what was going on.

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