Su Jiang staggered, and barely stabilized her figure. Just about to turn her head and curse, she found that her back had already turned into a solid concrete wall.


It was a child's voice, and it sounded terrified.

Sensing the dangerous aura, Su Jiang's eyes froze, and she turned her heels to one side, and dodged sideways.

The sound of "bang" is the sound of a hard object hitting the wall, which shows its strength.

In the dim room, Su Jiang heard a few extremely small sobbing sounds, and a few very heavy gasping sounds.

A group of kids?

Su Jiang slowly walked out from the darkest corner, took a closer look, and finally saw the scene in front of her clearly with the faint light.

About a dozen skinny children crowded into the corner on the other side. They leaned on each other and looked at her side with vigilance.

The leader is a boy about eight or nine years old, he is the biggest one among this group of children, holding a small stone in his hand, staring at Su Jiang's side like a wild wolf .

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad person."

Su Jiang walked towards them slowly, trying to make her smile as kind as possible.

"How did you get in?"

Seeing a short girl in front of him, the young man's vigilance has not diminished, he looked at Su Jiang nervously, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Didn't you tell me to come here? One of you asked me to come here, so I came here."

Su Jiang began to talk nonsense in a serious manner. As expected, this place should be some kind of iron tower, and her prophetic dream was indeed correct.

This is not the first time she has seen Nuo Di, in her dream, she has seen Nuo Di at least ten times, there is a child version, a teenager version, a male version, and even a female version.

In the dream, he has silver hair and black eyes that have never changed for thousands of years. He is frivolous and cruel. In his eyes, human beings are like weeds on the roadside.

At first she was very puzzled, why she kept dreaming about this person, but when she saw Nuo Di today, she finally understood that he was waiting for her here.

I hope her father can find out the gem she stuffed into Su Yao's hand at the end, it was the secret code she had agreed with Ji Yu.

Blue, don't act rashly, she is sure.

Conversely, red is game over.

She still doesn't know whether Ji Yu has discovered her identity, after all, his attitude towards her is not like treating a four-year-old child at all.

The little villain's mind was completely unclear, and when he said that this was a novel world, Su Jiang was already shocked.

"Brother Yuming, did the beautiful sister hear my wish and come to save us?"

In the corner, a girl in tattered denim overalls spoke weakly, tears flickering in her eyes.

"Brother, is she an angel who came to save us?"

"Brother Yuming, will someone come to save us?"

A series of childish and subtle voices came and went, Mo Yuming looked at the group of younger brothers and sisters who were looking at him expectantly, and turned his head a little bit unbearably, unable to speak at all.

Looking at this group of weak and helpless children, Su Jiang clenched her fists. Although she had heard about what kind of place this was, she couldn't help being annoyed when she saw it with her own eyes.

But there are more important things for her to come here, even self-protection is a problem, and she must not meddle in her own business under the premise of ensuring her own safety.

After all, there are still people waiting for her outside...

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