Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 157 Confronting the Lord God

Chapter 157 Confronting the Lord God
In order to have more time alone with Su Yao (cliché), Su Jiang offered to go out with him to buy wontons.

Su Yao agreed without saying a word, and just like that, they walked in front, while Baihu followed them with a hat on, sneaky and upright.

"Brother, do you know what the iron tower is for?"

"Catching children."

Su Yao almost blurted out, and immediately covered his mouth after realizing it.

"Just... just catch disobedient children."

"Look, it's the kind of kid who runs out alone that is the easiest to get caught."

Su Jiang looked in the direction of Su Yao's finger, and saw a familiar figure walking towards them. The young boy was wearing a white sweater, and the hair on his forehead was slightly messy, as if he had grabbed a few handfuls of hair casually before going out.

Yo, isn't this Young Master Shen?

Just when Su Jiang stretched out her hand to say hello, she found something was wrong.

The young boy's eyes were empty, as if he had no focus, and he had walked up to Su Jiang, but he didn't respond at all, as if... as if he had no soul.

Looking at the weird scene in front of her, Su Jiang frowned vigilantly.

"Why are you always so curious? You can live your whole life in peace and stability like this, and you can pretend you don't know anything. It's all like this... None of them make me worry."

Su Yao beside him suddenly spoke, his tone was unfamiliar like never before.

The surrounding noises all disappeared at this moment, as if time had been stopped, Su Jiang frowned and raised her head.

No, big brother, what are you doing again?
"Su Yao" lowered his head, his eyes became hollow, his eyes stared at Su Jiang like a black hole.

Su Jiang remembered a sentence, when you are staring at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.

Facing the change at this moment, Su Jiang did not let go of "Su Yao"'s hand, but increased the strength in his hand, for fear that he would run away.

"You are the mastermind behind the scenes, you are the one who controls those people."

Not a question, but a certainty.

Hearing the little girl's words, "Su Yao" raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"How do you know, I have clearly erased your memory."

Su Jiang hooked her lips, and said jokingly, with a subterranean smile.

"Master Immortal, human beings can think, I have a brain, I am not stupid."

"Su Yao" chuckled, then slowly lowered his head, looking helplessly at the little girl in front of him, as if looking at a naughty child in his own family.

Su Jiang didn't lower her vigilance, and asked sharply.

"Where did you get Ning You and Ning Pei?"

"Su Yao" always had that indifferent look on his face, he squeezed his chin with the other hand, making a look of thinking.

"I don't know. I couldn't control it at the time. I'm afraid they were burned to ashes. Hey, who told them to be disobedient."

At the end, "Su Yao" sighed with some disappointment, and then looked at Su Jiang with a puzzled expression.

"So, you have to be obedient and don't let me down again, my last child."

As soon as "Su Yao" finished speaking, Su Jiang's body trembled, and her limbs instantly became stiff, as if frozen.

The boy slowly withdrew his hand from her small hand, then tapped her forehead with his fingers, and said while tapping.

"You are my chosen child. Although you have a human body, your spiritual power is no less than that of Ning You. Have you ever wondered why you hear the voices of those time travelers? It is because you have a third of the power of a god in your body."

After finishing speaking, I emphasized it again.

"Power, I gave it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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